Final Fantasy IX
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Final Fantasy IX

User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Storyline Is Good! Final Fantasy Ix Game Will
Storyline is good!
Final Fantasy IX game will be fun for those who likes to play rpg games very much. Download this game and have fun! Well recommend this playstation game, only bad point for me is the graphics, which is expected with an old game like this.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Really Recommend Final Fantasy Ix To Everyone Wi
I really recommend Final Fantasy IX to everyone with a Playstation and it has plenty of secrets to discover so it doesn't get boring quickly.
Although, sometimes you might lose your temper because the time you might have to put into something quite unimportant.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Think This May Be The Best Final Fantasy Game I'
I think this may be the best Final Fantasy game I've ever played. It gave me hours of endless gameplay. The storyline is relatively good for quite an old game. Although Final Fantasy X has better graphics and is more complex, I still say this is the most addictive game and most playable. Even when the game is about finished, there are countless mini-games to do that it seems like you cant end. This is an excellent game. I would definately recommend it.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Final Fantasy 9 Is My Very First Final Fantasy Gam
Final Fantasy 9 is my very first Final Fantasy game and I love it! The characters are well developed, although the storyline is somewhat linear/predictive, but for the time it was released, it's amazing! I wouldn't say that the graphics are terrible, simply because it's a PS One game, and for that matter it is quite good and satisfying.
Anyhow, it's very distinctive by it's charming look, and that's why I like it.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
It Is No Doubt Final Fantasy 9 Is One Of The Best
It is no doubt Final Fantasy 9 is one of the best or the best RPG of all time. The storyline is well thought and very imaginitive. The characters have full personalities making you either falling in love with the charecters or hating them almost instantly.
Although the fighting style can become very tiresome at times but it is worth it after the battle is won.
The monsters are quite cool and so are the main bosses, so are the weapons. Although being a romantic story it is filled with action and suspense making you wanting to know more. (it actually made me cry at one point!!)
But overall it's a game to keep not borrow from a friend!!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
This Final Fantasy 9 Game Is Fun If You Like Rpg A
This Final Fantasy 9 game is fun if you like rpg and it also has fun stuff like cardgames and chocobo adventures the story line goes pretty fast too so if you like fast pasted games then these is the game for you.
Value For Money
This Is A Great Game No Doubt About It And Second
This is a great game no doubt about it and second only to final fantasy V111
The movies are stunning and so is the storyline but it is a bit disapointing that you can't play as beatrix for long and thunder slash that steiner learns almost never hits and when it does it only does about 83 damage.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Final Fantasy 9 Is Possibly The Best Game Ever Mad
Final Fantasy 9 is possibly the best game ever made. Having completed 100% of the game, my immediate reaction was that this game is better than its predecessors, though final fantasy 7 is also a superb game, and only the graphics let down final fantasy 5 and prevent that being my all time favourite game. the experience system is similar to that of final fantasy 4, but the accesibility of the system makes it superior to ff4's. the characters have great depth, and unlocking the secrets feels a great accomplishment. At over 70 hours gameplay, this lasts ages/ the only downer is that even 3 years after its release, it is still the most expensive playstation game available
I don't know what you people are thinking, but Final Fantasy 9 sucks. Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the Final Fantasy games, but I haven't played anything as horrible as FF9. Yeah, the graphics a good, but so what! Graphics do not make a good game. You need a good storyline and playability, etc. If I find a good game I'm not really concerned about the graphics that much. I like the graphics to be awesome, but if the other parts of the game are good I could care less. FF9's story line is alright, I'll give it that. When you consider its playability though, that game is garbage. The items suck. They hardly even heal you enough if you have taken much damage. There are only two people in the game that can use healing magic and it still doesn't help that much. There is only one person that can use attack magic except for Steiner. It is even hard to get money on that game. I guess the abilities you can learn are alright also, but still for you to say that that game is possibly the best, is like blasphemy. I have played a lot of games and this one is excruciating for me to play. There isn't even any attack items to use for the people who don't have magic. The boss battles are kind of tough too. How are you going to win against hard bosses when the items suck that bad and the healing magic. The attack magic is pretty strong, but anyone that has magic their hp sucks as well as their basic stats. I hate to say this stuff about a Final Fantasy game, but it has to be said. I really hate to say this, but Legend of Dragoon is better than this game. I know most of you have probably played it and when I say something like that than this game must be bad. I severely do not recommend this game.
Totally agree wit you mate! FF9 is a great game and one on my favourites of all time!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
It Good And Fun More Stuff To Do Then Ff7 And Ff8
it good and fun more stuff to do then ff7 and ff8
I think it is kind of hard. But you must be freaking crazy if you think it is better than 7 or 8. I know 8 was very easy, but it was still better than 9. It sounds like to me that you haven't even played any of the games. You sound like one of them kind of people that talks about a game they never even played just to sound cool. Well, I don't know, but you shouldn't say things about a game just because you heard it from someone and you are taking their opinion just to be cool.
Too short. Reviewed just for the sake of it.
Its not hard to play at all.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
The Best Game Ever Made Even Against The Future P
I don't know what you people are thinking! You need to read my reply to ed to see how horrible this game is. You people really must not play video games at all. Either you don't play them or you all are just Final Fantasy freaks that won't even pick up another game.
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