Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII

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Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII
4.78 11 user reviews

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Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money




Addiction Level

My Personal Preference Is Final Fantasy Viii Over

My personal preference is Final Fantasy VIII over VII for a couple of reasons:

1. I scratched the 3rd disk on 7 so I never really got to finish the game within a reasonable time.

2. I'm just a bigger fan of 8 as I had it first and played it more often.


Value For Money




Addiction Level

Final Fantasy Viii Is An Excellent Playstation Gam

Final Fantasy VIII is an excellent PlayStation game. It is definitely worth the money, and is an all round great game.

black flaring dragoon

Value For Money




Addiction Level

All In All There's Only One Word To Describe Final

All in all there's only one word to describe Final Fantasy VIII: a Masterpiece. Many people will say that it's not so but let's review what a masterpiece is , shall we? It's something that most people enjoy(humm that's one point for FF8), it's original and nothing ressembles it(well everything is this game is unique, the plot, the gameplay even the characters...). It's or was a blockbuster on the market(well at i-don't-know-how-many-millions-of-copies sold you can't argue..)So there you have it, maybe today it's not the top-knotch video game but fall back 5-6 years and compare it to any video game graphically, gameplay wise or even storyline wise, you'll see!

tim n

This game saved my sanity when I spent 3 months bed ridden after breaking my neck!

No sane person can diss this game. WOW.

Great if you see it about get it!


Value For Money




Addiction Level

Final Fantasy Viii - I Loved This Game. I Beat It

Final Fantasy VIII - I loved this game. I beat it like 20 times, but I haven't played it in a while. The storyline is just breathtaking, a lot of action, and adventure. Great storyline, all the characters are cool, cool and interesting monsters, good weapons, great levels and places to go. Good Gf's. Go and get this game and for the next few days that's all you'll be playing until you beat it.


"Cheesy graphics, except when it's a movie, then it looks real, other than that it's bad."

In all fairness to the Final Fantasy VIII PlayStation game's graphics, at the time of writing this review they were already 5 years behind the times. In 1999, when this game was released the graphics produced in this game were breathtaking. There is no game released prior to this game that can match its graphic sequences (at least not to my knowledge).


As far as FF VIII goes do you feel it was a poor sequel to VII? VIII concentrated too much on providing a "realistic feel" to the characters, instead of using the cartoon feel, like in VII and then IX - which were both, I feel any ways loads better than VIII – perhaps they realised this and reverted back to that look for IX.

Interesting story all the same but it just didn’t have the same addictiveness.

VIII did introduce the cards though, hats off a dead addictive little side game in itself!

Did you mange to get all the cards?


Value For Money


Addiction Level

The Final Fantasy Viii Game Has A Few Gameplay Fla

The Final Fantasy VIII game has a few gameplay flaws, maily the junction system, however despite the 10 hours of your life taken up by that, this game is well worth a play. It will engrose you (you may have to get over the begining) and leave you wanting more. This game requires alkot of time and effort but I guarantee it is worth it.

JonnyBoy 202688

Value For Money


Addiction Level

It Only Took Me 50 Hrs Of My Life To Beat Both Wea

It only took me 50 hrs of my life to beat both weapons,get all the GF's, and beat the game.And I don't know very many people that could say the same.I hope that Squaresoft comes out with a sequal to FFVIII,but the possibilities of thst happening are very slim, because I know many people that said that 8 sucked,but they just don't know what their talking about.(losers)


Hey man! Your out of you damn mind. Final Fantasy 8 did suck. The first thing is the junction system. It makes that game so easy it isn't any fun. Now, I don't like a game that is so freakin' hard that it is annoying, but I do like something that is mildly hard. It isn't any fun when it is so easy to get on level 99 and have all the GFs and to be so strong that you have no competition. With the juction system you can make yourself really strong in stength and in defenses and in just plain strategy. That is cool and all it is just too easy that it isn't fun enough. The storyline is okay, but I still didn't think too much of it. I will give it credit on the graphics though. The graphics are a lot better than on 7. But so far as difficulty it did suck. It is enough competition to make that game good. A good game must have some difficulty, so you will want to keep playing until you have done almost everything. If it is more difficult it makes the game more fun because you actually have to think of how to do this and that and all that stuff. But like I said earlier, a good game is mildy difficult, not so damn hard it seems impossible to beat. Then it is just annoying. Overall I say 8 isn't that bad of a game it just isn't difficult enough or fun, but the rest of the game is okay.

Jack armstrong

Value For Money

It's The Best Game I Have Ever Played Far Out Stri

It's the best game I have ever played far out strips the other in the shops but it is too hard to get upgraded weapons.

The movie clips are amazing like nothing I have ever seen before.


Value For Money


Addiction Level

After Playing Final Fantasy 7, I Thought None Of O

After playing Final Fantasy 7, I thought none of of the other games in this series could live up to it. I was wrong, real wrong. Final Fantasy 8 takes the best of the old and mixes it with the best of the new. Squaresoft definately increased the quality of the graphics as well as the music. With awesome gameplay, great graphics, touching story line, and a powerful musical score, this gameshold be loved by RPG fans everywhere. It's a real treat!


I think that he is right. I loved final fantasy 8 and have bought many things since i completed final fantasy 8. I also didnt think that there would be a game that is better than final fantasy 7 but i was also wrong, I think that the music, graphics, storyline and overall gameplay were unbeatable. the fist time i played i was hooked. any way i give final fantasy an 11\10.


ok, first of all i have no clue which final fantasy your talking about, my guess is final fantasy 10 not 8, 8 is for the PS1 ok? and if your talking about final fantasy 8, the guy isnt the main character in final fantasy eight, in fact HES NOT IN FiNAL FANTASY 8!!!! hes teh main charcter in final fantasy 10 DUH so tidus is the main charcater in FIANL FANTASY 10 rating 1-10 10 being the highest i would say

FF8- 9

FF10-8 1/2


Value For Money


Addiction Level

No Bad Points - This Is The Best Game. Has Anyone

No bad points - this is the best game. Has Anyone Got The PC Game In The World Email Me If Your Gonna Sell It


Value For Money


Addiction Level

I Have Wasted 250 Hours Of My Goddam Life On This

I have wasted 250 hours of my goddam life on this junk. Dont get it, cos you will get hooked and before you know it, you will be 16. oh well, Im off for a skate. see ya!


I know what your talking about FF8 wasted my teenage life too. I was hooked.

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