Move - PlayStation®Move Motion Controller
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Move - PlayStation®Move Motion Controller

User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
All Those Years Ago When Nintendo Released The Wii
All those years ago when Nintendo released the Wii I was one of those suckers that paid a ridicolous amount to someone on ebay for one. I got it home unboxed it and was massively disappointed. It seemed slow, almost non reactive so I gave it my neice and waved it goodbye. All these years later I hear playstation are making there own version of motion controller. I bought one and hoped and prayed that it would be everything I wanted the Wii to be. The playstation Move 100% percent delivered! I remember playing a boxing game on the Wii and after throwing about a thousand punches and nearly having a cardiac arrest I gave up as my on screen avatar only succesfully threw about 10 of my thousand, it just didnt respond at all. I have now played The Fight on the Playstation move and not one of my punches was missed, such is its accuracy. Every single inch of movemant is picked up and brought to life on screen. The controllers are light and comfortable to grip and the battterys last a good few hours before they require a charge, at this point the rest is usually welcome as you do get quite active! More and more games are coming onto the market that require the move and I beleive this peice of kit will be a massuve sucess! Any way I better go its round 2 on the fight lets go ding ding lol.
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