Burnout Paradise
Burnout Paradise

User Reviews
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Its burnout paradise, on a ps4 (not a ps3). Its in 4k and at 60 frames a second. But is it worth its 30 pounds asking price? In a word? Yes.
But its far from the perfect game. Lets kick off with the elephant in the room. Its an old game. It was a good game, but its still an old game. Anyone who played it on ps3 and never went back to it when they got a ps4 is likely to remember the game as being exactly like this newly polished up rendition.Rose tinted glasses have that effect, you remember the graphics/gameplay etc as being better. If you do go and dig out the old ps3 and an original copy (or find it on youtube before the remaster is the only version to show up) you will see the ps4 is vastly better in the graphics camp. Luckily for is, all the old music (love it or hate it) was still in the licence period, so all those tunes are still there, some good, some not so much. Remember that this game was around long before the seminal open world of gta5. As a consequence Burnout paradise was groundbreaking stuff on its release. Personally I preferred the older burnout games as the open world aspect seemed to eventually lose its shine with me back then and I missed those burnout big scene crashes of old, but thats another story altogether.
So whats good about this game in 2018 then? Well, it looks good. Car handling is still like the old game, no simulation here, this is arcadey in the extreme. Somehow it doesnt feel as fast as I remember, but on full boost its moving at a good rate and mild curves become evil corners all too often.
I should add here that I am not on a 4k tv yet. I am still lumbering along on a plasma, mainly because unless you spend the equivalent of the British national debt on a stonkingly good tv then there are always negative aspects with the cheaper alternatives, limited brightness, input lag, ghosting, so for me, I am still in 1080p land. Hopefully not for much longer as tv sets are getting better and cheaper oleds appeal greatly.
I mentioned GTA5, and while its still in my mind (and I havent checked into this), but the 'radio dj" in burnout paradise sounds an awful lot like 'captain Loggins' from gtas los santos rock radio. Not a bad thing.
But back to the game at hand. The grahics move well, no stuttering and sharp as you would expect. That arcade feel is potentially a bit if a downer, made worse by the games complete lack of support for any gaming wheels (you g29 and t300 users can just put that stuff away and get a joypad out instead). I think thats a pretty major downer myself. I was looking forward to ripping around in a car that flip and bounce down the road all too easily, but all with a steering wheel in play, not having that aspect was and is a huge disappointment. If memory serves (and I may be wrong here, if I am I apologise), but I was sure the old burnout paradise supported wheels? Anyway, no use crying, this version (at least on launch day) has no wheel support. Nor does it appear to have any way to change button configurations. Shoulder buttons jump forward or back a music track, amd for me it just doesnt feel right.
Moving on, the game world feels good. Fairly large without being gta size, but even so its a well sized game area and like gta, its all there without any pauses to load new segments of track. Crashes can still be fairly spectacular, with wheels flying off and bodywork crumpling in the way that only burnout did back then. Even now its showing other game devs what a crash should look like (polyphony digital with gran turismo, I am looking right at you here), gt sport resets the car if it flips upside down, and burnouts impressive crashes and rolls at times are a joy to be involved in as the car boinces and crashes off down the road in those moments of 'oops'. It adds something that the more clinical games of today have lost sight of.
Burnout paradise comes with what was effectively a years worth of digital download stuff that the older ps3 title got back in the day. Motorbikes, special cars, toy cars, there are a good few bits over the vanill original disc content.
One truly major plus, and this is surprising considering EA has its fingerprints all over this title, is the complete lack of any loot boxes or micro transactions. It is genuinely a full game in its own right with no hint of additional money grabbing. For the first time in as far back as I can remember, EA are not sat in the wings waiting to charge you more for bits and pieces when they have already been paid for the game. For that I think EA deserve a pat on the back, lets hope this is a shift in EAs stance on microtransactions, more importantly, lets hope they do t do an update that i troduces them. Though if yhey did a revenge/crash I would be there like a shot.
Is this game worth buying though? If you played the original ps3 title then you probably played it until the disc wore out or you gave up on the ps3. Despite the upgrades and dlc, its still burnout paradise as it was. So you may actually come away slightly disappointed and in reality that would be unfair. BP wears its lineage clearly on its sleeve. Its the old game, just polished a lot.
Newcomers to the game will likely be impressed enough with the graphics, and the arcade game play, and it is still a fun game. Races are fast and furious and the map is big enough to feel too big at times. Shortcuts are everywhere, some not so short. Bonuses and things to do are abundant in early gameplay. But I remember all too well that once they were all done the game lost a lot of its appeal. But that is down the road aways, as it stands its a fairly cheap raci g game that gives a lot back to the buyer in its attempts to be all tnings to all players.
That missing star in the rating is because of the lack of wheel support, that omission is a shame that I cannot overlook. All that said, I would still have bought it even knowing the wheels were left out.
Its 30 quid, its a piece of gamings legendary past mome ts and it is a shiny looking thing, for the money, its well worth trying agin, or for newcomers, its an experience of older gameplay with newer graphics.
Now lets hope EA decide to turn out yhe older games as well.
Ps. Its nice to see the criterion name back in a decent game again.
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