Aliens: Colonial Marines (XBox 360)
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Aliens: Colonial Marines (XBox 360)

User Reviews
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Let's Dispell The Myths...
I feel it's about time some of the myths about this game were put to rest. Most of the reviewers were annoyed at this game because it didn't reflect the promo footage shown and the game got pilloried for it, yet these same people say nothing when the screen shots from Rockstar don't reflect the in game action so I'll let you draw your own conclusions on that...
Is the game the greatest playing experience in the universe? No of course not, but it is fun and after all isn't that why we play games in the first place? Is it a great bit of fan service being able to visit the locales from Aliens and fight the ubiquitous xenos. All the weapons & kit make the right noises adding greatly to the atmosphere and the story (with the Stasis Interrupted DLC) goes on to flesh out the story of what happened between Aliens and Alien 3.
OK I'll be the first to admit it does have a few issues, most notably the aliens themselves could do with an AI increase, and there is a too heavy reliance on the Wey-Yu mercs trying to eradicate you. But this game is now going for £5 second hand in Game. I picked up a new collector's edition for £17 from the Game website which gives you a great statuette of an alien attacking a marine in a power loader, a couple of iron on patches, a certificate to show you have passed basic training and are now a fully fledged Colonial Marine and some other gubbins. You also get a few in game items, most notable is Ripley's Pulse Rifle (complete with Flame Thrower).
Basically if you've been put off this game by all the nay sayers, then give it a go, you never know, you could surprise yourself...
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