The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360)
Addiction Level
Value For Money
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360)

User Reviews
Addiction Level
Value For Money
A Great Game!
Skyrim is a great RPG released by Bethesda game studios. It has a lot of content, and I think it is one of the best games ever. And believe me, I've played a lot of them.
Skyrim is has great gameplay, much better than its other Elder Scrolls predecessors. Combat feels less clunky, and moving around feels smoother. You can still be over-encumbered, but when people complain, just think: You are being given a starting weight of 300. Giving most gamers can (in real life) lift about 100kg, this is good.
There is a main questline in the game, involving dragons. I try to make my reviews spoiler free, but most people will progress to this point in an hour or so.
There is also factions, each with their own storyline. You can also do Radiant quests (quests that never stop) which involves a new feature, the radiant AI. These factions are The Companions, The College of Winterhold, The Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. There is also a civil war questline you can get involved in, by going to Windhelm or Solitude. There are some other smaller factions, like the Blades, Greybeards and Bards College.
Other than questlines, there is over 100 side quests and miscellaneous tasks for you to do.
There is also DLC quests, which also have 2 questlines, and factions in the Dawnguard add on.
Skyrim's world is huge. With over 150 primary locations and 200 secondary locations, you will never be bored on Skyrim. These locations range from cities, towns, villages, hamlets, caves, giant camps, dwarven ruins, Nordic dungeons, civil war camps and dragon lairs! Most of these locations have a related quest, whether it is a faction quest, miscellaneous task or a pure dungeon quest. After hundreds of hours playing, only a few locations were plain old caves.
Skyrim is buggy. Very buggy. And whilst it improves on previous Elder Scrolls games, it still is sunk in glitches. Some are minor, like NPCs getting stuck to the ground, but some are major, like a corrupted save. You will waste a lot of time looking at loading screens, as every location, house or interior location you enter or exit, a 30 second long loading screen appears. Why?
Skyrim is a great game, despite all the bugs. The content and quests win me over, and on my a time list it scores 3rd. Not bad.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Skyrim - Great Geeky Game For People With Now Friend
Really good storyline, all the usual suspects are here, dragons, elfs, orcs you name it. Really enjoyable. Time consuming... My girl friend do not approve. But heck I need to feed my inner geek.
The dialogue system could be better. Other than that perfect.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Very Good, Some Slight Flaws
very good game, impressive graphics, Somewhat an improvement from Oblivion, Morrowind was utter rubbish, bad combat system and everything felt very linear, Oblivion not so linear, combat and graphics improved, free-roaming ability and a large open map were good points.
Skyrim compared to Oblivion and Morrowind has taken things up to a new level. I particularly like the variety of enemies you can encounter, however constant forsworn, bandits and wolves do get annoying, HUGE map to explore is great, dragon fighting is still a challenge at high levels.
the skills and perks system is especially good including smithing, alchemy, heavy armour and weapons and the different magic schools are all useful in some way and well thought out.
Skyrim I think needs DLC like Oblivion, I particularly liked Wizard's tower and Deep Scorn Hollow, Bring those things back and you've got soo much more to do in Skyrim.
Overall a very good game and I reccomend it to everyone, takes a little while to get going but once you're above level 15 things start to really get fun and interesting. Also brilliant viewpoints on the map. 5/5
Addiction Level
Value For Money
A Good Game
I have never played Oblivion but have spent hours playing Fallout 3 and some very tortuous hours playing Fallout: New Vegas.
My other half started playing on the Xbox 360 but decided he wanted it on PC so I got the chance to give it a go and see how 'addictive' it really has been hyped up to being.
The beginning of the game is a little slow going and I was itching to get into the game. Whether this was down to having watched the opening about 5 times before as my bf created character after character I cannot say but once the game got going I began to enjoy it.
I've been enjoying learning the skills and crafts and like the little touches regarding levelling up. The only niggle I have so far is the roaming animals that can one shot kill me before I can even think of how to defend myself. it's gotten so bad that I am concentrating on side missions instead of the main storyline as I feel too weak to attempt them without getting crazy angry and turning the machine off.
I'm hoping that in a few levels time I will be able to advance a bit more so will start to enjoy it more than role playing and exploring my surroundings which look great. I've only encountered a few odd glitches, companions teleporting from one area to another and some animals floating away off screen after being killed.
Love the music though. That alone is keeping me going...
Addiction Level
Value For Money
After five long years Bethseda screws up and it shows in this game.
I took an arrow to the knee for even trying this game for 30 hours. Oblivion is better than Skyrim. How do you make a game so glitchy and say lets not fix it we should put it in the market. No new gameplay mechanics in this game. The camera angle is disappointing and I can save my money on an older game and it is better. Nothing is new, but a dragon and after five years of gamers waiting that is pathetic. All I have to finish with is thanks for shooting me with an arrow in the knee.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
The Best In The Series!
This is a wonderful game, it provides a great escape. I enjoy the freedom it provides and the atmosphere. The combat has been improved from the last one, and there is always something to do in each scene! I cant complain about this one, the graphics, density and adventure is always keeping me engaged!
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