Django Unchained

Django Unchained

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Django Unchained

Django Unchained
4.4 5 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

This Has To Be The Most Overrated Film I Have Ever Seen.

For me this film is like Inglourious Basterds, just not as bad. While Inglorious Basterds is the worst film I've ever seen, this film is really poor, but still a lot better than Inglourious Basterds.

First my biggest problem with the film is how they use the N word WAY too much. I know that that was acceptable in that time period, but I personally feel that it was used way too much, especially during the last half of the film.

There are good things about this film though, mostly with the first half of the film. The first half, is a bloody, graphic and sometimes funny little western that I enjoyed a lot, surprisingly. The acting was good and the writing was actually pretty funny, especially for the character of Dr. King Schultz (The German). He was my favorite character. I also really liked the music, for the most part. The old style western sounding music was a welcome touch, though I didn't like that song that sounded like a really bad rap song during the scenes during the winter.

However, the bad things of the film heavily outweigh the good things. Everything starts going downhill the second that Leonardo DiCaprio's character, Mr. Candie, showed up on screen. I know that Leonardo DiCaprio can act and can act really good, like in Inception and Titanic. But I really did not like his performance in this film in the slightest. He seemed way to over the top for me. Then there's Samuel L. Jackson's character, Stephen, which really makes things worse. Again, way to over the top. And as I mentioned before, they use the N word way too much to the point where it gets to be annoying to listen to. Another big problem with the second half of the film is that it slows down suddenly to a boring snails pace. This film was advertised for the most part as a bloody, western shoot-em-up and when it slows down like this, it just leaves you frustrated and bored to death. Though admittedly, the shoot-out at Mr Candie's plantation near the end of the film made up for it because of how bloody and fun it was to watch.

Unfortunately, that doesn't save the film that much. While this film isn't the worst I've ever seen, it is the worst of 2012 I've seen and the most overrated film of that year. I hope Quentin Tarantino steps up his game and starts making better films than this. I'm not a fan of his films but I know that he makes good films or at least parts of good films, because I did like parts of this movie. But this film is not it. Not the worst, but doesn't deserve all the praise it's been getting.


Value For Money

What A Film!

The best film I've seen in a long time. Definately going to purchase this on Blu-Ray!


Value For Money

Superb Film.

Quentin Tarantino has done it again with a superb film. Django Unchained is very entertaining even the shooting scenes were funny. It is not to everyone's taste but I enjoy that type of film. The actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L.Jackson are exceptionally talented individuals and their performances should have been nominated for an Academy award. I rate Django Unchained 10 out of 10. I have absolutely no negative things to say about the film. This film is well worth seeing.


Value For Money


One of Tarantino's finest creations.

Christoph Waltz' performance is absolutely class as ever!

The best western I've ever seen and now I'm eagerly awaiting its release on DVD. I have been to see it twice at the cinema and cant afford any more trips sadly!


Brilliant Epic Western Movie

Django Unchained is a great movie. You should really go to the cinema and check it out!

It has a clever plot which is really gripping. There are on the one hand some kind of brutal scenes and on the other hand some scenes which are very hilarious.

The acting is really good, particularly Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz did a fanatstic job. The latter is nominated for the Oscar for the best supporting actor, which is totally justified.

Great actors had been cast and all the action, drama and storyline were enthralling.

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