Deal Or No Deal
Value For Money
Deal Or No Deal

User Reviews
No Win Show
I think it’s designed to make sure nobody ever wins big it’s tiresome watching day after day and the competitors go away with a pittance
Value For Money
There's No Rules
Just watched a lady win £250.000 then brought box 23 by mistake then she was allowed to keep her winnings box 23 had nothing in it I thought noel had to take your first answer why have rules if you are going to break them
Watched My Last Show
I have watched deal or no deal from the beginning but lately I have found Noel Edmonds silly. He has become rude to the contestants and thus I cannot watch any longer.
I used to record the show so I can skip through most of it and just find out what money has been won, but lately I cannot even be bothered.
All the dressing up and silly jokes have had their day. I have watched my last deal or no deal.
The worst aspect of this game show is the way Noël Edmonds constantly ignores the fact that it is totally a game of chance and promotes the notion of 'lucky numbers' and 'lucky boxes'. It is particularly abhorrent when someone makes the sensible choice to take the money rather then risk going on and they carry on to see what might have happened. If they then have a higher amount at the end he makes out they made the wrong decision and keeps digging it in how much they could have had, or in his words 'a life changing amount'. I am surprised he is allowed to creat the impression that you can influence the game with dreams, predictions and positive thoughts, surely this promotes gambling.
Value For Money
Wate Of Time
suggest you turn the sound off if you must watch it
Heart Attack Waiting
Surprised no one has had a heart attack, Real fixed game, dont need to be psychic to predict a game, especially when Noel starts his Speil. You know it is going to be what he doesnt want it to be or so we are led to beleive. Used to be good and genuine but not any more, I think that it is fixed no one wins anything like they used to, PUSH OF A BUTTON AND INNARDS OF BOX CAN BE CHANGED !!
Value For Money
Audio Visual Diaorrhea
This is TV at it's very worst. Edmonds the most annoying man on TV. Everything about it is garbage. Contestants need a reality check. Please find a room with only myself the banker and edmonds in it. Please do not forget the phone too as I know where to put it
Deal Or No Deal
Deal or no deal is just full of people with sad soft soap stories hoping to win big instead of doing an honest days work. As for the so called pilgrims I thought I was watching CBBCTV. My 3 year old grandson has got more sense. As for Noel Edmonds and the Banker, they should be but in a box each and buried.
wow Three whole days in Prague,what a fantastic HOLIDAY.
who wants 2 weeks or 1 week,this is definately the sort of expensive
HOLIDAY anybody would want.
1/2 a day organising and spent in the airport going and the same coming back so youve got TWO whole days to unwind and relax on your HOLIDAY.
What more could you ask from a HOLIDAY.
Value For Money
To be fair, I used to enjoy the show but to be honest it has gone downhill from here. It's has become sickeningly filled with Noel Edmond's idiotic jokes and digs at the contestants. Particularly in today's show, I could not bare watching Edmond. What is more frustrating is watching Edmond state the obvious and worsen the situation at hand- I could not imagine being a contestant on the show. I would lose my nerve! I hope he gets sacked!
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