Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares

Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares

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Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares

Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
5 2 user reviews

User Reviews


Basic Common Sense, That Is His Approach. I Am Sur

Basic common sense, that is his approach. I am surprised by some of the people out there who think they understand food service, it also scares me.


Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares Is The Program That Re

Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares is the program that really got Gordon Ramsey noticed by a prime time audience. This came along before Hell's Kitchen and is infinitely a better series. Notice how Gordon dropped out of Hell's Kitchen? Well he has stuck with Kitchen Nightmares and I don't blame him - this show is ten times better!!!

This show is superb, Ramsey's role in this is a tough talking troubleshooter who roles into town and sorts out some truly shocking restaurants. The producers have done their homework, not only finding Ramsey some truly disgusting places, but also a fascinating collection of brain deads who run them.

The format is usually the same, we get an overview of the restaurant and the staff, Ramsey samples the cuisine and then returns his verdict in no uncertain terms to the owner and the head chef. This verdict will often contain a record number of expletives and Ramsey is in a league of his own when it comes to delivering viper like putdowns. The criticism is scathing and bruising, but this is all part of Ramsey's motivational technique to get the place back into resembling a restaurant.

He is a real expert in the field, and if he was a management consultant, would have every right to be charging thousands per consultation. What is noticeable is the same problems occuring in many of the restaurants he visits, such as the ready made and tinned food which is both expensive and un-appetising. A lack of pride, laissez faire management, poor hygiene in the kitchen, ugly restaurant decor, inefficent marketing and often just plain ignorance of what is good food. Two of his latest victims both preferred a pot noodle to a Ramsey-made pasta - they got it with both barrells and then some for that faux pas!

The biggest problem tends to be lazy or cowboy chefs and ignorant managers who are out of their depth.

Whats great to see is how Ramsey, in a matter of days, turns it round. Although not always successful in the long-run, Ramsey motivates everyone one from the top down and restores some pride in the restaurants. He will often knock people down in order to build them up - a guy from Yorkshire and self proclaimed 'executive chef' was quickly knocked off his perch in the first episode as was a guy proclaiming to be an 'A1 Chef' (He had that as his number plate - cue Ramsey trying to flog it to Gary Rhodes et al!) in the first episode of the second series. As much as he decimates them though, he then rebuilds their confidence to an appropriate level, taking them out of the comfort zone, and in 90% of cases back to cooking basics - an oversized menu has been part of the problem in virtually every restaurant he visits.

After Ramsey has kicked hide for a few days he then leaves these people to their own devices and returns two months later for an inspection. In some cases, the turnaround has maintained - which is great to see. In others the guys at fault go back to making the same mistakes and the results are inevitable. This weeks episode was especially sad as one poorly run restaurant had gone out of business by the time Gordon returned.

Kitchen Nightmare isn't always a happy ending, but it guaranteed to be a riot and somewhat of an education.


When I first saw Gordon Ramsey I was a little shocked at his language but once I got past that I had to respect his standards and his refusal to lower them in his kitchen.

When I started watching "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares" I was delighted. Here was Ramsey obviously enjoying himself. It was Ramsey as critic, trouble-shooter and coach.

It was clear to see that he really enjoyed trying to teach "chefs" how to cook, how to shop and how to economize. He even showed inept waiters the art of serving food and even, in one case, how to carve a chicken tableside in plain view of the diners (gasp!) drawing on his own experience as a waiter.

It's great to see Gordon Ramsey having fun. My husband and I LOVE this show! I hope it goes on forever...or at least until he loses his passion for good cooking.


Yeah Ramsey is THE MAN. Tough as old boots but very fair as well. I recommend that you watch the first series of Kitchen Nightmares, the episode where he visits 'Bonapartes' Restaurant in Yorkshire is an all time classic! Looking forward to the US Hells Kitchen as well!


Gordon Ramsey is my new hero. What I would give to study with him!

Love, love, love the show(s) he's on.

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