Emmerdale Reviews - itv.com/emmerdale

Emmerdale Reviews - itv.com/emmerdale

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Emmerdale Reviews - itv.com/emmerdale

Emmerdale Reviews - itv.com/emmerdale
2.3 507 user reviews

User Reviews


Used To Be My Favourite Soap. Now Is Just A Load Of Rubbish.

When it was highlighting the dreadful things that happen to people, like Marlons stroke, it was beautifully done. Now it is just taking the Mick out of tragedies. Ruby's abusive father for example, Beth Cordingly was superb but her father, whoever the actor was? absolutely pathetic. Joe coming back, a joke. It seems everybody who dies comes back. When is Frank and Heath and Lisa going to return. Claire King is still the finest actress or actor if you want political ccorrectness. I cannot watch it anymore, it is ridiculous. If ITV is that desperately short of money why not do 3 episodes per week and concentrate on quality. Get rid of the dropouts from drama school who failed. Not all the cast members who started as babies or small children turn into good actors but we still have to suffer watching them turn into pathetic supposedly abused thugs or precocious teenagers.


No Americanisms

Tonight's episode had Angelica telling Tom that she was aware he had "pled" guilty. This is another base Americanism which is unacceptable, Americans are NOT English have a poor command of the English language and are annihilating OUR language. Already on Emmerdale i've heard the "of of", what next "gotten? and other rubbish. The Americans cannot discern their tenses..., no American goes or went home they all "come"home and this is just the tip of the ice berg..., Are we to hear the Emmerdale cast "conversate" with each other? Why on earth is such a base and incorrect nonsense allowed on such a quintessentially English soap? and why allow a foreign country to teach one their own language. Keep our language and let the Americans learn how to speak correctly from the English. Children watch this soap and it makes me wonder what the hell they are learning. Leave our language alone, and sack whoever wrote the base Americanism "pled" into the script.....Shame on you.



Tonight’s episode Sad Jimmy

Pathetic Tom couldn’t look at

Nicola time the end this story line


Powerful Episode With Belle.

Wow...what can I say...last night's episode of Emmerdale was well written, I found it extremely powerful, and instantly connected on a deeper level with belles story...they way the different scenarios played, the way belle was telling charity...I understood where she was coming from...mind confusion, trauma bonded to tom... Well played Emmerdale, well played.


The Last Time

Just tried to watch some of Emmerdale for the last time. The story lines are ridiculous, totally divorced from any sense of reality. Every character is an inconsistent cartoon-like figure, the acting is wooden (you have to sympathise with the actors coping with their dismal lines). Live TV is on the way out, and BBC, ITV etc need to accept it. Their desperation increases inversely with their dwindling audiences. Good riddance!


Couldn’t agree more. Ridiculous story lines, the violence at 7.30 is unforgivable. Do you not realise children and teenagers are soaking all this drivel in.?

Why don’t you go back to 2 nights a week? then you don’t have to come up with such ridiculous story lines.

Unfortunately you dumped some pretty good actors. Now we are watching serious over acting ( Mad Mandy)


Scenes With Piper And Belle

The Piper and Belle scenes can definitely not be classed as entertainment- a long standing fan of Emmerdale normally, I had to turn these episodes off. There’s not much to enjoy in the programme lately, due to so many downbeat episodes.

Flint Westwood

Script Writers Will Never Learn!!

Well sure enough, ‘’psycho’ Tom king is at it again! Now in Friday’s ( 16th August episode ) he was shown ‘allegedly’ running over ‘Bell’s’ little dog Piper to rapidly gain her attention!

I mean, what is it with these annoyingly ‘stupid’ writers who have to resort to animal torture and murder — yes murder’ if the little dog is dead!

Do they not realize that this goes on every day in the real world ( all over the world) by arrogant nasties hurting, maiming, torturing and killing ( should I say ‘ murdering’ their girl friends cats or dogs in any sick way to get back at them after an argument!!

It just gives other ‘saddo’s’ who watch Emmerdale ideas to do the same thing.

Whoever thinks these SICK SO -called storylines up needs to be rapidly removed from their position

There is more than enough animal torture and murder going on right now on our planet without these supposedly intelligent ??? fools adding to it! I say again- GET RID!!!

Flint Westwood

Exactly right!!



I remember it well

Flint Westwood

Just an ‘addendum’ to my above reply. If it confused anyone

for ‘Mash’ get ‘Smash’ was a advert on T.V. for powdered packet potato showing Aliens laughing at humans struggling to peel normal potato’s back in the 1980s. I expect you could still find it on utube??

Have a great day —-F.W.????????


I couldn't agree with you more!!! When he first injected Piper to get Belle to come back I was horrified and complained to Ofcom I thought this would be the end of the horrendous storyline but no they had to go one better. Do the writers not realize there are enough animals abusers that will do something like this to poor animals without giving them ideas.

Flint Westwood

Thank you for your reply to my review. We have already had one serial killer (Meena) in the village not so long ago now we have to put up with a ‘psycho’ animal murderer.

Could I politely suggest to help out these obviously struggling scriptwriters that to tidy up the nonsense, they could have an ‘Alien’ spaceship or similar land in the middle of the village and Emmerdale be taken over by ‘little green people’! Just a thought and then Emmerdale could have it’s name changed to ‘Aliendale’. And to add a little humour the Aliens could run around Shouting—- For Mash - Get Smash!!!????????



Drawn Out Storyline!

The Tom and Belle storyline has dragged on far too long. The producers tell us that they are trying to keep this story as true to life as possible, but they are just trying to keep the viewers hooked. They should be careful that viewing figures don't drop because of this.

Interesting that if someone brakes a bone or gets shot etc, they seem to recover within a couple of weeks. This is not real life. The producers bend reality to suite themselves!


It’s become sickening and what councilling is Lydia supposed to be actually good at she seems as thick as Sam


I agree totally. After Tom ran over the dog last week I decided enough is enough and I'm not going to watch any more. It's gone on way too long and is getting ridiculous.


Who The Hell Is Writing These Ridiculous Storyline

Who the hell is writing these ridiculous storylines.even in this day .someone with Kim's pedigree would never even take in Dawn ,Billy and pathetic Will.In real life would never happen.I have to tape it now so I can fast forward most of it.The Doctors storyline was spoilt. Was rooting for them ,then another ridiculous storyline.Shops, pub,cafe always empty.can't production afford extras.Can't watch Jay and Lauren. With so much going on these days a little but of happiness wouldn't go a miss Can't see it because looks like poor Noah is going to go through it now.What a shame Emmerdale was the only soap at one time worth watching.


Emmerdale, Tom King Must Go

Shocked at the way emeradale is going, nothing good ever happens, it's just cheating murder and abusive tom, please end this story line

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Why doesn’t someone tell Dan, now he has young daughter and baby he can get help from Benefits office.Or do writers of Emmerdale think it is shameful to ask for Benefits.Lots of people have no choice that is why Benefits exist.


Where can I buy Suzies rust bomber jacket on last night episode 2507/2022? I love it.


No Idea at all.


Why is Emmerdale always in the dark? Can hardly see inside the pub or the cafe.


What is the age restriction of Emmerdale?

Can they reduce the violence in Emmerdale?


Why can't Charles testify against Meena as when she confessed to him she was not in the confessional so surely he should not be bound by confessional rules?


I don’t think it matters where they confess, a vicar can’t be compelled to testify as I understand it. What is said to him/her is in confidence and shouldn’t be divulged. He’d be breaking his oath. I may be wrong but this is how I see it

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