Jarvis of St James Champagne
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Value For Money
Jarvis of St James Champagne

User Reviews
The Champagne Cave - Avoid
Gutted to say we were tricked by this guy. He was selling cases of champagne at a luxury boat show in St Katherine’s Dock London. Parted with over £500 and 3 months later, no sign of the champagne. Chased him and eventually he’s gone dark. No response. No champagne. Disappointed that a “luxury boat show” in London didn’t do its homework in letting him exhibit. Please share so others aren’t tricked.
I was sat at the bar when he walked in.. I made sure they knew all about him !
???????? glad to hear they checked him out. Not so glad to hear he’s still trying though!
hes also been vitising the yacht clubs in hamble trying to set up champagne tasing ! luckily they checked him out first!
Same Excuses.
Champagne lovely. I have 10+ bounced cheques and numerous promises none of which have materialised. He is at Earls Courts food fair this weekend. DO NOT PART WITH ANY CASH. Reading other reviews I have had every excuse under the sun.NEVER AGAIN.
Foodies Festival Brighton May 5/6/7 Hove Lawns
Google the champagne cave. A list of events is posted. Keep in touch.
Hi Mrstoatys. I would LOVE to know where to find him
The Champagne Cave
If u want to REALLY find him just look at his diary of shows on the champagne cave website. Very simple and depending on how far you feel the urge to travel you can take your pick. Addresses all over.. he does like to drive....good luck to you...
The Best Champagne Dealer
I recently attended a boat show. I cam across a charming man his champagne was incredible! I ordered 10 cases. They arrived within 48 hours. Fantastic.
He is still out there trading as The Champagne Cave
Jarvis has a list of County Court Judgements as long as your arm. He has been done for theft and fraud. And he a bankrupt.
Jarvis probably posted this himself
Jarvis probably posted this himself
He is now a joint proprietor of The Champagne Cave with a website and on FaceBook doing the same event shows aa before.
Con Man
I can't believe this man is still operating , he took £500 off us at the York food festival in 2010 .
He has just popped up on my Likedin profile so he must be using this site to find more people do not trust this man don't ever give him any money you will never see your goods or money again.
I am contacting the police who delt with him in 2010to make them aware that he is still operating the bare faced cheek of the man
Jarvis is still trading as the Champagne Cave
Value For Money
I Ordered From Him At The Nec British Ski And Boar
I ordered from him at the NEC british Ski and Board Show and paid £262 for 6 bottles. He has now missed 3 delivery dates and makes no attempt to contact you about it. He has now missed 3 deadlines to return my money. I cant believe he still gets in the shows. I would have expected them to have vetted their sellers but obviously not.
His company Jarvis of St James or Premier Champagnes is dissolved according to Companies HOuse and the website address does not work.
I was taken for a ride at the Bath Food show in 2008 is it too late to pass on the details to the police
Tim Jarvis has now been taken to court for fraud - he pleaded not guilty on 23 April at horsham and a trial date will be set.
For anybody who has been conned by this man please get in touch with the police (West Sussex Criminal justice Unit) 01293 583846 to get your complaint added to the list so that this guy can get dealt with as harshly as possible..
My mother was also conned at the NEC during a Festive Fair,he was trading as "Carrot Champagne", she contacted Orchard who manage the shows and they reported surprisingly that the cheque he used to pay for the stand bounced. No vetting of vendors and a group like orchard doesn't insist on BACS/CHAPS payments for stands.
Orchard have reported him to the Police for fraud, Google is full of this type of review about him, seems he travels from Cowes week to the Southampton Boat Show, Nec and beyond, same pitch, same con. Avoid like the plague, I shall keep my eyes open for him at any shows i come across as all traders are normally indexed in the show guide, then we will see if I can get my mothers money back and pass him onto the aurthorities.
Steer Well Clear
I was also taken in by him 3 years ago at Wokingham Food & Drink Festival for £150. Usual story - his shipment involved in collision and needing to go back to supplier and ultimately the stock did not materialise. However, a happy ending. As organiser of Wokingham Festival this year I managed to get him to come back to Wokingham and unfortunately for him he had forgotten that he had taken me in first time around. Between me and a couple of my organisers we boxed his vehicle in and managed to get the money off him before we allowed him to leave. He even had the audacity to ask if I was still going to allow him to have a pitch!!
Do not buy from this man!
I like I like I like!
Value For Money
Con Artist - Do Not Give Him Any Money
I myself have fallen for the charm and been coned report him to trading standards...I have.
Con Man
My husband and I had the missfortune to have met this man at the Essex Food Show where he conned us out of £223. Avoid this man at all costs.
I would like to undestand how we can stop him from trading? I to am owed money a lot! and am furious with myself to trusting him. :-(
I am also waiting to be paid by him and wil name and shame him.... did he mention any other events he is going to?
Avoid At All Costs.
We ordered 6 bottles of champagne from him at a Colchester fair in April 2011. He promised delivery, like he did to most others, within a week, two at the most. After many unanswered calls and text messages from us he made another delivery date, then another, final excuse his daughter was in hospital because she had had a car accident so he couldn't make it again. We called the police in Horsham who spoke to Essex police who are already dealing with him from a previous complaint. we then rang his home number over and over again, in the end someone got sick of it and answered-obviously Tim jarvis wasn't there at that time. We just keptcalling, mobile, home, mobile, home. We left a message with the perosn who answered his home number advising them we had involved the police. We received our delivery three days later....do not trust this man. I can not believe he is able to trade at these places without being vetted by the relevant councils first. We found his home details on 192.com Good luck everyone else.
Value For Money
We Can Also Now Be Added To The List Of People Tak
We can also now be added to the list of people taken in by this man. The address he provided is fictitious. Registered address at Companies House. Anyone been successful in reclaiming their money? OFT and Trading Standards informed once again.
Tim Jarvis has now been taken to court for fraud - he pleaded not guilty on 23 April at Haywards Heath Magistrates Court to a charge of fraud by false representation and as a result a new full trial date will be set.
For anybody who has been conned by this man please get in touch with the police (West Sussex Criminal justice Unit) 01293 583846 [email protected] to get your complaint added to the list so that this guy can get dealt with as harshly as possible..
he did the same to me at the Cartier Polo last year, the same nonsense about FedEx (didn't hold much sway with me as I am a UPS Lawyer!!) broken bottles, stock, France etc.
I got the money back from my credit card company, and contacted the police, who were already investigating him, based on other complaints
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