Asda Butchers Selection Unsmoked Back Bacon
Value For Money
Asda Butchers Selection Unsmoked Back Bacon

User Reviews
Value For Money
Fabulous Bakin' Bacon
I recently stumbled upon a cracking purchase from the Asda on a recent visit to store, ‘Asda Butchers Selection Unsmoked Back Bacon’, a munificent 10 rasher/300g pack for a sensible £2.00 outlay, that’s just £0.20p/rasher! I have observed this product retailing at an inflated fee of £2.18 which of course heaves the per rasher price to a less eye-catching near £0.22p but this scenario can often be rectified with the accompanying 2 for £4.00 promotion.
A general ‘rule of thumb’ I follow regarding putting together a bacon sandwich within the confines of your home is this
1. Choose a purchase price you would be willing to procure a bacon sandwich for (my ceiling is £1.85)
2. Using your preferred web browser, find a Gross Profit Calculator, now enter your ‘upper limit’ into the box ‘SALES’ or ‘SELLING PRICE’ box
3. As most retailers/merchants will endeavour to achieve a 60% Gross Profit Margin on such food items, enter 60 into the Gross Profit Margin: % box, press calculate
This will give us the value of the ‘ingredients’ costs that the retailer is likely to incur assembling the separate components of your bacon sandwich. In this instance the Gross Profit formula advises costs of £0.74p. If you cast your mind back it would seem unlikely that a 3 rasher bacon sandwich at £0.20/rasher is a viable option using this particular brand, so we’ll stick with two rashers.
With £0.34p remaining in our budget, I have confidence we could ‘push the boat out a little’ and opt for a soft floured bap, typically available in the region of £0.17p, perhaps leaving ample funds to facilitate utility and food seasoning costs. To ‘play it safe’ and to accomplish an improved margin two slices of bread should be comfortably sourced for circa £0.10p
I found this bacon (Asda product 3233493), to be of good value, trimmed to a good standard and easy to work with, it really has become a firm family favourite!
Pre-Heat your oven to a mid-temp heat
Cover a baking tray with tin foil
Position the bacon neatly on top of the foil, not to overlap if poss
(add a little oil if preferred, I don’t add seasoning as salt already present)
Place another sheet of foil on top of bacon and press down sealing bacon between foil sheets
Put an additional baking tray on top of upper foil sheet
Place in oven about half way up
Bacon will cook and steam in it’s own juices and not curl up
Check on it after 10-12 min , turn rashers over, recover as before and finish off in oven
For extra crispy bacon/well done simply leave in as long as required
This is a test comment
appreciate the feedback guys, I did find this cooking method to be the one which would score most highly if we undertook a secret ballot.
I do hear what you are saying regarding 'letting the rind' have exposure to a 'naked' heat source. I find that draining any moisture/fluids that have emitted during the midway turn/flip over procedure will encourage the rind to colour and crisp
Wow. You have obviously gone to some effort getting your bacon sarnie procedures just so, but I would have to disagree and say that the key for me, is letting the rind of the bacon get a good sighter of the grill element, thus ensuring that is it crisp. Your technique does solve that age old problem of the curly bacon rasher, and for that I give you kudos my fellow bacon aficionado.
Great review
Great review! Looking forward to trying out that cooking methodology. I normally just bung my bacon in the frying pan.
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