Ainsley Harriott Spicy Lentil Cup Soup
Value For Money
Ainsley Harriott Spicy Lentil Cup Soup

User Reviews
Value For Money
This Was On Special At Asda. At Fifty Pence It Had
This was on special at Asda. At fifty pence it had to be a bargain. How wrong was I? I have never tasted anything like it. It was as if it had been infused with a Brillo-pad. The worst thing I haver ever put in my mouth. My son even said as it was simmering that it smelled like soap. Simply awful food.
Sorry to mislead you, it was curried lentil with chickpea that I tried, not spicey lentil. Apologies.
Absolutely terrible!...the worst cup soup i've ever tried!..if i was him i'd be ashamed to put my name to the product...a 3 year old child could make better soup than that...i won't be buying it again...i'll just put a stock cube in a mug with water..it'll taste alot nicer.
Value For Money
Worst Soup Ever!
tasted like water and tiny pieces of floating vegetables. Very disappointed as I love ainsley and his show.
Value For Money
Yummo Chummo!
I LOVED IT!!! Unfortunately it is no longer sold on our shelves but if it was I would still buy it!!!
I haven't tried any of the other soup products as I was too hooked to let this one go and if you think you're overweight than this soup is for you I think I lost about 15Kg's substituting 2 snacks with this soup a day...good for the digestion when you put a bit of spice into it!
I would eat at school a cup for recess and a cup for lunch I would've had a banana or something as well so it was ery filling and overly satisfying...Does anyone know where I can buyt it...not sure if this is an Australian forum but thats where I am!
Value For Money
Awful. Tried Spicy Lentil, Wonderfully
Tried spicy lentil, wonderfully wild mushroom and hearty leek and potato.
Not a redeeming feature amongst them.
Value For Money
Bought 4 Different Flavours.... Sadley I Too Was D
Bought 4 different flavours.... sadley I too was drawn in by the nice packaging and gourmet look, thinking that the soup would be a notch above the rest.
Keeping things simple, I tried the classique french onion soup, it looked ok when I added water, however I took one sip and threw it away. Absolutely awful, no taste, bland, watery muck.
Ainsley you should be ashamed to put your name on this but then again what top chef would put their name on a cup-a-soup.
Just glad that the other REAL chefs haven't stooped as low as ainsley, oh to make a quick quid here and there... tut tut
Value For Money
Disgusting,made Me Feel Sick
disgusting,made me feel sick
Value For Money
Sold By The Look Of The Packet, But I Thought It W
Sold by the look of the packet, but I thought it was the cardboard I was tasting. went to comment on their website and guess what. Neither website mentioned on the packet work. Ainsley-harriott.com is suspended!!! worst cup of soup ever had.
Value For Money
Horrible Taste. Like Washing Up Liquid/soap. Chuck
Horrible taste. Like washing up liquid/soap. Chucked away the first cup because I thought there were remnants of some strong washing up liquid (we have industrial stuff by the sink). But no, it was the same awful taste the second time round. I don't get it - Ainsley's soups aren't usually that bad. Did I get a sub-standard batch, I wonder?
Value For Money
Scottish Chicken And Leek - I'm Scottish I Have Ne
Scottish chicken and leek - I'm scottish i have never had the misfortune to taste anything so bland...We're not the healthiest nation in the world (high sodium intake etc) however some sort of seasoning would have been nice. Oh it also has the smell of wet dog when combined with water!
Spicy Lentil - does NOT do what it says on the packet, a bland concoction and i wholeheartedly agree with the other comment regarding left over curry.
Now, i have 3 of each of these if anyone has a medical condition involving an extremely sensitive palate (possibly one of the x men?)
On a good note the szechuan soup is pretty nice.
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