Stihl MS 361 Chain Saw
Value For Money
Stihl MS 361 Chain Saw
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Screaming Fast
Not sure how anyone could be disappointed with this saw. Unless it's abused, or the maintenance is ignored, it should last the average wood cutter for a lifetime. This saw has the one of the best power to weight ratios of any saw ever built. Doesn't run well on regular fuel, use 89 octane and it'll scream.
Value For Money
I got this chainsaw and I found it was OK. Kind of overpriced for what I was expecting.
Value For Money
Overpriced Disappointment
was told that a stihl would probable be the last last saw i would have to buy to clean up around my farm.the last saw, a poulan lasted 22 years and i'm 52 and do noot cut firewood or cut timber either. however my 361 has spent more time at the repair shop than in the woods. stihl will not stand behind their saws. i am going to have to buy another saw to trim up with and no oneat stilh gives a damn.
Value For Money
Love The 361, Its A Real Workhorse, Gets Real Heav
love the 361, its a real workhorse, gets real heavy use in the summer and it needs relatively little maintenance. i run an 18" bar and is my favourite for all medium size stuff, for the size and weight it cuts medium/large timber very quickly and i only take out the 660(with 25" bar) if theres two guys cutting or its a large tree. balance with 18" is good but probably also good with 20" and should think that although a little slower it will still be powerful. change the air filter once a year and carry a chain catcher with you. file with 7/32 the first few sharpens and 3/16 towards the end of the chains life. i have had to replace a quick release filler cap once but in 3 years thats ok. one of the best saws ive ever used.
Value For Money
I Bought My 361 Five Years Ago. I Have A Ms260 Al
I bought my 361 five years ago. I have a ms260 also that I purchased in 2002. I purchased the 361 for larger wood and have a 20 inch and 25 inch bar for it. I use the 20 inch bar most frequently. This saw is awesome. I cut almost all hardwoods and large ones at that. You get what you pay for when it comes to chainsaws. I have had zero problems with either saw and cut on average 25-30 cords of wood a year. Maintenance is important on any piece of equipment. As long as you take care of this saw, it will take care of you! My buddy who routinely buys cheaper stuff has cut some firewood with me before. He came into the woods carrying one of those goofy looking poulan wild things...that thing is a piece of junk. After using my stuff we went at lunch time and he bought a ms290 farm boss!
Value For Money
I've Used This Saw For Three Years Now And Let Me
I've used this saw for three years now and let me tell you as long as you keep her sharp she'll destroy anything it touches. This saw is very well balanced and for the money I've had no issues at all. Starts cold or hot. I cut around ten to fifteen cords per year with this saw. I've got two friends who regularly cut with me. One uses a 455rancher Husky, the other an Echo (not sure, but it's the biggest one they make)and they both like mine. The Echo is so heavy and the 455 can't keep up. I've found the MS 361 to be a well rounded saw good for all day use. The only disadvantage is possibly gas consumption. But by then I'm ready for a break anyway!!!
Value For Money
We Use Several Saws In Daily Use (as An Arborist).
We use several saws in daily use (as an Arborist). We have primarly saws from Husqvarna and Stihl, with a few Echo's in the mix.
We run Stihl's from the 200T up to the MS660 (we used to have 2 X MS880's and years ago had an 090 as well) However this is about the smaller end of the lineup.
The MS361 is an excellent saw, and one you can run all day long, every day of the week. Like any saw, they do require some care and maintenance, but nothing beyond what might be expected. These saws are used daily by the whole crew (nine guys), all of whom are professionals. The two most favored saws in the mix are the MS260 and MS361. While personally I prefer the MS361, this is by far my favorite of the mix and if somebody was to buy ONLY one saw, this would be the one I would recommend.
Value For Money
Ive Had 3 Ms361 Saws Now And There Quality Is Top
ive had 3 ms361 saws now and there quality is top notch.i traded one saw for a ms441 but i can tell you that the extr weight isn;t worth the little extra power it puts out unless your line cutting only...
Value For Money
I Run This Saw With 16" & 20", I Really, Really Ra
I run this saw with 16" & 20", I really, really rate it...... Bullet proof & NOT a problem starting it. 4 tugs max, then flick it to the run symbol tug again and there she goes.
Value For Money
Great Saw! Will Last A Lifetime!
great saw! will last a lifetime!
My chain goes too tight very quickly. What could be the problem?