Value For Money

User Reviews
Value For Money
I Have A Munchkin And He Jumps As High As Any Othe
I have a munchkin and he jumps as high as any other cat- maybe he's just competitive against the neighbour's cat or something- but i see them both climbing the roof of the house and the only way up is one high fence that i wouldn't suspect a normal cat of being able to jump anyway- but there you go.
Value For Money
We Purchased A Purebred Munchkin. A Munchkin Occur
We purchased a purebred Munchkin. A munchkin occurs when the gene for dwarfism is dominant, this is a natural genetic occurance (not man made). Ours is a healthy happy cat,however,there is some debate on this breed. After visiting a clean, loving & well kept cattery and doing my research via the net I am convinced that just because they're shorter hardly limits them at all. They have the personality of a perpetual kitten. They are not prone to any back problems (like their canine cousins the dachsands sadly are). Ours is cuddly,fun loving,excellent with the kids, and rediculously cute. Recommendations: if you would like to research the munchkin please start out with the TICA site & you will find reputable breeder links there. Most breeders recommend having he/she spayed or neutered prior to placement and due to their shortness they cannot jump quite as high as their other feline friends so indoors really is safest for them.A reasonable pet price should be between 250.00-450.00. You will not be dissapointed!
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