Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Value For Money
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

User Reviews
Value For Money
Cavalier King Carles Spaniels - Doggie Perfection :-)
Even with all the warnings about the various health problems this breed can have, I'd hankered after a Cav for years and was over the moon when I got one two years ago for my 40th birthday. As I type this my darling girl is snuggled up right next to me, as close as she can get, in fact so close it amazes me that she can still manage to breath sometimes. She's nearly 6 years old and having got her from a breeder, who'd used her as a puppy breeding machine and was finished with her, in my wish to give Poppy a normal home life, I ignored every piece of advice about seeing heart and health checks before buying her, and jumped in knowing full well it could cost me dearly. However, two years on I'm so blessed that not only is she the absolute joy of my life, she's also, so far, fit as a flea.
Yes Cavs can shake the rafters with the vibrations from their snoring and mine in particular has an uncanny ability of finding and rolling in the smelliest thing she can find on our walks, but she'll always come bounding back to me so full of pride and joy to tell me how great she smells, that I can't be annoyed with her for more than 2 seconds.
In returrn for cuddles, feeding and regular rides in the car, (which she absolutely loves), every time she sees me she's beside herself with joy, (even if I've only been gone 5 minutes); when she knows she's going out for a walk she literally bounces and spins out the door with excitement; she seems to love me unconditionally; and having realised I like having my feet and ankles massaged at the end of the day, she does the next best thing she can and gives them a thorough wash instead.
In short this dog breed is absolutely fabulous and I can't ever see myself getting anything other than Cavs
I strongly recommend this breed. I have a King Charles myself. And I just love here. She actually is a miracle puppy. When she was 2 months old she had a heria that cause her lung to collapse. And survived the trauma from the surgery. And that she is back acting like a normal puppy when she is now 5 months and learning new tricks fast. She know how to sit and lay down.
It really makes my heart smile to read all the love you have for your Cavalier. Your both so very lucky to have each other. Cavaliers are little Angels, they have a gift of healing hearts. They are balanced and happy and help to make feel like everything is going to be okay. Because of the gift I saw they had I funded a non profit called Sharing Puppy Love.
Value For Money
My Cavalier Charlie Is Finding It Very Hard To Breath
My cavalier will be 10 year old this Christmas, and over the past few days we have noticed that he is breathing heavily. We took him for a walk today and he only got half way and couldn't walk anymore and was struggling for breath, we had to carry him home, he is usually bouncing when we take him over the park and loves checking out everything but now he doesn't want to do anything, not even getting up to greet us when we come home. He is off his food as well and seems to have lost weight in a matter of days. Does anyone have any answers for me, we are taking him to the vets tomorrow but are desperately worried because he has changed so much and it's so upsetting to see him not being his usual lively self.
Hi there,
I have a 13yrs old Cavalier mixed maltese. She is more a cavalier by nature. In early August, I took Pearl for a walk and same as you, she sat down and couldn't walk, carried her home and took her to the Vet next day. Was given some medication. First few days, she refused to eat except a bit of water and her smacghos, massage her when ever I could. The next 2 to 3 weeks, she was looking better bouncing and greeting us when we come home, took her slow walk to the Park, looking her usual self. Sadly last Friday, 29th August she was coughing badly and looking weak. Next day I took her for my follow up appointment with the Vet, she looks so weak and her gum was white. Sadly I have to put her down as advised by the Vet. It is very very heartbreaking.
Sorry to hear your dogs not well, but he might be having trouble with his heart. Cavaliers are prone to heart problems, and your dog is approaching the life span of this breed; 7 - 12. My Cavalier was put to sleep today age almost 13. He had a host of health problems, including diabetes. I am heartbroken
Value For Money
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
My little Cavalier is a beautiful small lap dog he is the best dog anyone could wish for. They are the kind of dog that don't need a lot of walking and if you want to go on a 10 mile walk they will happily walk with you but if you want to sit in the house all day he will to. Brilliant with kid's.
Value For Money
Fabulous Little Dogs
Was worried about the heart problems but at six years old our female tri colour has no health issues. Apart from injections she has only been to the vets twice, once to be spayed and once with a sore eye after scratching it on a stick. She is the most loving dog, very sociable with humans and other pets. great company, loves a cuddle on the sofa. Would get another one again without hesitation.
She is very eager to please you and was easy to toilet train,.
Value For Money
The Original Lap Dog.
We purchased 2 CKCS a female who is now 9 years old and a male who is 7 years old. There are the most loving companions ever. Very easy to housebreak and very easy to train. I've had many dogs and there were without a doubt the best. Our Charlie died today at age 7 of lymph node cancer and we are struggling though this. Our Nell is doing well but is no where a near as active Charlie used to be, so we will see about her.
I WOULD NOT HESITATE TO BUY ANOTHER MALE KCC. My charlie was my best best friend and he adored me with such loving eyes that I will nevery forget him.
Rosemary Warner
North Carolina
Value For Money
Jasmine My 7yr Old Cavalier
she had a heart murmur ive been in and out of the vets for 2 months she first had bladder stones so she had a operation to remove them an she went in the vets on a drip cos she wasnt eating and had lost lots of weight she came home after 3 days an seemed ok she ate a little but then went back to not eating she had 2 blood tests a scan but they didnt now why she stopped eating then last thursday night she had 2 strokes and cudnt move she lost the use of one side of her body so i took her to the vets straightaway and they said there was nothing they could do and the kindest thing would be to put her to sleep and i just feel cheated cos she had just turned 7
Value For Money
A Wonderful, Friendly And Loyal Companion. Our Cav
A wonderful, friendly and loyal companion. Our Cav is 5 years old and in perfect health, loves walks but also happy to curl up on the sofa. The easiest dog we have had and we will definately get another one.
Value For Money
My Cavalier 'woody' Is Only 5 Years Old And Going
my cavalier 'woody' is only 5 years old and going rapidly downhill due to mitral heart valve disease, he can no longer go on long walks which he loved so much - it so sad to see. Although they are gorgeous, loving dogs their health problems are too many and too serious. I wouldn't get another because its so devastating to me and my family seeing him this way.
Value For Money
I Have A 2.5 Year Old Cavalier King Charles Who's
I Have a 2.5 year old Cavalier King Charles who's just been diagnosed with a heart murmur. Although I know there are gonna be tough times ahead the love and affection he shows is more than worth it. He is the happiest little dog, his tail never stops wagging, and he's so clever and eager to please. He also had a luxating patella that was operated on about a year ago. Its so sad that he's had to go through so much because he really doesnt deserve it! I cant imagine my life without him around, and although he has health problems it definitely wouldnt stop me getting another Cavalier King Charles in the future!
Value For Money
My Boyfriend Loves Cavaliers However I Wasnt A Fan
My boyfriend loves cavaliers however I wasnt a fan. Until we got charlie. He was over weight and had a heart problem but what a sweet kind dog. He has been our little foot warmer for over a year now and hes been great.
Great with kids, other pets and although he snores a great family pet.
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