Patterdale Terrier
Value For Money
Patterdale Terrier

User Reviews
Value For Money
Dog Entertains Himself
We live in New Jersey and these dogs are rare here as pets..we rescued Pawley at 3 months old from a breeder who uses them to hunt rodents on farms and wineries..he is 14 pounds of pure muscle and energy..we were a little afraid of having this breed as a pet based on other reviews of them being over active..he was house trained in no time.he does not destroy any household items...he is not the best walker on a leash as he likes to pull...he loves to play with other dogs and we also have a Jack Russel terrier and the two dogs get along great...he loves to play with a large kids bouncy ball, in fact we bring him to a local park and when he gets going in the park with the ball he draws alot of attention from other people who are entertained by this little dog chasing and bouncing this huge ball off his nose at lightning fast speed....when he is inside the house he will throw small squeeky toys around on his own and catch them....he likes to play frisbee and can even catch it while on the run...i would not reccomend this breed if you live in a apartment or dont have the time to take them out and let them run...our vet has never treated this breed before and was quite intrigued by him
Value For Money
Good Old Lukey
When I was younger my mum bought a Patterdale Terrier. I named him Luke after one of my toys - a black TY called Luke. He was so little when we bought him, you'd never imagine the little power house he'd grow in too. We took Luke to obedience classes, in hind sight a bit too late. There we found out he hated sheep dogs and we were told not to bring him back to the classes. He wasn't at all a nasty dog thought just took a dislike very much like people do.
I must have been about 6 or so when we bought him and as I grew up he'd sleep with me in my bed (under the sheets, as close to you as he could get). He'd pull on the lead when he'd first go out, dig and cover us in sand when we went to the beach, he had loads of energy but he was the most loyal little thing you could have wished for.
He was best trained on his own, he's come to call/whistle if you let him off the lead. He'd sit and bed. He was my dog of a life time. When he died I cried terribly. Even though he was a family pet he always was mine. I would love to buy another one of this breed but I don't think they'd ever compare to Luke. I recommend one, but you must be firm because they have little man syndrome otherwise and like love lots of walks and things to do!
Value For Money
Theo 15 Months
We've had Theo from 11 weeks old, he is a fantastic little dog, he's black and smooth haired with a tiny pin of white on his chest. His brother buster is the same colour wise but rough coat, our friends own him. He only took a few weeks to toilet train, and only ever chewed one thing, the wifes brand new chest of drawers. Off the lead he is always 99% spot on, and the kong ball is key to everything with Theo. His recall has always been spot on from day one. Border terriers seem to hate my patt, never met one yet that likes him. He's pretty good with all dogs, but if one touches his kong ball or sniffs him too much then it doesn't matter how big they are he will win the fight. He's good with kids of all ages, but he is my dog predominantly and does give a warning growl if too many hands fuss him.
One sentence to sum up a patt "small man syndrome" but great fun and full of love.
Value For Money
In The States, In Oklahoma
In the States, in Oklahoma; Patty's are not known. We were very fortunate to find our puppy on line. We adopted her, We thought we were saving her, but she has brought so much love and fun to our lives; We wondered who has saved who? We got her at 5 months old and she has been with us for two months. Our girl, is potty trained, she loves to play in the yard,and long walks in the quarry which is great fun. We named her Rock's Anna. Because she loves to run around the yard with rocks in her mouth. She will drop them on command, then I will get a roll of the eyes. She chases everything from tennis balls to Frisbees, but she has trained me to run after her to retrieve them from her. We have a lot of fun running in the yard. She loves other dogs and will try to befriend any dog, cat, or person. She is the friendliest dog I have ever had, She whines at our two cats , because she wants to play with them and they are not interested and ignore her. Very affectionate and smart, she has learned commands very easily and is such a love. She gives us hugs and kisses. Patty's are very active with loads of energy; not a dog for a couch potatoes. We are working on her walking with the leash not running. I live in town, not sure about her off the leash, because she will chase anything that moves and can't seem to calm her down, at certain times. But I would recommend this dog to family's with or without children.
Value For Money
Amazing In Every Way
We adopted our 1 year old Patterdale from a rescue centre a year ago and can't believe our luck. By far the best behaved, best natured and all round wonderful dog I have ever owned. He loves people of any age, although he is never fussy and always sits politely and waits for them to come to him. He has only barked three times in a year and even then only one bark each time. He loves the sofa and sitting with us to watch TV, but is also enthusiastic enough to walk the lakeland fells and run around in the woods and on the beach. His recall is excellent off lead and we can sit him and walk a whole field away without him moving a muscle until called.He adores his cuddly toys and will occasionaly eat a book whilst we are at work, but generally he is non-destructive. At first he was very snappy with other dogs, but after spending each day with a dog walker and other doggy friends, he is now good at meeting any dogs. He is also good with our two rabbits, in fact he just ignores the. Very un-patterdale like! Now he is training to be a pet therapy dog. What a star. Get the right Patterdale and you really won't regret it.
Value For Money
Hard Work But Worth It
We have had our female patterdale Roxy for almost five years.She was quite hard work at first but you have to persevere with some general training and in the end it pays off.She has settled down nicely and is fairly obedient outside and can be let off the lead in the dog park for a good run and to socialise with other dogs and play.She is so good in the house very obedient and extreemely affectionate,loves everyone she meets humans and dogs alike and lives with our rescue staffy and she is definately the boss!Patterdales are very very good with children and there is nothing more she likes than playing with the kids in the park,however you have to be aware that not everyone wants a dog jumping all over them so use some common sense.I would recommend Patterdales as a family pet but they need a good run and a bit of an adventure every day as do most dogs.
We love her so much and what a character she is almost talks to us and has no trouble at all in her understanding of us.
Dont regret having her one bit and on our way out now for walkies and a rummage in the local wood.
Wee Jakey Boy
Well what can I say! A little hyper bundle of joy who can be a bit hard work at times but is the most loving wee guy. He is very handsome and low maintenance when it comes to grooming. Its great to see him run around the fields as he will chase almost anything that moves so only let off lead in secluded areas! An instant part of the family but loves to chew, rips soft toys to pieces! you really need to forgive him though cause he so damn cute. Can be feisty with other dogs but great with dogs he knows. Need to be firm but fair with the patterdale a real attention seeker but loyal companion. Wee Jakey boy is eight months old and I say he was fairly easy to toilet train, can sit roll over give paw and be recalled with the simple word TREAT.
Value For Money
Fell ( Patterdale) Terriers
A lot of dog in a little package- they do not think or act like a small dog and have hearts like lions.Great with most people but can be wary of strangers initially which makes them a good house dog.I have found them pretty tolerant of other dogs, but they can & will scrap but it is normally ' handbags and 20 paces'with a lot of noise and no real malice.They love graft and we make sure we give our 2 'terrors' at least an hour a day, ideally off the lead where they can mooch about in bushes & briers.They will often chase and kill most creatures with fur & feather so please be aware of this trait.Also please be careful near any setts as even a pet-bred patterdale may follow a fox or badger into a set which could land you in a lot of trouble and also it is unfortunately too easy to lose a dog that gets trapped in an underground maze - thankfully this has never happened to me but a number of friends have had to get their dogs rescued, once involving a JCB and a 36 hour ordeal- don't forget there are probably more foxes in towns & cities now so this isn't just a countryside issue.
My Bella was also an expert escapologist from a very early age and it is not unusual for their wanderlust to take hold so double check all fences,gates, etc as patts and cars do not mix, and your dog attacking next doors cat or prize rabbits may not be conducive to a great relationship with your neighbours.I found walking them regularly and letting them have time off the lead but always under control solves the problem, this is much easier when getting the dog as a pup.
They are as a rule brighter than average, very loyal and can be very loving.I have also found them dirty little blighters and quite hard to housetrain when compared to other breeds.Slape( rough) coated dogs pick up fleas and ticks like a magnet so comb them out regularly and check for ticks as these will make the dogs very unhappy if left unchecked.
They appear to be robust little dogs with few health problems associated with the breed, but always try and buy from a proper dog person and not a puppy pedlar as Patts are becoming very popular and close/bad breeding will ruin the gene pool as it has in so many other breeds(e.g.Staffs)
Like most things in life, you get out what you put in and if you know what you're getting into when you decide that a Patt is for you then you will have no finer companion,that God willing will be with you for a long time - 15 to 18 is not unusual for a fit, well cared for Patt.
Value For Money
Little May
Me and wife where looking for a terrer for a long time . We finally settled on a patterdale she is a verry loveing dog loves other dogs as long as she gets to know them .brilliant with kids she will run round with them all day the best thing we ever done was get are may
Hi i have 2 small children 2 and 5 would you recommend patterdale please?
Value For Money
Lovely Lola
we promised our daughter a puppy for her birthday( like you do) looked on the internet as only wanted a small dog for a already busy home. Found patterdale advertised. when i reseached the breed i was reluctant,but took a chance. so glad i did. They are fantastic. You need to be very dominant,so that they know who is boss. But they cant do enough to please. Lola is very easy to train ( loves and treats). she is only 8 months old and can sit,stay,leave,lie down,fetch,recall,heal and many other basic commands. I would recommand this breed to all people,but beaware a previous review states that they have staff in them. That is not true, a orginal patterdale is a cross with a lakeland terrier and a other breed which cant be traced,hence that is why you cant get a kc registered british patterdale. What a shame because they deserve to be recognised. Patterdales have very original facial features not seen on other breeds,so if it has a staff or other breed head not a patterdale therefore will not have the same temperment.I could carry on praising all night but i wont.
When someone lifts a child or a dog my Patterdale Terrier jumps up and nips them. Why is this?
Is it normal for Patterdales to go white on their backs? My girl is only 10 months old.
I~ have a curly hair male Patterdale who is a year old, and he has bald spots on the back of his neck and on his back bless him and I don't know why. Please could anyone tell me why please? And how to get the hair to grow back? I have had several dogs in my time, but never had this problem. I am completely stumped. Kind Regards.
Bought 2 Patterdale pups. People are telling me there will be a problem ie fighting when left together when older either penned up or at home. Is this true?Â
Hi i dont think its true,its how you bring them up that will define there temperament.
I have a Patterdale pup 11 months old I walk him twice a day after the last walk of the day which is much longer than the first I give him and the other dog I have a wet dog food called Hero from Asda along with bakers dry mix. He was well behaved apart from the puppy antics, he likes to torment the other dog until this last week or so now as the clock approaches 11 o'clock in the night he starts to cry, bark and jump up as if he wants something. I do take him out again but it does not calm him down, there has been no change of routine at all and playing does not seem to help.Â
Can someone please give me some advice on this as Fudge is a very lovable little fella but my partners patience is wearing thin?