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Value For Money

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Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Rats Are Overall The Best Pets You Could Ever Have

Rats are overall the best pets you could ever have.

Unfortunately, rats are very misunderstood in the media and regular lifestyle. It's fascinating to me how such a lovable creature could get such a bad name.

A regular hamster runs for about $20, while a fancy rat in Petsmart is $10 on average. And even in the end, if you think about it, there are a few comparisons to the average small pet:

When frightened, hamsters tend to bite and rabbits scratch. Hamsters are too small for the child hand, and rabbits are too strong, but rats are very gentle, and social to any person.

So next time you're at the pet store, ask yourself... is it those stories of icky sewer rats that's getting you? Because there's your imaginative picture of rats thats getting to you rather than the REAL rat. Probably the best pet of them all.


Value For Money

They Are Cute But People Who Have Never Met Rats A

They are cute but people who have never met rats assume they are all bad but domestic rats are different; they are clean, usually healthy and very loveable.


Value For Money

If You Wish To Buy Your Child A Pet, Don't Go Out

If you wish to buy your child a pet, don't go out and buy a rabbit or a hamster, which can be nasty and bite; buy them a RAT.

They are very friendly, and provided they are handled on a regular basis, they seldom bite. In fact, I've kept many pet rats, and have never once been bitten.

I, at first shivered at the thought of owning a rat. My father bought me one at the age of 10, but my thoughts of sewers and rubbish completely went away. These are adorable pets, and they are ideal for children. They love to be handled and are very tolerant, unlike other rodent pets such as gerbils and hamsters, who prefer to be left alone.

Rats can also be taught basic tricks, such as sitting on your shoulder, responding to it's name and even "fetch". Other rodent pets cannot do this.

However, rats need company and shouldn't be kept alone. They need larger cages than other rodent pets, and they need sturdy, solid toys as they tend to chew a lot. And they do tend to smell, so regular cleaning is a must.

Also, their lifespan is very short, and many of the rats I have had have barely lived past 2 and a half years, as rats are prone to cancers and tumours, and if they are not taken to be put down when such things occur, they die horrible, uncomfortable deaths.

Rats have always been a pleasure to own, and I cannot stress enough how much I recommend them to children over any other pet.


I agree that they are better value for money, are more active and stuff, good review and some interesting info.

Check out the Forums.


Value For Money

I Had 4 Female Rats, And Each Had A Totally Differ

I had 4 female rats, and each had a totally different personality. They all recognise you as their 'mum' and they are happy to spend ages grooming and playing with you.

They are really clean, and they are always awake when you are, as they are so inquisitive they always want to know what is going on!

You can teach them tricks and play games with them, and so far I have managed to convince 10 people that rats make the best pets. Go and get one!


Value For Money

Rats Are Misunderstood Little Creatures.

Rats are misunderstood little creatures.

We have five boy rats and I tell you they are all great little personalities. The four rat brothers who live together are the biggest, friendliest little guys around as they love to come out and sit on your shoulder or go 'investigating' with their favourite human pals. It says something when your fourlegged friends are even pleased to see you in the morning!

With a little time (and some treats, lol) they learn their names very quickly and can be taught tricks too! One of our boys loves to jump and most of them like chasing 'toys' around like a cat.

The only bites we have EVER had are from our newest rescue ratty boy, which is understandable as he was kept all alone in a tank and his previous owner never handled him and kept him in filthy conditions. Still, even he is coming along well and knows his name!

Ratty boys and girls are EXTREMELY social creatures, they prefer to live in SAME SEX pairs or more (they can have up to 12 babies in a litter, you have been warned!) and love to watch their humans from their cages when they aren't out and about with you.

Boys can be a bit ponkier but it's not something offensive and a quick wash with ratty shampoo can sort it out. Their cages do need regular cleaning, but so do any cage-dwelling creatures.

Get a BIG cage for your ratties, they will be much happier if you do. We've spent about 120 pounds all in all for a three story cage but you can get the same cage on the web for about 60 pounds.

To be honest they aren't expensive to keep although you may find yourself spending extra in treats, toys and getting the 'best' for your new found friends, LOL.

To be honest, our rats are absolutly priceless and as long as you take the time to learn your ratties' personalities you will have the best friends you could ever wish for.


www.fancy-rats.co.uk has a wealth of information!

Helen of Troy

Excellent review. Your rats are obviously very happy and well cared for. I am glad to see you mention about the large cage, as too many people keep these little creatures in cages far too small. We had a couple of girl rats and kept them in a huge cage. They need to run around!


A very good review and I totally agree!;)

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