Igloo Energy - www.igloo.energy

Igloo Energy - www.igloo.energy

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Igloo Energy - www.igloo.energy

Igloo Energy - www.igloo.energy
3.67 3 user reviews



Sound Quality


Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

From A Longstanding Igloo Customer Here Are Some F

From a longstanding Igloo customer here are some facts which might help clarify what is going on at Igloo.

You have probably been redirected here after researching the offending telephone number of 01792. This number belongs to Magnum Utilities.

Igloo have a close relationship with Magnum Utilities who fit smart meters. Igloo have supplied Magnum with the personal identifying details of their customers. This has subsequently resulted in Igloo customers being telephoned continuously by an automated system hour after hour, day after day. In this house it has amounted to continual and persistent harassment.

Igloo initially denied any knowledge of the number ringing even though Magnum were using the Igloo name to introduce themselves. When I explained that it had been disclosed on the net as being Igloo they admitted more knowledge and came clean.

Igloo without permission have passed all my private details to Magnum for them to try and get me to sign up to a smart meter. Igloo say this is legal as Magnum are a 3rd party company.

A complaint is outstanding with Igloo, the regulator Ofgem and The Information Commissioner.

Igloo have washed their hands of everything and blame Magnum. What did Igloo expect Magnum to do with a phone number they provided if not to ring it?

The only way to delete my details is for me to contact Magnum and freely give them the details which I am trying to prevent them from having and again misusing. (Yes it does sound like a Monty Python sketch)

It seems all the Igloo customers I know are being affected.

I hope this helps to clarify the situation for some stressed and upset Igloo customers at their whits end.

To those whom I have introduced to Igloo, I sincerely apologise, and to those I had intended to introduce to Igloo I say, You have had a lucky escape. Look elsewhere. I know I am.


Value For Money

Want Good Value

I agree with William1978 that Igloo is possibly the best. I have used five suppliers in the last 15 years or so including two of the big six. All started out with wonderful promises but soon fell flat. I am now paying less to Igloo that I was paying to SSE twelve years ago - incredible but true. Furthermore, if you communicate with them via the internet, they reply within 3 days at the most.


Value For Money

Best Energy Company I've Ever Been With

Very impressed with this company. I was fed up getting ripped off with the usual suspects. I thought the co-op energy were different when they started out, but they ended up being just as bad as the big 6. This energy supplier just 'feels right'. Thank you Igloo. I hope your company explodes in popularity & your ethos sticks.


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