Redfern Eurosteam
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Redfern Eurosteam

User Reviews
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
I purchased a Eurosteam platinum compact about a few years ago at the shopping channel and there’s an issue with the iron and I called the customer care representative, she is rude she doesn’t listen to customers issues cutting peoples off when you are trying to explain the problems .
Not Happy With Iron
I loved my euro steam iron for a while. after a short period of time when I would empty the water from the iron it would be full of grey mater. it looked like small grey shavings of metal. I put my iron aside. If anyone could tell me what is happening I would really love to hear from you. I loved the steam the iron put out. I paid a lot for this iron and would like answers. I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem.
I had the same problem, and I solved it. Start using distilled water instead which has next to no minerals. After a few uses with distilled water, there will be no more gray sediment. Also after I empty the tank, I do not put the screw cap back on until the next use.
Do Not Buy The Eurosteam Next Generation Under Any Circumstances
I would not recommend purchasing the Eurosteam Next Generation Iron Model 6199.
This iron is sold by Refern. I paid $200 plus tax for this iron. I bought it at a Sewing Expo in Ediina, MN. It comes with a one year warranty. According to most of the reviews I have read online it appears that thisabout how long the iron lasts. My iron lasted 18 months.
The Good:
The iron is packaged very well. It comes with water measuringcup so there is no guessing how much water to put in the iron. The iron uses regular tap water. Also included is a instructional CD. Although there are no heat controls on theiron it does not scorch fabric as the ironadjusts to the type of fabric you are pressing. The cord is a very good length. The bottom of the iron has not corroded aftermany uses.
The Bad:
This iron spat horribly when used the first 6 or 7 times.The spots were brown. The iron ruined myvintage sewing ham with all brown stains. The iron still spits water out andleaks quite often, Many times the water is brown and will ruin what is beingpressed. This can be avoided by alwaysusing a pressing cloth.
Eighteen months after purchasing the iron it continually emitssteam. There is NO way to turn steam off. Prior to that there was no steam unless you pressedthe steam button or turned the dial to continually steam. Thatis how the iron is supposed to function. If the iron is left on the waterquickly needs to be replaced because the iron continually steams. Water can be replaced less often if the ironis turned off every time after use and that turned on right before use. It will take some time for the iron to heat up again. This adds extra time to whatever you are doingsuch as sewing projects when you need to occasionally press seams or something else.
Spare parts are availablefor the iron. The 'O' ring for my iron needed to be replaced twice. Fortunately, the iron comes with three replacement 'O' rings. However, if you need to order replacements from the Redfern Website three “O” rings cost$4.99. These are about the size of adime and as slightly thinner than a pony tail elastic ban. The shipping is $11.16.
If the iron is sent for repair expect the repair to cost somewherearound $100 once you pay for parts and shipping to and from the company. No information is provided on their websitehow long a repair is guaranteed,
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Customer Service
Really I was impressed with this iron and loved it. I bought 2, one for a friend. Well one broke and we had to send it in for repair which cost 70. plus shipping and waiting 3 weeks. And a few months later, guess what the other one broke. Really for irons that cost $$250. they should have better service repair and warrantees. These irons don't last, so if you like it, wait a few months until you are facing a timely costly repair.
Service & Support
Value For Money
Do Not Buy! Terrible Product
I bought this iron at a quilt trade show at a price of $200. At first I loved it, but within 18 months it wasn't heating/steaming properly. Even worse, at the same trade show I (before my problems began) I recommended it to a friend, who purchased two, one for their home and one for their quilt club. First hers stop working with a handle too hot to handle, then mine quit heating. We called Redfern, the distributors, and received a very poor customer service reply. My friend sent hers in for repair and upon return it still didn't work. My cost to repair mine (after a little over two years of use) was $60. Any company who wants to keep customers would at least replace the equipment with such a poor service record. I should have looked at these reviews before buying. That is what I would have liked to know. What have others said about this lousy product? I am reporting them to the Better Business Bureau.
Service & Support
Value For Money
Expensive Rip Off
Bought the iron at the state fair for over $200. Worked fine for a couple of years then all of a sudden it started spewing out black water and steam and tiny particles of who knows what. Called the factory, had to leave a message, never got the courtesy of a call back. So much for customer service! For an iron in this price range it should last more than a couple of years.
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
I see all the negative comments on the iron and shake my head. I bought my fist euro steam 12 years ago and recently upgraded to yge next generation just because it holds more water. It's always worked well. I've maintained it. When the handle got hot I changed the o ring. I clean it once or twice a year with white vinegar and water, and it does so much more than any other iron had ever done for me. Absolutely nothing irons faster. And the fact that it never burns? I would never use any other iron ever again. Even if I had to replace it every year. I iron absolutely everything! I even quilt. Euro steam is the best!
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Not Worth The $$$$$
I have had this iron for about 18 months. Several of my friends had bought it at a trade show and they loved it, yikes the price was $200. It worked well at first, then it started to come apart at the plate.It also began to leak! I called the company and they gave me a case # to mail it to them and they would have it fixed! However, after reading all of these reviews, I am rethinking this idea! I will chalk this up to experience! I won't buy this steamer/iron again, way too expensive for length of time that it lasted!
I would encourage you to contact through email the Better Business Bureau. I did.
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Euro Steam Iron
This iron is junk! I purchased it at our state fair for $200. two years ago although I didn't need it at the time. I'm a garment sewer, using the iron for the second time and it is already leaking water. Mine has no temperature control. I have not contacted the company due to other owners experience. The Rowenta steam generator iron has all others beat for performance. I cannot recommend the Euro Steam Iron. What a waste of money!!!
Report it to the Better Business Bureau. It is very simple to do on their web site: www.bbb.org.
Ease of Use
Service & Support
Value For Money
Hot Handle!
My Eurosteam,purchased at a quilt show for over $200, worked well for the first 4 months. Then it began spitting water everywhere. Now the handle is scalding hot and I can feel the heat through a pot holder. I've cleaned it - no chanbge. I would NEVER purchase one again.
When I empty my iron the water has turned black and is gritty. The steam doesn’t affect my clothes. What can I do?
Can you use Distilled water in the Eurosteam Multi?
My Euro Steam 6399 came with extra o rings. My steam button gets very hot. How do I change the o ring?
Why does it take so long to hear back from Redfern either e-mail or phone call? Several calls and an e-mail over the past few weeks and nothing! Is there even a customer service centre?
I found the direction for use confusing. Please could someone let me know whether I should use distilled water or bottled water or filtered water? The lady who demonstrated the use at a show recommended distilled water while one of their customer service representative said tap water. I would like to use what is best for the iron. I also noticed that the water was bluish grey when I emptied the iron the last time. This is about the third time I have used it since I bought it. I used distilled water.
I have had my EuroSteam for about a year and a half. I was following the directions to use tap water. When it started heating up and got so hot I could not touch the handle, I contacted Redfern. Elona responded to my email and she's extremely knowledgeable. She said if you live in California to use distilled water since our water is so hard.
Hope this helps.
I have a Eurosteam Iron, I've had it for about 5 years. I love it. I am having problems with it now as it leaks water. The handle gets to hot and I have to wear a glove, This is the best steam iron I have ever had. I iron all of my wifes work clothes. Also the top handle is loose and falls off. I need help, can anyone advise me?
Contact Elona at Redfern. I had the same problem - after spending big $$ on every iron out there and thought this was going to be my forever iron. I was not maintaining my iron like I was supposed to as specified in the instruction manual. I sent it in and when it was returned it's working perfectly and now I'm following the maintenance program.
The other thing she recommended was using distilled water - even though the manual says not to.
So far, so good. I love the way the iron performs and figured it was worth the effort to get it corrected.
I have read many of the reviews and it seems that they have a great iron for a few months. Have they made any corrections to the issues that many of people are talking about? Have they taken the time to read the complaints? I was going to buy one on QVC but after all of the negativity I will wait to hear the feedback.
Thanks for the time.
I have had a EuroSteam iron for about a year and a half. I started having problems with the handle heating up, but it turns out it was because I didn't follow the instructions in the manual. I'm hoping this will be my forever iron, as I've tried them all. So far am extremely happy with the performance.
I contacted Redfern (distributor) and they had me send it in. The corrections were made from my errors, and now it's humming along. Elona suggested that I use distilled water, in contrast to what the manual says, since I live in California and the water is so hard here.
Good luck. I can honestly now recommend this iron.
I have steam leaking out of the bottom ports. I have tried cleaning the iron but has not helped. Could I get a trouble shooting guide for this Eurosteam evolution iron?
How do I order extra o-rings?
If your iron came from Redfern distributors, contact Elona. She's the best.
Has anyone else had trouble with the iron not making steam? It gets hot but steam won't come out. I've cleaned it but it still won't. Mine feels loose like it is coming apart.