St.Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub

St.Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub

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St.Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub

St.Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub
4.31 17 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Acne Control

It helps in controlling my acne on very good level. Use it 2 times a week for better result.


Value For Money

Works Great

i had just bought it 3 weeks ago and know it clearing my acne


Value For Money

It's Great!

This product is really great for my skin..


Value For Money

Its Okay.

i brought this scrub, as ive got combination skin and my tzone tends to get oily and prone to spots, for a few weeks ive been getting a lot of breakouts and blackheads and whiteheads and because im fair skinned the marks on my face were very visible, i wanted something to prevent spots and blackheads and to take out dead skin, facial scrubs do that, and because st ives claimed ` they prevent blemishes` and it was a scrub i thought it might work for me, ive used this for about a week and a half now but i still get breakouts so it dident help with them,it dident help with my blackheads, but it does leave my face super soft thats why i ratet this a 3 star, but who knows with more regualar use i might see a differece in my spots, i use this twice a day everyday.


Value For Money

Greta For People That Want To Get Rid Of Acne Fast But If U Have Sensitive Skin Be Careful The Beads

omg i love this scrub like you don't even understand. i came across this YouTube video where this girl was talking about this product and how much she loved it so i thought id give it a try. I was at target and thank god they had the last one on stock that day. When i went home i was so excited to try it and about a week after i used it i saw dramatic results. MY blemishes started going away and my redness went down as well. The only defect about this product is that if you stop using it for a day or so it will start coming back which is weird because aren't you supposed to use it 2 or 3 times a week???? but anyways overall great product!!!!!


Value For Money

I Absolutely Love This Scrub>>> I Have Been Using

i absolutely love this scrub>>> i have been using neutrogena for a very long time and i thought it was the best, but after only using st ives (which i bought in superdrug buy one get one free) for only 2days its makes my skin so soft and supple almost glowing especially when u put on face cream... its in my opinion this best scrub i have ever used!!! i use it morning and night.

i would definitely recommend it to anyone... please try it :)


Value For Money



Value For Money

I Brought The St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scr

I brought the St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub after reading reviews from other people and was fed up of having bad skin. I am fifteen and have had bad spots for nearly two years now. I decided to give this a try as nothing else had worked, and I was really suprised! The scrub made my skin really smooth and within about a week I saw the effects it was having on my skin. After I washed the scrub off I also used Boots Tea tree and witch hazel face wipes. The combination of these two products worked really well and I continued this routine every night. Three weeks on and I have no spots and when I do get the occasional one it is tiny. I would reccomend this product to anyone struggling with their skin as this product was perfect for me and by the looks of it many others aswell!


Value For Money

I Have Used St Ives Apricot Blemish Fighting Scrub

I have used St Ives Apricot blemish fighting scrub and wash for a couple of years now and LOVE IT! I've tried other skin care products as well, but always return to this product, I've even got my Boyfriend hooked on it. unfortunately, I'm finding it harder to find the wash at the moment.


Value For Money

St.ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub Is Far Too

St.Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub is far too harsh for face especially for sensitive prone skin - thr apricot granules do long term damage to skin as they are too abrasive and not spherical. However, if your skin can withstand such a product then only use it maximum twice per week.

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