iCandy Apple
Value For Money
iCandy Apple

User Reviews
Value For Money
Mini Kids Warrington - Best Deal On Icandy
I bought the iCandy pram from Mini-Kids and they went out of their way to demonstrate it and show me how to set it up. They also gave me the best deal and will deliver anywhere in the country. I love the pram because it looks classy and trendy and is very hard-wearing. Would definitely recommend it.
Value For Money
Nice, Simple, Multi-purpose And Easy To Use.. Its
Nice, Simple, Multi-purpose and easy to use..
Its great!
Value For Money
Icandy Apple Is The Daddy Of Prams...
I don't understand the hype with the Peach edition. Its so miniature looking that it looks strange rather than cute. I think think the Apple is much more stylish in terms of design and size. I also love that you can change up the hood and footmuffs with bright funky colours. Also, It is not that heavy as others say. The only shame is one tyre was punctured but I guess all Prams with air filled tyres will get that problem. Having said that I think air tyres give a comfier ride for the Baby compared to the hard non air tyres. I absolutely LOVE this Stroller and recommed to anyone please go and see it for yourselves at JL its worth the buck.
Value For Money
Love Icandy And Love My Apple Jogger!
I just wanted to say I LOVE my icandy - I think people only write reviews when they have a problem but never write anything when things are great - so Im taking the time to have my say. I bought my apple jogger for my first child, my daughter Annie May - I didnt really have any help around me at this time, so was in a sea of pushchairs without a clue! I did research on the internet and was more confused after that then I was before going on! So i thought, i know I will go into a shop and I can then get my hands onto some prams and try them out - I tried everything from bugaboo, upperbaby, baby jogger you named it I tried it! I then came across the icandy Apple Jogger and I knew it was the one for me! There were just so many options in one pram - different colours, can upgrade to a double (that wasnt really on my mind at that point but I could always hope!) inflatable wheels. To me this pram was a dream - So i bought it and took it away that day (my due date was a week later, so I have to admit I left it a bit late!) Then my baby girl came into the world, i had her in the carrycot and she was so comfy - now I have her in the seat. In all the time I have used it I have only ever had one problem and that was a puncture in the tyre. I couldnt get to the store as I dont drive and could not get a lift anytime soon, so I called icandy themselves and they sent me an inner tube for the tyre! Great service so thanks to icandy for that. My story has changed I now have a special person in my life (along with Annie May lol) and maybe my hopes of turning it into a double may come true - Im sorry for the long story but it just took me a long time to realise im not the only one on my situation out there. I hope my story helps others with their search for a pushchair!
Value For Money
Poor Quality Construction, Poor Quality Customer Service.
I purchased a black 09 iCandy Apple 3 Wheel jogger pushchair with Maxi Cosi car seat and carrycot from a baby store about 15 miles from me as you can't buy online. I thought this would give me a good interface between seller / manufacturer and myself in the event of a problem. This was wrong. The pram was ok whilst my little girl was small. I used the carrycot and it was very nice. Problems arose after the first year when the front jogger wheel encountered problems. It tipped when going down kerbs and the connection had begun to shore away giving it a substantial amount of wobble. It had difficulty finding its way around the 360 swivel when the front wheel had been lifted, for example going up a kerb etc. Quite often it wouldn't go forwards without me pulling back and easing the swivel wheel to one side or the other. I kept trying to ring the baby store to no avail as they weren't answering their phone. I don't drive so couldn't easily get to the shop. I contacted iCandy who were less than helpful. They said the buck stopped with the retailer not them. I also did not like the lie flat for this chair. Whilst it did have a number of lie flat options it always meant that my daughter's feet were higher than her hips instead of laying legs flat too. It looked uncomfortable and she always liked to lie flat for naps. I wish I had bought something else online. Most online retailers will send a courier to pick something up if it develops a fault etc. iCandy did not want to know despite issues with the retailer not answering their phone. Expensive gimmicky pushchair. Don't bother with it. Replaced with second hand Jane Slalom when daughter was about 18 months old.
I have the same problem with our ICandy apple jogger purchased over 2 yrs ago. From the very beginning we have had issues with the 360 swivel. This results in the wheel effectively jarring and makes the buggy come to a jolt stop! You usually have to manually turn the wheel back to position in order to correct. The basket underneath the buggy has struggled with the weight of a few groceries plus a changing bag. When there is extra weight in the basket, the weight of the basket partially rests on the front wheel. The repeated friction cased by this has resulted in a hole on the basket, and an irritating rubbing/dragging sound while pushing. Furthermore as baby has now grown into a toddler and is naturally heavier, we are also experiencing a substantial amount of wobble. The buggy is now starting to collapse when the wheel jars. I too wish I had purchased another brand.
Value For Money
Icandy Apple Is A Treat
I have found the apple a lot heavier than any other stroller I, or even my friends, have owned previously. This makes it feel very strudy and durable, but on the flip side it isn't the easiest to get push round the supermarket, especially one-handedly with a todler! On the whole, I haven't minded the weight though, it's been a great choice for us as we enjoy long walks and so have subjected it to rough terrains often! The tires can be prone to puncturing but general upkeep was expected and explained to us when we bought it.
The only main issue I find with its size is that it is quite bulky in my car boot and have had to remove the wheels to do so, in addition to placing the carrycot on the back seat. But this is a lot to do with the small size of my car - needless to say, in my OH Toyota RAV, we have no problems with its size lol.
My LO is nearing 5 months old and still in his carrycot which during these winter months has given him a lot of comfort and protection! Next step is for the seat unit and I am looking forward to him sat up and facing me.
In terms of
I think the apple is very versatile - the seat unit can be both rear and forward facing and most important it is robust. It's so stylish and well designed, nicely padded and the seat has a footrest. It has an adjustable handlebar meaning it's flexible for all heights (from my 5'2" mother to my 6'1" OH). It's very straightforward to change from pushchair to carrycot to car seat (car seat requires separate adapters though) and also we have the option to convert it into a double pushchair so it can grow with the family!
All in all, this has been a great service to my family and more than anything, the amount of compliments I have received out and about on how stylish it is have made it all worth it lol! I would recommend.
Value For Money
I Have Had My Apple For Almost A Year Now And Am S
I have had my apple for almost a year now and am still extremly happy with it. I am currently 7 months pregnant with my second, and looking into buying the pear converter to turn it into a double. Thought I'd have my say and I fear the apple isn't being wholly appreciated in the way it should!
There is a knack to collapsing the apple, and it is quite a heavy chassis. The grandparents really cant get to grips with the design, but for my personal use I've had no qualms whatsoever. It has a fantastic shopping basket, durable and suitable for country walks and rough terrain, fits through single doors a treat and folds neatly into the boot of our polo. Furthermore, I've had no end of compliments and comments on how comfortable our baby Joseph looks in it!
In general I'd say it requires care and upkeep like most things in life. The foam has split but has been easily replaced by the store - a lesson learned to keep an eye on teething children. Also, if it sticks I was advised silicon spray is the best, mess-free method of getting it folding smoothly once again.
I have no regrets in investing in an apple, particularly now I can continue to use it with the new comer in future (as well as have a play around with colours/flavours). Pricey, but worth it.
Value For Money
I Bought An Apple Which Initially Was Great Until
I bought an apple which initially was great until our son grew, then it all went wrong, my friends always laughed as they knew I was coming before turning the corner the chassis would squeak so loudly. It sounded cheap and became difficult to control.
I decided to buy a mountain buggy urban after lots of research, my son who is very tall for his age still loves it and takes lots of bribes to get him out.
Best advise borrow a mates child who is 10 + months old then go pram shopping, before parting with lots of hard earned money.
Value For Money
I Saw The Icandy In John Lewis When My 3rd Daughte
I saw the icandy in john lewis when my 3rd daughter was a cpl month old but could not afford one, I then went onto ebay and bought a 2nd hand apple i loved it, I fell pregnant again and decided to upgrade i sold my apple and got a pear, only thing with pear is getting it on a bus, it took up space for 2 pushchairs, i did not like thatyou could only have facing away or towards , would of been better had it had where seats could face toward eachother or away, i have sold the pip frame yellow seat and carrycot, i still use my i candy with pear front wheels and blue upper seat. i find it easier to push with the pear wheels th the apple double jogger wheel.
i would recommend i candy apple/ pear to anyone
Value For Money
I Bought An Apple Icandy For My 3 Month Old And Ha
I bought an Apple icandy for my 3 month old and have never looked back. It is so much easier to push, turn around in shops and is NOT heavy as some people say! It's light, roomy and stylish.
It's easy to take apart and fold up in the car. We also have turned the seat round so that the baby can face us and face forward.
Some people say they would not recommend it, but then use it again for their second child!! Says it all really!!
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