Silver Cross Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller

Silver Cross Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller

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Silver Cross Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller

Silver Cross Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller
5 7 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Silver Cross Coach Built Prams

how fantastic that the silver cross coach built pram , is enjoying a surge of popularity ! i had a beatifull coach built pram , which was used for all thre of my children , although it was decked out with brand new hood , apron and tyres in readyness for number three , and looked as beautifull as the first time it was used . i walked for miles with this stunning pram with baby comfy inside toddler on pram seat , and the shopping on the tray under neath ! once weekly i used to travel by train , and the train guard helped to get the big pram into the luggage dept , were you stayed with pram baby and toddler until your stop , when the guard helped you off the train . there was a small charge for the pram . every friday the pram would be cleaned , and oiled , and checked for any wear , and polished up and wheels scrubbed , and a sense of pride prevailed when looking at this marvellous sturdy piece of craftmanship . eventually the pram became outgrown , and my 3 year old refused to go in it any more . regretfully the pram had to be sold , and it was quickly snapped up by an eager mum to be , and so it went on to serve another family , and probably a good few more after that . oh i was so sad to see the pram go and felt bereft , because it signalled the end of baby days as well . years later grandson number one arrived , and my gift for him ? a beautifull silver cross marlborough pram , which i pushed with pride , and feelings of nostalgia also .


Value For Money

The Carriage Built Pram

Having been brought up in the 50s/60s it's great to see these wonderful prams having a come back. As teenagers we used to ask our neighbours if we could take their babies for a stroll. Out we would wheel the babies in these magnificent prams which were so easy to wheel and had great suspension. We loved the smart roomy bag at the front for carrying accessories. On warm days the prams were resplendent with silk sun shade which actually did the job they were intended for....protecting baby from the sun. Once fixed easily into place there was no adjusting to be made. The prams came in an array of green, burgundy, cream and brown and of course navy! The carriage pram was a style statement even then and the choice of most families being used for all off spring in turn.

They simply oozed quality and perhaps most importantly the babe inside was guaranteed to be having a safe and comfortable ride.

JoAnn Hudson

Value For Money

As A Child I Was Given A Silver Cross Pram For My

As a child I was given a silver cross pram for my 2nd birthday and still have this pram to this day - both my girls have played with it and it's still going strong! My parents bought my Balmoral pram for me when I had my first daughter - British Racing Green what a beauty! I have used it for both my girls and would highly recommend this pram to anyone. The girls were both in the pram until they were three and I still remember the wonderful comments I would receive when out walking or shopping in the local town. All the hours sitting cleaning the chrome wheels while the girls slept were well worth it!! My pram is now stored at my parents house waiting for my grandchildren to arrive and my dolls pram is currently being used by my youngest daughter who regularly tells me that she "adores its"!! Nothing gives me more pride than seeing the dolls pram my nanna bought me, being loved once again.


Value For Money

Total Luxury, If I Could Have Climbed In I Would!

Total luxury, if I could have climbed in I would! The bouncy suspension helps baby sleep when you're sitting having coffee, and the attention you get when out is remarkable. My daughter is 2 and still loves it, she is so high up compared to all the other babies in there prams, she thinks she is the king of the castle and still has plenty room. If your deciding on whether to go for the Silver Cross Balmoral Pram or the kensington, then you will regret not stretching that little bit further on this, rich or not, you will look it pushing this baby!!

A pleasure 2 push!


Value For Money

The Silver Cross Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller I

The Silver Cross Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller is beautiful, comfort for baby, easy to push, can use a toddler seat with it, makes you want to go for a walk, the list goes on and on. As a young girl I always said I'd have on of these when I was a mummy. When that time came I was not disapointed. This pram is better than I ever dreamed it would be. If you have the space I would highly recommend this pram. It's easy to push with one hand, this is particulary helpful if you've another childs hand to hold. It is also good off road. I used this for my son to have his daytime naps and he always slept well. He also slept in it sometimes at night, he had reflux and I was able to easily prop him up in the pram whilst he slept. I have to walk along a main road to get down town, with my son up high I felt he was much safer and I didn't have to worry about stones possibly hitting him from car wheels. He also didn't have to be down beside smelly exhausts. I was able to use this pram until my son was 18months, by this age he had great fun making it bounce by himself. As I said I could just go on and on. I just need another baby to make good use of it again. You never want to give it up even when your child has outgrown it!!


Value For Money

I Had One Of These Silver Cross Balmoral Prams And

I had one of these Silver Cross Balmoral prams and really wished I kept mine because even though I drive I would still have used mine as it did keep me in shape because I would walk everywhere I am thinking of buying another one pretty soon. If I was to buy a pram I would choose this one because a baby will get a lot of wear out of it and it always looks nice and is very light to push.


Value For Money

I Got This Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller From Ba

I got this Balmoral Pram Carriage Stroller from at just over 200 quid and me and the misses look the biz now when we go to the park. So what it was pricey because it is a Silver Cross, the retro look is a must.

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