IFA Auto Car Insurance www.ifaauto.com

IFA Auto Car Insurance www.ifaauto.com

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IFA Auto Car Insurance www.ifaauto.com

IFA Auto Car Insurance www.ifaauto.com
1.84 29 user reviews

Customer Service


Value For Money

User Reviews


Customer Service


Value For Money

Highway Robbery!

IFA is a poor quality insurance company. They treat clients and PI claim victims like poor second class citizens. I was injured in a hit and run car accident by one of their clients. Looking to be fairly compensated for my injuries (nothing major nor long term), my pain and suffering was based upon how many trips I made to the doctors/hospital---with absolutely no exceptions. As if I left the ER healed and completely pain free! For those who were injured or cheated by IFA, (client or injured party) file a complaint with your State Insurance Administration. It's free. Their goal is to make sure Insurance companies are not abusing the public and acting in good faith.


Some Signs Of Bad Faith Insurance Claims Settlement Practices


The following are some examples and indicators of bad faith insurance claims settlement practices and a few of the signs that may be indicative to make you aware that you are or may be dealing with a bad faith insurer. The following have been identified and compiled as some of the potential signs of bad faith insurance claim settlement practices. These signs are not meant to be offered as legal advice nor should be construed as legal advice. FBIC is a consumer advocacy as well as an educational non-commercial media that specializes in identifying and ranking good and bad insurers based on their good faith and bad faith insurance claims settlement practices. FBIC is neither a court of law nor legal counsel, so accordingly nothing indicated herein should be taken or construed as legal advice. In order to establish whether an insurer is in violation of "Bad Faith" insurance laws, "Unfair or Deceptive Insurance Claim Practices" laws and/or is not acting in good faith, must be decided and is determinable only by a court of law according to the specifics of the case, the court's applicable interpretation of statutes and case laws which may vary by state.

1. An insurer may be acting in bad faith if the insurer delays, discounts or denies payment without a reasonable basis for its delay, discounting or denial.

2. Failure of insurer to acknowledge and reply promptly upon notification of a covered claim.

3. Failure of Insurer to pay a covered claim as a result of failing to do a proper, prompt and thorough investigation as to reasonable liability and damages based upon all available information.

4. Failure of insurer to affirm or deny coverage of claims within a reasonable time upon receipt of claim and/or proofs of loss.

5. Failure to offer or attempt to effectuate prompt, fair and reasonable evaluation of damages and equitable settlements of claims to insured within a reasonable time where liability is reasonably clear.

6. Insurer attempts to settle a claim for less than the amount to which a reasonable person would have believed was entitled or attempts to substantially diminish a claim requiring an insured to initiate litigation.

7. Attempting to settle claims on the basis of an application and/or policy which was altered without notice, knowledge or consent of the Insured.

8. Making payment(s) for claims without accompanying statement indicating the coverage for which payment(s) are being made.

9. Insurer failure to make known any arbitration award appeals policy in an attempt to settle a claim for less than the arbitration amount awarded.

10. Insurer requiring claimant or physician to submit both a preliminary claim report and formal proof of loss forms which contain substantially the same information.

11. Failure of insurer to promptly settle claims, where liability and coverage is reasonably clear under one portion of the insurance policy in order to influence settlements of coverage for another portion(s) of the policy.

12. Failure of insurer to promptly provide reasonable explanation and basis when denying or making a compromise offer of claim settlement.

13. Failure of insurer, when making a cash payout to settle a first party auto insured claim, to pay the same amount which the insurer would pay if repairs were made.

14. Requesting over burdensome documentation demands not required by the policy.

15. Reference or focusing on recovering on the uninsured portion of the loss.

16. Using illegal and fraudulent investigative methods and procedures.

17. Using harassing, intrusive or demeaning investigative methods and procedures which victimize the insured.

18. Failure of an insurer to settle a claim directly, when and where settlement is required, and instead requiring the insured to pursue a claim against another party first before offering settlement.

19. Failure of Insurer to make full and satisfactory payment of a first party claim prior to requiring settlement or exhausting the limits of a third-party insurer (i.e. in uninsured motorist cases).

20. Failure of Insurer to unreasonably refuse to waive subrogation thus hindering or preventing a claimant from reaching settlement with the party at fault (i.e. in uninsured motorist cases).

21. Unjustified contention and/or "lowballing" regarding the value of a loss.

22. Intentionally withhold, misinterpret or misconstrue claims information and/or failure to not inform insured of provisions and covered benefits under the policy pertinent to a claim.

23. Attempts to use indiscriminate measures, reference and/or procedures that diminish or reduce the top line amount or value representing full payment of the claim.

24. Intentional or irresponsible non-disclosure and withholding of information, misinterpretation of file documents and/or policy provisions, that would be in favor of the claimant.

25. Unsubstantiated and unwarranted accusations of arson.

26. Wrongful threats not to pay claims.

27. Utilization and/or development of deceptive insurer schemes or use of outside company services set up or conducted to carry out the same false pretense schemes (i.e. "Independent Medical Examiner Paper Reviews") for the purpose to be able to wrongfully deny or reduce payment of claims.

28. Insurer advice to claimant not to hire a lawyer.

29. Treatment of insureds represented by attorneys as insurer adversaries.

30. Treatment of insureds and claimants as adversaries.

31. Significant increase in amount of premium as a result of making a claim where insured was not at fault and in conflict with industry standards.

32. Cancellation of a policy as a result of making a claim or result of an accident where insured was not at fault and in conflict with industry standards.

33. Failure to live up to, conform or comply to industry standards.

34. Using inaccurate or wrongful information of a factual or legal nature to diminish, deny or delay payment of a claim.

35. Not being forthcoming with facts regarding coverage to deny, delay or reduce the amount of the claim.

36. Using extreme undue persecution, wrongful and victimizing tactics and actions, meant to crush, threaten, thwart, intimidate, oppress, in order to scare away and get the claimant not to make or pursue a claim.

37. Failure to convey to insureds settlement offers and demands of adversaries in accident and liability cases.

38. Changing or altering policy coverage without informing or receiving the consent of insured.

39. Representation by an insurer that an investigation "of fact" is taking place, knowing that no investigation is being done, in order to intentionally stop and dismiss an inquiry by a plaintiff, plaintiff's attorney or DOI examiner.

40. Biased investigation of that which is supposed to be neutral and unbiased.

41. Utilization of internal one-sided or outside companies biased schemes, such as in so-called "IME" bias (independent medical examiner bias), which are supposed to be objective and neutral, in order to wrongfully enable, facilitate and support insurer's position to fraudulently deny, reduce or discontinue payments of claims.

42. Repeated and constant reference and intentional miscommunication and misrepresentation by insurer downplaying the size of a claim to insured's attorney.

43. The same claims person of an insurer handling conflicting and both sides of the same or related claims.

44. Deviating from standard procedures called for in an insurer's claims manuals.

45. Attempting to prevent the court or an insured's attorney with due exception from securing a copy of an insurer's claims manual.

46. Abusing and/or misusing the judicial court system in order to delay or settle in good faith payment of a claim where liability to the claim is clear and amount of the claim is reasonable in order to delay insurer's having to make payment of a claim.

47. Misrepresenting and revealing various conflicting financial information that mischaracterizes the true financial information and status of an insurer.

48. Attempting to shift blame and responsibility of investigation to insured and away from the insurer.

49. Threatening to harm insured and/or take legal action against an insured to recover amounts paid by insurer as in a short-term workmen's compensation or short-term disability claim in order for insurer to discontinue having to make payment on a longer or long-term basis.

50. Insurer refusal to settle a third party claim against an insured within the limits of the insured's policy thereby exposing the insured to additional liability.

51. Intentionally misinterpreting or misconstruing the law to the disadvantage of the insured and benefit of the insurer.

52. Deny treatment for a covered health benefit because of its expensive cost and instead misrepresenting and suggesting a less costly procedure in its place to be just as effective when it is not.

53. Unreasonable denial of a covered health benefit because of its high cost.

54. Unreasonable misinterpretation of policy language.

55. Taking undue excessive advantage of unlimited time when knowing there may be no time limitations established on alleged investigations of such matters or matters of fact.

56. Making health insured patients pay their standard copay when the cost of both the drug and the pharmacy's fee for dispensing the managed care prescription is lower than the copay amount.

57. Causing health insureds to pay a copay that is higher than what the cost of the prescription is to the insurer because of common secretive rebate deals between insurers and drug manufacturers which subsequently are not disclosed and therefore do not accurately represent the true cost of the drug.

58. Health insurers not acting in the best interests of the patient and/or acting for their own self-enrichment at the health expense and disadvantage of the patient.

59. Some health insurer secretive deals are alleged to result in the health insurer selection of a more expensive drug to be on their list of acceptable drugs ("Formulary list"), services or procedures deceptively generating greater insurer profits, excessive higher costs to patients and illegally billing federal Medicare or state Medicaid programs.

60. Good faith insurers look for and find ways to accept and pay claims properly and promptly ... Bad faith insurers unlawfully look for and find ways to not pay, delay, diminish, disapprove and deny payment of claims.

When questioning or in doubt consult your state's bad faith insurance claims settlement practices and other pertinent statutes, case laws and key applicable court interpretations ... and most importantly, if you feel your insurer may be guilty of bad faith, unfair claims settlement practices and/or other pertinent illegal insurance practices and you feel you require legal advice, you should seek legal counsel from a licensed attorney admitted to the BAR and in good standing in your state or jurisdiction who is knowledgeable and familiar with the issues raised. (click here to read FBIC's Legal Disclaimer and Copyright.) As indicated and referenced, although subject to a court's specific bad faith findings in each case and state, the following are a few referenced "Signs Of Bad Faith Insurance Claims Settlement Practices" which have been identified and compiled as being potentially indicative if not common and/or contributory signs of bad faith insurance claims practices.

Copyright © 2003-2005 FBIC


Customer Service

Headache Every Month

Month after month I would try and update my info as it appeared no one was listening or updating my file. So they mail me a letter but since I had moved at end of December I never received. Long story short, my agent was pretty brainless, did not know how to update and found out my insurance had run out. Not that I have gone to another company, the still won't handle. WORTHLESS!


Customer Service


Value For Money

Very Bad Company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TO ALL IFA INSURANCE CUSTOMERS BEWARE: Here goes, my son has an accident in August 2014. He is traveling south bound in a 45 mph zone, the car behind him decides he isn't going fast enough and decides to pass him even though it is only a "2" lane highway and not a passing zone, when he does, he doesn't realize a car is coming north bound. So what does he do he cuts my son off and with no where to go my son loses control, he hits a mail box that is sitting on a huge galvanized pipe filled with cement, damage over $10,000.00. Now because my son wasn't able to get, I guess the license plate number or the persons name (not to mention, he couldn't drive the car and with that was to upset) they won't renew our insurance because they have no way to recoup the money. I have been a customer since December 2011 and I'm not recalling any claims and if there were they would have to be small ones if any. Now after the accident they sent me my request for information to renew but I guess when they found out the claim amount they decided nah we don't want you as a customer and sent out letter not to renew. IFA INSURANCE, I DON'T NEED YOU EITHER...BAD COMPANY TO DEAL WITH!!!!!! I will be posting this on many other sites as a reference for people not to go with IFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This company is a peace of ** crokes thefts and only want you money they awful !! I got no words to describe what they make me go thru. ..but is over now I got I better company thanks God I wish the government give them a big penalties!


Look At What You're Getting Before You Purchase

I came here to read the reviews since I am considering becoming a customer. I am looking closely at what you receive when you sign up for them and at the bottom when you select the coverage for the car there is NO COVERAGE FOR COLLISION, COMPREHENSIVE, RENTAL, AND TOWING UNLESS YOU CHANGE THE OPTION YOURSELF! Yes the prices look great, but you have to know what you're paying for. People just assume because of how other car insurance companies work but I say READ READ READ. KNOW WHAT YOU'RE BUYING BEFORE YOU BUY IT!


Customer Service


Value For Money


This Insurance company will take weeks to pay to get you car fixed when your in a accident. I have been paying for my own car rental for over 2 weeks now, out of my own pocket. I have rental coverage AND FULL COVERAGE but I have to pay for my own rental then THEY will refund me my money back in 7 to 14 business days. I am catching rides with friends to work now until THEY send out my check for my claim! It took the shop 2 days to fix my car but I have been without my car for 2 weeks because its taking them so long to pay out for my claim. I got a great rate for my insurance with them, but I am now switching back to progressive immediately. I would rather pay the extra money and be secure that if anything happens I have the best coverage even if I have to pay a little more extra money.



Customer Service


Value For Money


Very unprofessional, extremely difficult to get in touch with when you actually need to talk with somebody. refuses to help with insurance claim :(


Customer Service


Value For Money

Dont Get In An Accident!

I paid my annual policy upfront for the entire year (liability). When I got in an accident they said my policy was void because I changed cars! Turns out rather than switch my policy from my old car to my new car, they added the new car (their mistake), then voided my policy because I didn't realize that I was supposed to pay more money. Conveniently, the first time I knew that the policy was void, was when I got in an accident... No phone call or letter (despite their claim that they sent 1 letter). I wouldn't recommend this insurance company on my worst enemy.


Customer Service


Value For Money

Good Luck!!

I recently had my stock rims stolen off my car. When I filed my claim I was told that someone would be contacting me to set up an appraisal. I waited two days to hear from the appraisal company. When the appointment with the appraisal company was finally scheduled, they never showed up that day. I had confirmed with the appraisal company twice prior to my appointment time. Then, I called the appraisal company they were closed and I called IFA three and each time they answered and had me on hold until the phone disconnected after waiting an hour. I was so flustered! Then, IFA had me going back and forth between them and the appraisal company when all I was trying find out was who had the sublet. The appraisal company was telling me they sent it to the insurance company then the insurance says they never got the sublet; this went one for a little over two weeks. Then once that was finally handled, I was then waiting to hear about the checked being sent over to the body show to have my car fixed. They said they were waiting on the police report on which took almost two months. WOW. It took almost 2-3 months to have my car fixed and it wasn’t even the body shop it was all IFA. And whenever I called in I ALWAYS seem to get transferred to someone’s voicemail. Then whoever answers the phone doesn’t know anything passes me off to someone's voicemail. I checked my open claim on my account daily to check the status of my claim and to see what is needed. But I will NEVER recommend this place to anyone!


Customer Service


Value For Money

Not Helpful At All!!!!!!!!

I been a loyal customer for three years who have always paid on time. And I recently got into my first accident and ifa insurance company told me they can't do nothing about it. That's ridiculous and that's why I have insurance so you can help me in my time of need. I bet if I didn't pay on time you would be calling trying to contact me but when I need them they can't do nothing about.i will be canceling my insurance as soon as my claim is settled.


Verryyyy Rude

They are soo rude. I tried to change to another insurance company and the other company told me they couldn't do anything because IFA still had various open claims since 2010. I called to see why these claims were opened and no one could assist me they kept transferring me to different voicemails. I spoke to a nasty rude operator who got me to an even nastier rude supervisor who said she couldn't close one of my claims from a year ago because I needed to fax a police report. I faxed the report the day after the accident and got paid for it days later they had told me I couldn't get paid unless they received it. And apparently they did because I got paid. Well a year later she's telling me I need to fax it again when I told her that I no longer had it because it was a year ago she tried to make it seem like I was a liar and told me she couldn't do anything. I have since then left messages and no one gets back to me and I can't get insurance anywhere else because of this issue. I reported them to the PA DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE. They are the worst people to deal with I will never recommend them to anyone. They are frauds.

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