LV= Reviews -

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Value For Money

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LV= Reviews -

LV= Reviews -
3.49 620 user reviews

Customer Service


Value For Money

User Reviews


Customer Service


Value For Money


Very unscrupulous company. Someone ran into the back of my car 2 years ago - they admitted liability and car was fixed no problem. 2 years later I get a solicitors letter from LV saying Hastings were now refusing to pay and that I had to sue Hastings and attend court to recover LVs money! I've obviously said I don't want to sue Hastings and if they are owed money then sue them themselves. Since then I have received multiple emails from LV threatening me. They've said it is in the T&Cs and are now saying they will put the accident down as a fault on my record and destroy my no claims bonus if i do not issue legal proceedings! I have reported to FCA and have contacted the BBC - I am also seeking legal advice to try and protect myself from their constant bullying. Be aware that if you take car insurance with LV this could happen to you


Customer Service


Value For Money

Lv Does Nit Value Existing Customers

Home insurance quote increased by 33% by LV.

LV increased my home building and content quote by 33% despite no claims being made.

Online comparison site offered an equivalent quote gir £225 which is what LV quoted last year.

Clearly LV do not want loyal customers snd offer cheaper deals only to new ones.

I won't be using LV in the future. I also will not renew my car insurance with them until they rmvakye existing customers as much as they do new ones


Customer Service


Value For Money

Unreliable And Deliberately Difficult

Have insured several cars with LV over the years but they have recently become expensive and difficult to deal with - and a bureaucratic nightmare. Saved 30% on renewal preimum by going elsewhere.


Customer Service


Value For Money

Excessive Increases

Been with LV for many years , recent renewal 65% increase , over past 2 years almost 200% in premium , no claims made . You contact them to query the increase and you get the impression they actually don’t care whether you stay with them or not . They used to be good but unfortunately no more .


Customer Service


Value For Money

Pathetic Money Grabbing Company

Dog poo company,dog poo policies,dog poo customer service.

Treat you pathetically when you try to claim. 


Customer Service


Value For Money

Don't Move House

We had a joint motor car insurance with LV. We were warned that although it being cheaper the 1st year, it will be substantially increased the following year. To be hponest, it wasn't that bad, but if you move house a 3 minute walk from our previous address and the postcode as good as the previous you are in for a bit of a surprise! They tried to up our insurance by £199, saying it was because of the postcode. How ridiculous as we got quotes from other insurance companies and also asked them to give quotes for the previous address. Yes, you have guessed, not one single penny difference and LV were saying it was because of the postcode change. Absolute rubbish, as we both used to work in insurance and that is just not true.

We explained all this to LV and although the assistant tried her hardest to get the increase back down, the system just would not allow it. Therefore, at that ppoint we said we would be going elsewhere with exactly the same cover and the same cover as our original insurance. The assistant said she would do exactly the same and wouldn't blame us. So, here we are happy with our new insurance company, moved house, saved £199. Just because LV being very greedy. We would never ever recommend LV as a result.


Customer Service


Value For Money

Difficult Claim

Called for claim, waiting for more than 2 hours. too tired to wait, will try again.....


Customer Service


Value For Money

Probably The Worst Insurance Company In The World!

I guess you pay for what you get but with LV you get nothing. Communication is non existent, you must chase them up continually and then you are passed around different departments and going through security several times.

After eventually getting through to the right department you need to explain why you are contacting again even though you provided all information on previous occasions.

What's even worse is their arrogant attitude and unwillingness to listen.

I could write a book on this lot but just to warn you - keep away.


They Don’t Listen And Reported To Ombudsman

Brought insurance and as I didn’t send V5 document due to car dealer sending to wrong address they cancelled insurance even when I explained it and asked for extension. They then charged me extra.


Customer Service


Value For Money

All The Hype Is Meaningless

Hi all

Rang LV today, as I have 2 insurance policies with them and thought I’d get a reasonable quote.

Our lovely staff weren’t that lovely and my existing policies meant nothing.

If you are after the most competitive quote shop around instead of going to who you know,,, it’s worth the effort.

I did expect, more fool me,, that my historic busines meant something,,, it doesn’t.

So shop around

1 - 10 of 620 items displayed



I have taken a fully comprehensive policy with you on 2'2018 for my car a Nissan note at the time I had no proof of my driving in the last 5 yrs I have been awaiting a letter from RSAM giving details of my safe driving record this brings my safe driving record up to date 50yrs plus quite an achievement in this day and age 42yrs driving HGV vehicles helped a lot your quote of £2000 plus is out of all proportion on a car valued at £4000 if I post this information on to you how much difference would this make?


Do I have to except the offer 50/50 if I believe that it was not my fault?


My parents had a similar problem where LV kept fobbing them off telling them that they were waiting for the 3rd party to respond. The claim went on for nearly 6 months. My parents were sitting in their car which was parked, legally, at the kerb. The 3rd party came around the corner, lost control and hit the rear of Dad's car. They admitted liability straight away. After finally threatening LV with the insurance ombudsman, they were paid out - the full amount. LV try anything to get out of it. If you are not to blame and the 3rd party have admitted liability, LV should pay out - simples.


What is the fire excess on your fully comprehensive cover? When I get a quote it states the theft excess is the same as the compulsory excess, but there is no mention of the excess if my car was to catch fire.


I haven`t got LV car insurance any more - went to Direct Line again as i thought the policy docs are easily understand. Please see my Direct Line review. Thanks


I am returning to UK, permanent, after 30 years accident free in Australia. Will they recognise my Australian no claims record? What proof do they need?


You would be extremely lucky to find one that will accept your Australian no claim history. Insurers are not that generous in U.K.


If I had an accident could I chose which repairer I wished to use?


Absolutely.You can choose whatever repairer you want. However (I did a bit of research on this) you may not guarantee a hire car, you may have to pay the difference between their own repairer estimate and yours, you may not have the repair work on the same warranty. On the plus side LV policies are value for money. You get what you pay for. I cannot comment on their customer service because I never have a claim fortunately. Good luck.

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