MCE Car & Motorcycle Insurance Reviews - mceinsurance.com
Customer Service
Value For Money
MCE Car & Motorcycle Insurance Reviews - mceinsurance.com

User Reviews
Customer Service
Value For Money
Timei Would Like The Complaint To Be Continued And
TimeI would like the complaint to be continued and i would like to appeal your decision.
The payment due date was the 26th Feb.
So in layman's terms i have until at least the close of office hours to pay the instalment.
Which i tried to do.
So the payment would not be missed.
Your terms say "the payment could be taken between 0600 and 0800 on the due day, but may on occasion be taken later that day"
Ok so what your saying is, its ok for MCE to take the payment at any time on the due date when it suits them.
But its not ok for the customer to pay at any time on the due date.
And every other company who i have had dealings with.
If the first payment is declined. They will then attempt to take the payment later on that day.
Due to the fact some people may not get paid until noon etc.
But MCE dont do that do they. You are happy to re apply for the payment on another day once the £30 admin charge has been applied.
So it proves you have the ability to re apply for the payment.
In my opinion the whole thing stinks. Its not about the £30 admin fee.
Its about the fact its designed to trick and catch out your customers.
My wages were in my bank at 0900 that day. I offered to pay the monthly instalment on the due day.
But MCE refused to accept the payment without adding the £30 admin fee.
I will make it my goal to leave as many reviews on as many review sites.
Highlighting this scheme MCE are running so that other potential customers are fully aware of this before they sign up with MCE
It just highlights the poor customer service and shows that MCE see customers as cash cows to try and screw as much money as they can out of.
At the end of the day the payment date was 26th Feb. I offered to pay the instalment on the 26th Feb.
MCE would not take the payment unless i paid the admin fee.
Your terms in basic English say it is ok for MCE to decide what time they take the payment, but the customer has no choice"
Like it or lump it the computer says NO as the old saying goes and screw the customer.
Iam just grateful and pray to God i never ever have the misfortune to have to make a claim on my insurance.
Because i didnt dot the (i)in my name, would probably invalidate the insurance.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Complete Bunch Of No Helpers
Not only do they make life very difficult when your bike is stolen. They told the ombudsman that I did not have a problem reporting the theft to them as their phones were down due to a systems upgrade which they then passed on as informing all on the website. I had to prove that and luckily I had a copy of a conversation with their helpdesk that admitted there were problems. No claims could be made to them even though they continued to write new policies in this period.
All I can say is avoid these people at all costs.
Be Aware Of This Company !!!!!
I have put many honest negative reviews based on my experience with MCE on this site, they are being removed, as will yours and be replaced by a fake good review from MCE themselves.
Bottom line is dont use this company, they will get you on board, then they will take your money and fleece you good style.
You will not see any of your money back when things go wrong, and they will!! the first time you have to try and talk to their call centre staff.
Please be warned.
Go to another company, MCE are disgusting.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Not So Cheap In The Long Term
Just waited 40 mins on landline no to change my bike.......1000cc bike swap to a 750......£88 annual to £206 .......cb1000r 88. Honda 750 scooter.......good price initially to get you then wallop! Won't be renewing next year......
Customer Service
Value For Money
I Had The Misfortune Of Using Mce Last Year.... Th
I had the misfortune of using MCE last year.... They always show up cheapest on price comparison websites but there is so much negative stuff online about them that that I'm amazed they are still allowed to trade.
I rang them asking about fees for change of address on my sons insurance (which i pay for) because he was thinking about living with his mother in the new year (this was Sept) MCE told me he would have to ring when he moved so i left it... A month later my son got a letter saying his insurance had been cancelled because he didn't tell them me had moved ( he hadn't) they refunded £190 out of £875 policy that had run for just 2 months claiming their T&C's say they can keep 80% of cancelled policies.
He explained he hadn't moved and asked the policy be reinstated... they said this was impossible and he would need to pay again for a new policy even though it was their fault.
We did get a full refund in the end after reporting to the ombudsman and making a fuss on social media but apparently they do this a lot as well as bait and switch where they'll contact you saying there is an error in the info provided and you have to pay X amount more making the policy more expensive than competitors who you didn't choose..
Another thing is texting/emailing you asking you to ring them, but it's a premium rate number and people have reported £50 bills for the call
MCE need shutting down
Customer Service
Value For Money
Profesional Reliable Truted
I was hit by an un-insured driver on my motorbike. They did £750 damage to my bike. The legal firm was able to get the full amount for me without me loosing my no claims bonus. Which I thought was pretty awesome. Many thanks.It took a year and a half but worth the wait.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Could Not Believe The That I Made 2 Short Phone Ca
Could not believe the that i made 2 short phone calls to MCE and £5 phone charge had gone in a few minutes. What rate do they charge?? Certainly will not be ringing them again! Only rang to confirm a quote i got on line with 200xs make sure all was ok. Got cut off so had to ring back to be told rate had gone up to 575xs Wasnt happy at all as price was still the same but xs dearer.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Worse Service Ever!
I have been a customer of this company for several years, not had a problem - until I made a claim.
This year my policy cost tripled - because I work in 2 shops 3 miles apart I am required to have business cover for commuting for both my motorbikes.
So, I'm away at work. An old dear manages to reverse into my other bike - on a private car park outside my home. Knocks it over. Once insurance details are passed on, I contact MCE. Their IT crashes during the call. I'm promised a callback, doesn't happen. Contact them 3 times via their web mail service asking for the email address to send pics of the damage & other matters. No reply. In the meantime, the other parties company contact me asking if I want them to handle my claim. Am beginning to think this might be a better option - at least they could be bothered to get in touch with me!
OK, so how does that excuse the insurance company not replying to emails/not giving promised callbacks?
Or the fact they only contacted me after the claims handling company had settled the matter & became quite aggressive/appeared to know nothing about the settlement after it had been agreed?
I have been a loyal customer with MCE for many years,.
In a non fault claim that would be normal practice and you would need extended use class 1 insurance as you have 2 workplaces.
This is the same in any insurance business.
Customer Service
Value For Money
Great Customer Service
Got a great quote online for bike insurance but there was a problem when I tried to purchase the policy
I phoned up and within minutes the lady I spoke to sorted it out and I was insured
Really good service
Customer Service
Value For Money
Great Service
Charlene Nash was friendly yet professional, helpful and knowledgeable. What more can a customer ask for?
Can you tell me please how it is that I got 8 years no claims bonus in UK on a suzuki hayabussa. I then had to work in Cairo for 2 years and 3 months and had no accidents or claims and on returning to UK am told that my 8 years of impeccable riding I no longer have 8 years no claims bonus and have to start from zero. It appears rather one sided that it takes me 8 years of premiums and excellent riding yet they can remove said ncb after only 2 years?
I think you have to start from the standpoint that all insurance companies (in my experience) are out to make as much money as possible, in as short a possible time, with no regard for the well-being or financial stability of their customers.
Once you realize that, then you can understand that they will not treat your circumstances individually. They will stick to the small print in their policy document which always works in their favour.
This is not helpful to you but it is fact. I have applied to the Financial Services Ombudsman on several issues over the years and the insurance companies decisions have always been upheld against me.
No hope I am afraid!
I just purchased insurance for my motorbike last week and I have not even had the documents or an email yet.
When can I expect these?
Hi, as stated by another respondent, it can take a number of days before you receive your documents. These will be electronic unless you specifically requested physical documents. You will receive an email telling you how to access the documents, and you can then print them off yourself if you so wish. It might be worth checking your junk mail folder in case the email has ended up there in error. No need to worry though, you're covered from the time and date specified when you the initial application and sent payment.
Hello all can you help me, I renewed my motorbike insurance on the 01/05/2016 but not got a policy, how do I know i'm insured?
hello all thanks for replys, i finaly got policy in an email i did a live chat 15 minutes later he sent an email with my documents, and again thanks for your help.
Why don't you provide a renewal quote when a policy is expiring?
When renewing a policy why is it necessary to provide full details when you already have them on record?
I have asked this question before. Not with this Ins Company but with others I was told that my personal details could have changed ie points on licence, medical issues etc etc. I was really pleased with MCE when taking my policy out this year so I will consider it a small price to pay if I have to give all details again next year.
Providing they are as competitive of course.
When will I receive my insurance documents in the post as I took out my policy on the 27/02? Many thanks.
You won't get them by post unless you specifically asked for a hardcopy. They prefer to use email, so check your inbox and junk/spam folders just in case.
I've gone with MCE insurance because of the deals that were in it!
I'm just wondering how long it will take for my cover note and insurance documents to come through to my email? It's been about 24 hours so far? The woman did say it could take upto 48hours.
When did you guys receive yours?
give them a ring and usually they sort it very quickly
Can anyone tell me how I can find out where I paid for scooter insurance?
Check your bank for and look at the name when they take the money out.
If that doesn't help cancel any automatic payment when the company calls ask them who they are. (May incurr late payment charges and late payments marks on credit file).
I am driving a scooter with full comprehensive cover. I went to work and got my bike stolen and now MCE won't pay off. They are saying I am not insured because I need a commuting cover. Can anyone help me?
Most policies are for SDP (Social Domestic & Pleasure) - if you intended to commute you would need a business policy (mine used to cost an extra £24...
Your certificate of insurance will probably have the same advisory paragraph as mine -
'Use for social, domestic and pleasure purposes. EXCLUDES journeys between home and normal place of business, use for hire or
reward or for commercial travelling, racing, competitions, rallies or trials (other than road safety rallies or treasure hunts), use on any
motor sport circuit including the Nurburgring or use for any purpose in connection with the motor trade.'
If it has, you do not have a claim - if it doesn't (nor do any of your other documents) then consult a lawyer.
If I was fully comprehensive and had an accident, and I was injured. would they pay me for injuries, even if it was my fault?
Hey, Thanks for your question.
A normal insurance policy won’t tend to give you any cover you for this, but every MCE Bike policy will give you £1000 of Personal Injury as standard. It covers you in a fault or non-fault accident, whatever level of cover you have.
Also, for an extra £50, you can upgrade this to cover you for up to £5000. Just give us a call, and we’ll happily upgrade it for you.
Ride safe!
My bike has been written off (not my fault). Does anyone know how much will it cost to put another bike on? Thank you.
Hi – top question.
If you are going to exactly the same vehicle, chances are it will just be £67.00. This is made up from a change charge from the insurance company, and an admin fee.
Now obviously if your Honda Cub has been written off, and you replace it with a brand new Blade, you’ll need to pay a bit more. At the same time, if you downgrade to something a little older and less expensive, you may even get a return in premium.
Whatever you’re doing, just give the guys in our customer services team a buzz, and they’ll make the whole process as easy and painless as possible!