Fast Track Reclaim - www.fasttrackreclaim.com
Value For Money
Fast Track Reclaim - www.fasttrackreclaim.com

User Reviews
Threatening Emails
I got a refund from HMRC for overpayment of tax. A while later my partner received an email in my name asking for a fee of nearly £500. We don't know how they have all our details and that they are mixed together as my partner used the HMRC website to make an enquiry about marriage allowance which we haven't heard anything from. Fast track says she went through them for enquiry and therefore I have to pay the fee. As the refund was nothing to do with fast track I do not owe them anything They are aggressively emailing my partner and emailing her in my name.
This is exactly what I have just had. I used them a few years ago and that was it. Earlier this year I got paid out a HMRC tax rebate, last week they send communication saying i owe them £200 for the tax rebate when I never approached them for a tax rebate! This was done by HMRC directly to me! Needless to say i will not be paying and I am willing to go to court to expose in court their illegal activities.
I have had exactly the same issue.. only for £30 but not the point! I have no idea where they got my details from either! They are threatening court action.. has anyone else been taken to court by them or did you pay? I know it is only £30 but I don't see how I owe it them when I have never contacted them in my life and the threat of court is scaring me.
I am in the same position. I received an income tax rebate and now Fast Track are after £400 from me.
Please get in touch as I am also a victim trying to show them up for their bad practice on a large scale it seems.
I would like to talk to you as I have a grievance with them too. The more of us that can demonstrate their wrong doing, the better.
Get In Touch
I have been reading about how Fast Track have forged paperwork to raise unauthorised complaints and I would be very interested to hear more about your stories. I am in the same position and taking legal action. As I suspected, mine is not an isolated case, this appears to be happening on a large scale. My health has also been impacted negatively and these people shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. Please leave a response and I will contact you.
One star is generous and does not reflect my feelings.
Dont Use Them
Terrible company, their commission is extorsionate and they said I needed to pay online but the online system doesnt work and my bank blocked it! ALARM BELLS! I then got a threatening letter they would take action against me if I dont pay in 7 days, I rang to pay over the phone and the guy was INCREDIBLY rude, actually shouted at me when I said the online banking doesnt work, actually said it did and shouted over me saying I owe money so I need to pay. This was after I had just paid! He was aggressive, rude and angry, I was actually astounded! I told him to drop his attitude and to listen and to not talk over me, I cant believe it! I only won a claim on £1200 and they wanted £500 in fees. DO NOT TOUCH THEM, please take this warning seriously they are absolute sharks and use bullying tactics how they are operating I really dont know.
Sent An Invoice After Two Years..such Bad Practice
I received two invoices over two years after the claims had been paid. They demanded I paid immediately..would be calling me daily annoying me at work. So it was not my fault the invoices were sent two years too late! Such bad management from this company,
I wish I had never bothered with them, also not providing details of the invoice either. My advice is stay away from them
Fast Track Reclaim Is A Trading Name Of Quickly Fi
Fast Track Reclaim is a trading name of Quickly Finance Limited
During the pandemic they have continued to send threatening texts and emails for a payment.
I have made several calls and emails in response to their threatening letters & emails advising I have not been paid yet they ignore me.
They have said they have contacted the bank but when I call the bank they tell me no contact from FT.
FT has even told me to chase bank for payment - Hey FT IS THAT NOT YOUR JOB THAT IM PAYING YOU FOR??
I have had a lot of letters and emails threatening legal action if I don't pay When I called to check they couldn't care less. In such uncertain times these letters and emails are very upsetting especially when I have told them I really don't need this harassment and stress as I have just been released from hospital after suffering my 2nd HEART ATTACK.
NOTE - I have never refused to pay but will only pay when you when or if I receive funds.
I will be complaining to the FCA to report FT disgusting harassment
Today I received another letter stating -Final Demand, do not Ignore and they will start legal proceedings in 7 Days,- Yet I have still not received any refund regarding a PPI
Please contact me at [email protected] as I am also a victim.
For A Company Supposedly Helping Really
Contacted this company last year and filled out an initial form for them to see if there was any PPI claim I was entitled to, then forgot about it,
Few months passed and My bank contact me saying that I had been over charged PPI and they would be arranging refund.
After a few weeks fast track contacted me with same info and said that I entered into aggreement and a payment was due to fast track reclaim.
beyong the initial enquiry with fast track I never completed any further paper work so as far as I was concerned never entered into any contract with them?
But since then they have produced copies that I supossedly signed with my signature but date hand written by someonwe else.
I believe that from my initial enquiry they simply cut and pasted my signature and added it to further documents for their paperwork.
Since about Feb when I recieved payment have been constantly hounded by these rude money grabbers to date since jan Have called me over 188 times and finally I have payed this disgusting leech company.
My advice is never use them total discrace to the industry, would have been less hounded by Baliffs than this bunch of pirates
Can complain to them but thats like asking a convict what sentance they wish to recieve,
Is their someone I can take this up with such as a regulator?
Please contact me [email protected] as so am also a victim
Please contact me on [email protected] as I am also a victim.
Please contact me at [email protected] as I am also a victim. They seem to be doing this on a large scale and need bringing to justice.
Please contact me at 'my email address' as I am also a victim. It seems they operate like this on a large scale and this needs to stop.
Please contact me at [email protected] as I am also a victim and it seems that they are acting on a large scale.
I Didnt Even Want To Give A Star At All - I Used S
i didnt even want to give a star at all - i used several companies to look into my ppi position - i NEVER AUTHORISED ANY to go ahead - however they did - i was communicating with
Barclaycard Directly myself then suddenely received a letter from Fastrack stating they had won my ppi for me which i had already achieved speaking with Barclaycard myself! they are now harassing me with threatening texs and letters even though i have emailed 5 times and written and posted letters in 2020!which is ridiculous - as they dont reply to the emails, they to me are worse than the original ppi scheme its Self! THEY ARE ASKING FOR MONEY THAT I DONT EVEN HAVE - THE GOVT HAVE DEDUCTED THE TAX AT SOURCE SO THE SUM FASTRACK RECLAIM ARE STATING I HAVE RECEIVED IS NOT TRUE - I AM HAPPY TO PAY THE FEES BUT NOT THE AMOUNT THEY QUOTE AS I DO NOT HAVE THAT AMOUNT MYSELF!! DO NOT USE OR GET INVOLVED WITH FASTRACK RECLAIM I AM STILL TRYING TO GET A REPLY TO MY MANY LETTERS AND EMAILS
Please contact me at my email address as I also suffered at their hands
Charge The Fees Which In My Case Were £400 Even Th
Charge the fees which in my case were £400 even though I received nothing from the other company. Wouldn't budge and threaten me with court. Do not use these ever
Please contact me at
[email protected]. I am also a victim.
You Do Not Receive The Amount They Quote You
Fast track managed to get my mum soMe ppl money but the amount they quoted was not what she received which is mis leading, also they are very pushy even before you receive your money, text four times, they were phoning twice a day,, received 3letters demanding payment also.
Do not use them
Please drop me a line at [email protected] as I am also a victim.
Do Not Use
Went through fast track to claim my PPI wish I never had, they claim to do all the hard work when it's you that needs to chase them, then when your bank etc gets in contact fast track go through a questonnaire but a week later your bank goes through the same questonnaire. They don't do anything that you can't do yourselves they take 25% including vat for sending letter to bank etc and sending you the same paper work you received from bank etc. Once you are told you are getting a cheque that's it they are on to you phoning email sending letters just for there payment it's a pity they don't move that quick sorting your claim. Then they take you off there books but the moment you get a letter from your bank stating they have found new evidence and your be receiving some more money fast track are on to you again they want paying for DOING NOTHING. Do yourselves a favour stay clear from FAST TRACK and do the claim yourselves
I've read here that Fast track charge 20% fee plus 20% VAT. However there was a ruling which stated that PPI companies fees are capped at 24% incl VAT. Is that correct? Also how can the charge a fee for money you didn't receive i.e.tax claimed back at source?