Sallie Mae Student Loan

Sallie Mae Student Loan

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Value For Money

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Sallie Mae Student Loan

Sallie Mae Student Loan
1 1 user review

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

This Is A True Story Based On My Experience,

This is a true story based on my experience, and all statements reflect my direct experience or opinion.

Five years ago, due to an illness, I had trouble with a student loan and it was referred to Sallie Mae. A representative told me that if I was able to make payments on time for a year, they would be able to transfer the loan -- and that if I did this, I would regain the ability to receive student loans in the future and that the negative item on my credit report would be erased.

I busted ass and dug deep, and I was able to financially dig my way out and make the on-time payments, and the loan was transferred and is current. It was very hard, but I did everything they said to do, for them things went perfectly.

When I pulled my credit report recently, the negative entry was still there. I wrote Sallie Mae and they told me to buzz off, in so many words.

Sallie Mae lied. I understand lying to collect a debt, it's done every hour of every day. But when people find out you're full of it, don't be surprised when you're called out.

If you are a person with a student loan, and you get into financial trouble, be warned by my experience: Sallie Mae will make deals they have no intention of honoring. Pay your student loans (obviously), but if you are in financial trouble make sure you take into account Sallie Mae's dishonesty when prioritizing how you're going to get out of debt. In other words, put the money where it will do the most good first, because Sallie Mae won't do any good for you.

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