Piaggio Liberty 125 4 Stroke
Build quality
Value For Money
Piaggio Liberty 125 4 Stroke

User Reviews
Build quality
Value For Money
Liberty 125 Vs Et4
I had an ET4 and am now using a Liberty 125.I have ridden them over long distances as well as on Londons crowded roads.
Here is how they compare
Tyre size. The Lib has bigger tyres which makes the ride more confident and stable. You can ride over small potholes with more confidence and stability than with an Et4.
Height.The Lib is taller and the rider has a more commanding ride position.It is more suitable for taller built riders than the ET4 which is a few cm lower
Seat. The Lib has a smaller seat than the ET4 and with a pillion the rider will hav to move more forward and sit at the front edge of the seat. the ET4 seat is more genrous.
Aerodynamics . At higher speeds the Lib 125 seems more stable against cross winds and head wind than the ET4 This may be due to a smaller front panel and rear engine cowlings
Repair and Maintenance costs. I find they are the same for both as the engine is the same and so is the body and most of the parts .
Their design too is almost the same and they are equally difficult to open up especially when changing the rear tyre which involves unloosening the entire exhaust assembly.this bit and changing the drive belt change are the two downsides of underbone scooters compared to chain driven motorbikes which do not involve as much work.
General Feel. The ET4 is gentler and lighter to handle than the Lib 125 which feels and handles more like a guys bike.Smaller built female riders will prefer the ET4
I have yet to ride a Vespa LX 125 or a Sym 125 .I am told the LX 125 is a sturdier better built scooter.and that the SYM 125 is exceptionally fuel efficient
I am considering buying a Peugeot Liberty 125, I currently have a Peugeot Carnaby with a blown engine :( and having difficulty sourcing a cheap engine replacement. I don't want to get caught out again on not accessibility of parts, so want to ask if Liberty parts are freely available in large amount in the UK.
Build quality
Value For Money
Piaggio Libery 125 4stroke
Bought this scooter to go to work on (12 miles a day) and trips to shops and general popping about as using my car every day gets expensive, plus its great not having to find a parking space, just park outside the shops. covered 1705 km in 8 months, I know it's not a lot of miles but will clock up more when weather gets better. Although its got bigger wheels you still have to watch it on the greasy roads ( as you do on all bikes). Fitted a full size screen as its a must in cold weather as I only ride with an open face helmet, (a must on a scooter)..plus it makes it more Italian looking.. Choose the piaggio libery 125 over other scooters as it looked quite good and wasn't too expensive I.e £2000, usual price £2270 but there are dealers doing deals. Was limited to bike size as only got small space to park, I was looking at a Honda vision but the two things that put me off were that it was made in china and it felt too small when sat on, although it would have been Better on fuel it was only 110 cc. My previous commuter bike was a Suzuki van van, although it was good on fuel always around 97mpg and looked quite retro it wasnt the best built bike and was pretty gutless above 45mph and if you came to a slight incline you had to drop to 4th gear.. Piaggio say the libertys top speed is 57 mph and fuel consumption is 64mpg which is probably about right, I can get 100kmph which is around 64 mph I think give or take the accuracy of the speedo (plus it doesnt sound to bad on the engine like the Suzuki did) and fuel consumption is always around 68mpg with or without the riot shield sized screen.. Down side is that the storage space isn't great I.e the only crash helmet that go's under the seat is a piaggio micro helmet, and it's hard to see if the indicators are still on if it's sunny due to not been able to see the tell tail on the dash, but all in all it's worth the money.. Go and buy one you won't be disappointed....
Build quality
Value For Money
I Have More Than 2 Years And It's A Boom
Build quality
Value For Money
I Have Had My Liberty For 1 Year And The Only Prob
i have had my liberty for 1 year and the only probolem iv had is that the emobilizer antenna went (due to snow and cold) but it was a 40 repair so no problems other then that, although i find the fuel tank to be a bit smallas it only takes £3.50 to fill. i have had 70mph out of it on a flat road and it got to 70 very quickly and even at top speed feels very safe. i love my liberty and wouldent want any other 125. i recomend this to anyone who is thinking of getting a 125 or as a first 125 as its very easy to ride and to be fair its a damn good looking bike. 9.5 out of ten
Build quality
Value For Money
My First Bike So Havent Got A Lot To Compare It To
My first bike so havent got a lot to compare it to BUT when regularly used is very reliable, its very quick off the line - ive got it to just above 60mph on flat roads and it get there pretty quickly. Ive heard from a lot of people that scooters are unstable and easy to come off, but ive never had a problem with handling or suspension and can take corners pretty quickly. I live deep in the country and its survived pretty well and my bikes previous life was right out in a coastal town, so it would do well in any environment. Its a lot heavier than it looks (having had to load it into a truck to get it to a petrol station once!) but as bikes go its relatively lightweight, and ive been able to navigate awkward paths and get into parking positions blocked by other cars by going over quite high curbs etc when other bikes cant. Underseat storage is ok not enough for a full helmet but with the hook for bags (by your feet) and a topbox is more then enough room. However, this bike does not like sitting around, battery goes flat within 3 days (can be solved by taking fuse out or putting battery on charge) and should be taken out at least once a week. Also, the rolling code on the immobiliser means a spare key cannot be cut successfully (Ignore what timpsons may say otherwise..) This does mean very good security, but can be impractical. Also the bike has died in torrential rain, will start back up after a few minutes waiting, this could be solved (apparently) by coating the spark plugs in WD40, although ive never tried this. Bike is very good in the summer. Im no mechanic but have been able to clean filters and change the lightbulb etc - I would recomend the haynes manual. So the bike has a fair few problems and im sure theres better bikes out there, but it wins hands down compared to the large majority of the scooters on the market today. Cheap to run, very few repairs (mostly stuff like tyre puncture etc) and if youre going to use it regularly then I would recommend this bike to anyone.
Build quality
Value For Money
I Love The Large Wheels And The Feel Of The Ride A
I love the large wheels and the feel of the ride and i have got 70mph on flat road but i have so many problems with the scooter....first i have had to change the bulb anout 4 times this year....2 new tyres....new exhaust and less than a yr later needs another one....all the lights went on speedo....then the speedo went x2 ....then the horn and indicators seazed and the battery always dies... so wouldnt recommend it.
Build quality
Value For Money
Felt The Need To Write A Review Of The 125 As I Co
Felt the need to write a review of the 125 as I could not find many whilst researching the bike before buying. This is an extremely high quality scooter, well built, reliable and with an overall feeling of quality. The large wheels handle superbly and give a feeling of confidence, excellent grip and power delivery is superb, as others have said bottom end acceleration is phenomenal and I have had 60mph out of it on a flat road. Hasn't let me down yet in any way and economy is not too bad either, only criticism really is under-seat storage as this is poor allowing for only an open-face helmet, but a top box or backpack solves this problem. My thoughts? Get one.
Build quality
Value For Money
Good Stable Ride Due To The Big Wheels, But Always
good stable ride due to the big wheels, but always have an eye on the front-suspension it tends to loose oil and therefore it's damping effect. Otherwise without problems. A big advantage over the newer "Carnaby" is it's much leighter weight.
Build quality
Value For Money
I Have Had A Piaggio Liberty 125cc For 2 Years Now
I have had a Piaggio Liberty 125cc for 2 years now and it has completly converted me from a car nut to a bike fan. The bottom end acceleration of this scooter is phenominal, I have actually beaten porches and ferraris off the lights on this scooter. It is a superbly comfortable ride, I have riden for upto 1 and a half hours on this scooter without stopping and I still feel as comfortable as when I got on. The handling is superb thanks to the large wheels, the brakes are quite powerful and don't lock up (unless in the wet then th rear can lock under very heavy braking), and the handling through corners is fantastic. The top end acceleration is a little slow from about 45mph onwards but it is possible to hit upto 75mph on the 125 version! this is my first and only scooter or motorcycle and I have learnt to ride on it, this is a very learner friendly first bike and the I haven't crashed once thanks to the ease of this bikes handling. Highly recommended. As I said the suspension is a bit stiff over speed bumps and pot holes, but the bike does have an adjustable shock meaning the suspension can be set to the riders liking.
Very impressed that this reviewer manages to beat porches away from the lights, I'd struggle to beat a conservatory on my Fly 50!
Build quality
Value For Money
I Bought My Piaggio Liberty Secondhand, I Always L
I bought my Piaggio Liberty secondhand, I always liked the fact of the large wheels. Having had a much smaller wheel on my last bike.
It starts well and runs smooth no bad points at the moment.
Apart from the alarm sometimes not working as it should, but that is no fault of the bike, probably mine alone.
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