Shineray XY250-GY-2
Build quality
Value For Money
Shineray XY250-GY-2

User Reviews
Build quality
Value For Money
Shineray Xy250 Gy2
Not a difficult review to write on this bike. Never having been a fan of cheap made bikes the Chinese brands I've recently come across over the years are no better than those ten years ago. We've all seen those bikes that have self destructed and rusted away to nothing. There's enough of them selling on both eBay and other sites requiring the so called easy fix?? My experience was being drawn to the Shineray XY250 gy2 at a dealer who thought they were worth a go?
My DRZ400 got stolen and after a few months I was on the look out for a replacement. I viewed the Shineray and asked a lot of questions knowing a dealer will always use their powers of persuasion as they do, although this one did go on about how the Australians rave about them and their successes in competitions etc. I told him straight. "Look, Austrailia is the other side of the world, and I don't need to know any of this waffle" which threw him. I told him all I want was a bike to use and with good spares back up. Nothing more. Well this worked. Priced at £2750 which was cheap he said he'd throw in a pair of super motard wheels and tyres, and a new helmet, jacket and gloves all of which were cheapo's but it still proved to be a bargain.
A week later I collected the bike. I asked for the motard wheels to be fitted, and this helped lower the thing as its a tall bike. My misses took the enduro wheels and other stuff and off I went. Well to date three years on, it's still going strong? Yes you've heard it, a few niggles like the rear brake master cylinder leaked, cured using a KTM unit, and the clutch was sticky so a set of springs and plates from a Honda Nx1 250 fitted. The bikes rolling chassis is almost KTM so most parts will fit, the motor is a copy of Honda's NX/AX1 250 and parts will fit. The motor is actually a sound unit, I keep regular 2k oil changes and warm it up before being over enthusiastic with it. Spares are a pain as with most Chinese bikes, but most KTM chassis parts will fit and engine parts are pretty much Honda, not that I've needed anything really. In terms of resale? Well for what I'll get back for it, I doubt it's worth selling. So I'm going to keep hold of it until it eventually gives up the ghost. At the price I paid and the use I've had out of it, if I get another year out of it I've had my monies worth. So to recommend to anyone? I can't. Why you ask? It's not a common bike and no matter how good it may be, unless you get feed back from a lot of owners, and to top it all being Chinese, with their past record, whose going to listen? Still a good bikini my view.
I had the misfortune to buy one of these. Fortunately for me I paid very little for it used off a work colleague. On a plus side it looked good and did what I wanted from it until the inevitable problems originating from poor quality engineering kicked in. The misfortune is you cannot get parts anywhere unless you source from overseas!! So in just over twelve months i can say i've had my moneys worth from it as its now starting to give problems. I needn't drone on though because if you pay cheap you invariably get cheap.
Avoid at all costs. These bikes are no longer available in the UK and a reliable source tells me the model is no longer being made by the factory? Further investigation with a mainstream Chinese spares importer tells us the model has been a nightmare for owners who cannot get spares anywhere. Recommended to buy one of the more common 250 bikes likes of Sinnis, Pulse and the range of SWM and Mash bikes. At least these have good reliable spares back up. Says it all really. Oh and for those thinking Honda engine parts will fit? Think again. Only a few parts will fit the Chinese engine, the similarity is there, but barely a few parts will interchange. Moral of the story is. Spend your hard earned cash on a branded product no matter how good a copy looks.
Ha I owned one of these. Purchased second hand for £850 I used it as a work hack for two years hammering the life out of it. Quite unbelievably it held together and when I sold it it had 23k miles on it. It's still going, some youngster has tried to turn it into a KTM using plastics, decals etc. looks good and will fool the not so wary eye. If it still lasts another year or so it has to be the bargain of the century. Who'd ever have thought the Chinese could actually build a bike properly lol.
Build quality
Value For Money
Shineray Xy250-gy-2
I purchased a Shineray XY250-GY-2 SM as it looked good and for a Chinese manufactured one seemed well screwed together and cheap. However don't be fooled into thinking your getting a bike which will impress your mates. It looks cool, in fact not dissimilar to a KTM and the motor is loosely based on a early Honda CRF250!! It has decent suspension and brakes. Only problem here is its never going to be anything other than a cloned hybrid. Ok KTM plastics allegedly fit? But Honda engine parts do not.
Performance isn't startling, its typical of the Chinese bikes we're used to. Too lowly geared, low performance and critically there's no spares back up at all. The dealer I got it from actually apologised to me saying he couldn't get anything for it? He resorted to breaking a new bike to keep customers bikes running. I researched the web and true enough there's nothing available at all. So moral here is you get what you pay for. Always do some research first, and check the spares sources. Spend a bit more and buy a brand name. The initial advert for this bike was the Chinese have come of age!! The first modern bike to come from China!! That's certainly true, sadly it would seem to be the last of this particular model?
I've ridden one of these and found it to be on par with anything Japanese produce. Yes its a blatant copy of KTM rolling chassis and Honda's NX1 250 engine, but its well screwed together and apart from the silly seat height its an ok bike. My mates owned it for 3 years and nothing has gone wrong with it in 18000k miles of hard use. Lets face it. Its half the price new of anything Japanese, so why not give it a go. Read the Australia road tests, they rave this bike. Surely they all can't be wrong?
It is a nice looking bike but a throw away one. I couldn't get anything for mine. The whole project looks to be on the right track from China. Modern looks and mechanics, but why bother importing into the UK only to drop the model a couple of years down the line.
Mines had a Pulse Adrenalin 250 motor shoe horned into it and it kinda works ok. This bike does have a decent chassis if nothing else. But probably best to buy a Jap bike.
It is a nice looking bike but a throw away one. I couldn't get anything for mine. The whole project looks to be on the right track from China. Modern looks and mechanics, but why bother importing into the UK only to drop the model a couple of years down the line.
Mines had a Pulse Adrenalin 250 motor shoe horned into it and it kinda works ok. This bike does have a decent chassis if nothing else. But probably best to buy a Jap bike.
Does anyone know what plastics fit on these?