Blata Origami B1
Build quality
Value For Money
Blata Origami B1

User Reviews
Build quality
Value For Money
Overall The Blata Origami Is A Good Investment And
Overall the Blata Origami is a good investment and a great bit of fun. Immense speed and I have found it very reliable starts first time everytime, no problems.
Build quality
Value For Money
The Blata Origami B1 Rep Is A Great Bike! Yes It H
The Blata Origami B1 Rep is a great bike! yes it has a few minor points but the answer to all this is FUN! All bikes have problems, some more than others and this is not always the reps. I have 4 reps and done the gasget and clutch/housing on all 4. they all will run hot if using indoor on Karting track so remove the fering and problem solved. I weigh 12 st my brother 10 and my cousin 14.5 we have great fun and no problems. The key is the rider not the bike! I will give any blata rider a run for his money. So stop dissing this great little bike, the only people that diss this bike are those who spent 1000s before they where here.
do you know any good websites too get blata parts
Dont Buy Any Of The Different Versions Of This Ver
Dont buy any of the different versions of this very, very poor quality mini moto. The majority of products seem badly made, and obviously a total waste of money. The B1 rep is no exception, its a disapointment.
But dont just take my word for it, just ask anyone who has been unlucky enough to own an origami B1 Rep for longer than six months.
Build quality
Value For Money
Good Bike For People Who Love Racing And Getting D
Good bike for people who love racing and getting down in corners.
Build quality
Value For Money
It May Be A 39cc Engine But It Packs As Much As An
It may be a 39cc engine but it packs as much as any 50, i have previously owned various aircooled racing and dirt bike mini motos and none come even close to the performance of this, it revs to about 12'000 rpm which makes it sound like a full size racer and is watercooled for that added bit of cooling on those hot summer days tearing around your local track, it will do about 60mph with a 12 1/2 stone man on it and hasnt yet broken down or suffered any serious faults exept the clutch nut working itself loose (eek).
The frame is nice but has several areas that i do not like such as the rear forks which were slightly warped on arrival, other than that it is a very nice, punchy bike.
Build quality
Value For Money
The Blata Origami B1 Minimotos Is The Bike Every P
The Blata Origami B1 Minimotos is the bike every person wants, speed is of the essence here, once you pull the throttle you'll be flyin. Amazing bike, excellent quality, good for the price.
Build quality
Value For Money
The Blata Origami Is A Great Machine, However It V
The Blata Origami is a great machine, however it vibrates too much.
Build quality
Value For Money
The B1r (origami B1 Replica) Is A Fast And Very Co
The B1R (Origami B1 Replica) is a fast and very competitive machine. As with ALL types of race bike it commands that it is very well cared for and checked regularly. If the B1r is cared for it will give hours of pleasure to its owner.
The B1R is NOT as powerful as the Original BLATA Origami, The B1R has an out put of approximately 8 horse power and the original at 14 horse power, never the less the B1R is not for the fait hearted or the beginner but it is an ideal way to enter the sport of minimoto racing.
The Cost of a B1R can vary between £250 and £400 for the latest models as apposed to the £1999 price tag for the BLATA original.
The B1R is not a bike that can be took out of the box and ridden straight away, The build quality is not to the greatest of standards, its a good idea to strip the bike to its frame and then re-build it, this way you know that the bolts are tight and that everything lines up correctly, there are also some major modifications that really need to be done before you even consider putting petrol in them. The first B1R's suffered from some huge problems such as overheating and inadequate clutch shoe's, Both problems can be over come at little cost, The later models have had improvements made at the factory and no longer suffer the over heating problem but it is still wise to modify the bikes no mater what model they are.
If the B1R is bought for the intention of racing, then you may find that there is very limited number of places and events that actually allow the B1R to compete, You can however attend an arrive and ride and practice sessions at many go-kart tracks through out the country, Safety clothing and equipment must be worn at ALL tracks.
Over the past 6 to 8 months the B1R has proven its self to be one of the best replica minimotos to have hit the uk shore line and it has enabled many people of all ages to enjoy the sport of minimoto racing.
I rate the Origami B1R as a good cheap intermediate level minimoto race bike.
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