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User Reviews
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Customer Service
Googled Carrick Theatre, This Website Came Up, Did
Googled Carrick Theatre, this website came up, didn't realise it wasn't the official site. Tickets were dearer than the theatre so not sure how they get away with their website name!!!!!! Emailed company about their less than honourable tactics, they did email back but made no reference to my comments. I will pursue this.
Completely Hopeless And Dodgy
I ordered my ticket in the morning and received my email of acceptance. A few hours later another email came through stating that the booking had been cancelled because either there'd been a problem with the payment (which I know there wasn't as the bank had phoned me to confirm it was a legit purchase) or the ticket price was no longer available. How is this total indifference to customer service possible? Completely unacceptable practice.
Customer Service
Dirty Tricks!
Very unimpressed that I was duped by this website. I was using the theatre website and this site was on the right hand side which I presumed was the theatre ticket sales. Instead I paid an overinflated price for this ticket before realising my error
Do not like tactics like this at all and would advise avoiding this site and going to a more reputable ticket source.
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Customer Service
Tickets Not Cheap! :(
Booking and service was ace, collected theatre tickets no problem.
However face value of tickets when I collected them £62.50 and I paid nearly £75 a ticket on the cheap tickets site, so really not sure how this qualifies?
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Customer Service
Tix Selection And Technical Help Outstanding
This is a two part review: 1) technical support and 2) tix purchasing.
The technical support for Cheaptheatretickets is prompt, supportive and attentive. This a rarity these days. On a sunday night I was trying to book tickets for a show. When got to the book ticket tab, I kept getting an error. I emailed them through the help form and copied the error. The next morning I had a response in my inbox where they had seen my email,Sunday night, and a promise to follow up on Monday. They updated that they had identified the problem and were in processing of fixing it. And by the afternoon, I had email that the issue had been fixed. And it was. So if you happened to run into a technical issue, flag it up and they will address it. One thing that helps IT troubleshoot is tell them your OS (MAC/Windows) and version. The browser you used) and if you can copy the error.
The ticket purchase. I prefer CTT to lastminute.com. The prices are generally the same but with lastminute you don't know what seat you have until you have paid for it. Here you get to see the actual seats and they provide the theatre seating chart. It helps those like me on a budget to make a decision on if a restrictive view is worth the price or better to go up one level pricing. Additionally, you can easily navigate between the detail view of the seats and going back the calendar view. Rare on discount sites. Whoever did the UI really thought about the customer experience.
The steps make sense. Also the prices you see is the price no hidden fees automatically tacked on at the end.
I have to say even with the technical glitch or maybe because of it, since I now know there are humans behind this site. I purchased my tix and will check here first for my next theatre ticket purchase.
One critique is the booking fee rating: I going on the assumption that it means the price is one of the lowest I found. Which is true. and not the quality. would be good if they had a tool tip on what that rating actually means.
Ease of ordering
Be Warned - Misleading Websitethe Bodyguard Adelphi Theatre
Today I purchased tickets for the above show from this website who firstly have the misleading name for themselves as 'Cheap theatre tickets.com' as they are not cheap by comparison. I initially did the normal Google search for the Adelphi Theatre and what I thought was the original theatre website proved only to be a veil. When I clicked onto buy tickets it then brought me onto Cheap Tickets.com. I have just paid £79.00 each for two sets of tickets plus postage to be included when I could have purchased them from Ticketmaster @ £68.45 per ticket and See Tickets for £62.50 a saving of at least £16.50 per ticket. I only thought to check other tickets sites after remembering a friend had seen the same show and paid less but assumed this was due to where she was sitting. And to add salt to the injury the tickets which were cheaper were better seats as they were nearer to the stage. What a rip off merchant this site has proved to be...plus I eventually found the genuine Adelphi Theatre website when I did another search. I have learned a lesson from this and do not want others to make the same mistake, shop around first and do not be fooled, as the theatre site which you may think you should be on may not be the one at all.
Wanted A Night Out, Having A Night In.
Website hung during payment, but managed to consume many dollars of roaming Internet in the process. Very difficult to contact by phone, by the time I was able to confirm th epayment had not processed was too late. Wasted hours of my time and all my Internet credit nowmImam having a night in instead of a night out. Not recommended.would give zero stars but apparently that is not an option.
Selection of tickets available
Ease of ordering
Customer Service
Bad Customer Service And Badly Deceptive Theatre Website
I wanted to buy 2 tickets for 12th Night so I went onto The Apollo theatre in london's website (apollotheatrelondon.com) it assured me that "You can always be sure to find the best deal possible", I was looking to spend @ £60 a ticket...well I always like to book via the actual theatre rather than a theatre ticket sellers site. When I clicked on buy tickets it took me to another website that I assumed was the Apollo's appointed sellers (cheaptheatretickets.com) and I bought 2 tickets full amount £122 (includes post).
Almost immediately I was told by a friend there were lots of better tickets available at the theatre! Well after double checking I realised I had been on a fake Apollo website, done by cheaptheatretickets.com (Encore tickets) to lure unsuspecting consumers like me in to buying from them! I asked for a full refund from the agency but as yet have had only an email saying IF they resell my ticket I will be sent the refund of only the face value of the tickets i.e. £47.50 instead of £60 per ticket. I am not at all happy with the deceptive nature of their theatre website, I have noticed they have made other deceptive london theatres websites also! After much perusing I noticed in tiny grey writing right at the bottom of the website it says 'this is not the official Apollo theatre website' Well if they had that written large at the top I would never have booked through them!
Still waiting for a follow up email or phone call from the customer service... So BEWARE!
Selection of tickets available
Ease of ordering
Customer Service
Great Site!
I got 2 tickets from the site for the show 39 steps, and they were so much more cheaper than if I had bought them at the theater. The site is easy to use and very clear, no unexpected costs or whatever and you can see exactly where you're seats will be, so I would definitely recommend it!! The show was really funny and I had an amazing evening thanks to cheap theatre tickets!
Great Deals On London Theatre
I've used CheapTheatreTickets.com a few times now and have found some cheap tickets. I first got half-price tickets to The Wizard of Oz through one of their 48-hour flash sales and got great seats for just £30. Just got a great deal on Blood Brothers tickets for £25, both times the tickets were sent to me quickly by post and I really enjoyed the show! Highly recommend!
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