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Value For Money

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4.58 7 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

With Any Dalmatian What You Get Out Of Them Reflec

With any Dalmatian what you get out of them reflects what you put in. Our Dal Domino is wonderful!He gets enough exercise, a good diet and is rarely left alone.

Yes they constantly wants to be in contact with you and some would say they are very needy but they are so loyal and devoted to their owners you don't mind. 4

We can't imagine life without him!

Go get one if you want a true friend for life but not if you want a cute puppy for a few months which turns into a dog you ignore!


Value For Money

I Am My Dalmation's 3rd Owner. I Got Her When She

I am my Dalmation's 3rd owner. I got her when she was 8 months old and she is the most wonderful dog. She is loving, gentle and loyal and to this day I cannot understand why anyone would want to give her away. Yes she moults all year but it is a small price to pay for such a fantastic friend.


Value For Money

My Dalmatian Was Very Intuitative And Always Knew

My Dalmatian was very intuitative and always knew my mood. Very afficinate and loving. loved to be touched and liked face to face contact. She never barked unless someone she didn't know came around. Smart and liked most strangers. Very good guard dog. Loved water, wide open spaces and the woods.

I had my dog for almost fifteen years and she was all I could ask for in a dog. Good watch dog with good intuition. Fun loving, Good with people and children. Very eager to learn and easy to train. These dogs need alot of exercise and much of your time. The more you give them the more they will reward you in return.


Value For Money

My Dalmation Is My Best Friend And I Would Not Be

My dalmation is my best friend and I would not be without him. He is very loving and loves nothing more than his kisses and cuddles, he always lets me know what he wants in his own special way. He can be quite grumpy but that is usually just when am going to work.

I love the breed but they are a lot of hard work they have a special character of their own. If you have the time, energy and love too give them then they will be a great friend to you and your family.


Value For Money

Mine Was Affectionate, But You Could Also Consider

Mine was affectionate, but you could also consider him needy, and he would sometimes follow me around so much it was irritating. He always want to be making physical contact, and always had to be touching your leg or leaning against your back. Don't get me wrong, that is also one of the things I loved about him, but it could get annoying sometimes. He would lick himself on his legs or paws until they bled, and we were never able to cure this habit, no matter what we did or what advice we took (from vets and dog lovers etc.) For 12 years he was a compulsive licker. Having said all these things, I loved him anyway. However, that explains my negative recommendation.

Dalmation's are fun beautiful dogs, but they need a lot of attention and time.


Value For Money

I Got My Dalmatian When She Was 6 Months Old As He

I got my Dalmatian when she was 6 months old as her first owner couldn't cope with her - this should tell you something about the breed, people don't always understand, they just want a cute little spotty puppy like in the films but don't realise that it'll soon grow into a large, highly active dog. But that aside, providing you are able to offer your dal the time, space, exercise and human companionship they require the rewards of owning one of these lovely creatures is great. They are far from being 'daft' as many people say, clumsy, yes, mines feet go much faster than her brain, but she is far from daft, just chooses not to listen sometimes! They love human contact and are not a dog for people who work all day or buy a dog to shut it in another room or in the garden - they want to be with you and they want a lot of stimulation and exercise as a bored Dalmatian can be a destructive Dalmatian.

Watch their diet as too much e colour and artificial food stimulation makes these energetic animals verge on being hypo - Dal's will also eat until they pop so keep food amounts in check to avoid over eating and weight problems.

Mine has a water phobia, hates rain and bath times - only go's near water if she's very hot (another warning dal's are very sensitive to both hot and cold so keep them cool in the summer and warm in the winter.) Not sure if the water thing is breed specific or just one of my dog's quirky traits!

All in all a beautiful, amusing unique animal, just please, please, please make sure you have the lifestyle to accommodate these demanding dogs and if you do the rewards are great, I love mine to pieces, she's such a 'big' personality, very intuitive to how I'm feeling, but she's the oldest puppy I know at 6 years old!


I found this review helpful because...I am about to acquire a 1 year old Dalmatian dog and wanted to know about it's breed and how to care for it. The tips on this site are from people who actually own the breed and not so-called "experts" so it's a refreshing change.

I would welcome any advice that you can give me as I don't want to go into this adoption blind, if you know what I mean?

Kind regards



We too have a Dalmatian who is now 6 - she hates going out to the toilet in the rain but walks in the rain are okay! She dislikes hail and won't go out in that - full stop! She's a livewire on walks but during the day tends to be quite lazy - we believe she stores her energy especially for walks which are free running and long! She's absolutely brilliant with kids (ours and other peoples) - we tell people her rear end is the dangerous end as her tails whips you when she happy and boy does that hurt bare legs!

I wouldn't agree with the attention span statement - Chats is very attentive and obedient and always has been since we've had her at 10 weeks old. She loves to be with us and would do anything to please!

Yes she is a walking vacuum and loves food but aren't most dogs?

One (and only) downfall about Dallies is their hair! Short and wiry and embeds itself in your feet - ow! Also sticks to car carpet and impossible to remove! Still small points when you see what fantastic dogs they are.

Ought to note here - our dog is female, all the male Dallies I've met and the one Dally we tried to rescue, were all a little mad - females seem calmer.


Value For Money

Dalmatians Are One Of The Best Breeds That I Know

dalmatians are one of the best breeds that i know of! i could honestly say that they're the most loving of them all. speaking from experience.


well i agree i volunteer at the humane society and i love dalmatians they're wonderful i think

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