EFH Broadband www.efhbroadband.com
Customer Service
Speed Consistency
EFH Broadband www.efhbroadband.com

User Reviews
Customer Service
Speed Consistency
Value For Money
I Had Always Assumed That My Slow Connection Was D
I had always assumed that my slow connection was due the area I am in as that is what EFH told me. I have changed to an alternative provider and now get twice the speed at a lower cost.
I was with EFH for over a year and found their "fair use policy" to be anything but fair, the customer service was polite but ineffectual and the connection speed was variable and far slower than advertised. In short I do not feel I got value for money with this provider.
Customer Service
Speed Consistency
Value For Money
Took Service With Efhbroadband.com With No 12 Mont
Took service with Efhbroadband.com with no 12 month contract but....
wanted to move home and they wanted £95.04 to cease the account!!!
I agreed to 47 conection fee beacuse they never changed this in the beginning but the rest is cancilation fee ....
they get you every time
Speed Consistency
Value For Money
Service Was Ok, But Absolute Nightmare Once Trying
Service was ok, but absolute nightmare once trying to cancel with them. Made 5 phone calls to ensure that my payment details were deleted so I would not be billed after I cancelled- but (unsuprisingly after reading these other reviews) they have billed me for another 3 months use. When I rang up to ask about why this had happened, was told 'don't worry about it'
Customer Service
Speed Consistency
Value For Money
The Final Straw Came When They Continued To Thrott
The final straw came when they continued to throttle my (2M) speed(s). Initially, they assured me that no capping was being applied. Then, despite my 'daily' phone call to their call centre in Ireland, I was sent on a wild goose chase: from internal BT extension, to filtering, to my telephone line! They even arranged for the BT guy to come and check the line.Then, I thought of a different tactic to resolve the speed issue: regrade to a different package. I was completely ignored, even though I put a request for a regrade through the call centre. Meanwhile, I was phoning them everyday to resolve the issue, to no avail - until, their female call centre worker finally admitted that upon further investigation (?), they realised that my speed was being capped due to my persistent use of Internet resources! In fact, when I was first throttled, the speed never went above 10k. Then, after many days of complaint, it magically went up to 50k - but only during certain time of the day! This was the give away for me that something was seriously fishy!I have moved to another provider very recently. I simply could not tolerate the lies, the deceit, the wild goose chases. I was paying 29.99, 3 months in advance, each time. They totally made a mockery of the situation, by experimenting with me and my mind, as I was in contact with them every day but getting no results. An extremely distressing experience I hope no one else will be put through.
Speed Consistency
Decent Staff After Move Back To The Uk From India
Decent staff after move back to the UK from India - you still get trained responses read straight from scripts though I feel.
The 2mb service has terrible throttling in my experience - it took ~90 seconds to load this page and downloading something from say download.com gives me about 70kbps on a very good day,
20-30 kbps is typical.
I do not recommend EFH Broadband.
Customer Service
Speed Consistency
Value For Money
I Have Been With Efh Broadband For A While Now And
I have been with EFH broadband for a while now and I noticed a slight drop in service when they had Indian call centres and when 186k initially took over, I suppose they cant always get it right, but to be fair they have improved considerably and their service is reliable and reasonably priced and even support is great now. I know they have had a blip but I would suggest you give them a chance now they are really making the effort.
Customer Service
Speed Consistency
Value For Money
I Had A Problem With My Connection, It Turned Out
I had a problem with my connection, it turned out it was due to my credit card expiring and my connection being disconnected due to non payment, I contact the support centre, which I found to be in Ireland, I spoke with a kind chap named John who was very helpful, I paid my outstanding amount and I was back online within minutes. Their support has really improved since their recent change from India!
Speed Consistency
I Joined Efh And They Were Fine, I Had No Problems
I joined EFH and they were fine, I had no problems at all. Then 186k took them over and the quality of service dropped off rapidly. I was without internet access for days on end. When I did get through to support I spoke to someone who I could barely understand, who said my line was fine and that was all.
To add to this they have started billing me my quarterly fee on a monthly basis (i.e. £44 a month instead of £44 a quarter) I have set them dozens of emails (each saved for evidence) and letters and still have not had a response. I am now reporting them to CISAS and OFCOM. Needless to say I am cancelling my contract with them and am not looking forward to getting my fees paid in advance back as well as the overpayment and a MAC code.
I Work In It And Was Well Aware That Tech Support
I work in IT and was well aware that tech support (when I could reach them!) were out of their depth at EFH. Eventually it transpired that I had the same username and password as another user - hence all our problems as we had the same IP address! This was only discovered when the other user was given my home telephone number by tech support and, when queried, tech support was unable to say whose number it was! Fortunately, the other user rang me (to find out what the number actually did) and, after a chat, we managed to glean enough information from each other to help the company out! We are both currently trying to get compensation from EFH but so far they are ignoring us!
Speed Consistency
Don't Bother With Efh Broadband Or 186k - Any Comp
Don't bother with EFH Broadband or 186K - any company that can't be bothered to bill you and then cuts you off for it isn't worth bothering with!
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