German Shepherd
Value For Money
German Shepherd

User Reviews
Prince Of Dogs
look around u! ever see a breed that is used for more tasks? the german shepard is used for soo many different things by soo many different indaviduals and orginizations for a reason.they r not for beginers. they r super smart & very adaptable to any environment as long as they get a good run every day or at least get some kind of stimulation almost every day; worlds best breed.
German Shepherds Are The Best
I adopted a German Shepherd about 5 years ago, she was 4 years old at the time. Ever since then, this dog has been nothing but loyal to me and my family, she knows that I am her owner and she does nothing else but make me happy. She sits by my front gate when I leave somewhere & she won't move from it until I get back. I love my German shepherd. Shes the best thing that's ever happened to me. I would recommend one to anyone looking for a big dog ! Their also really good with children & other dogs.
Tons Of Energy But Best Dog
My boyfriend had our shephard before I moved in. When I moved in, he started to eat my belongings. We used butter apple and it helped. It also helped when my boyfriend would pay attention to him when I was around. He never barked, ever, even at other dogs outside until we got in an accident this summer and I was laid up for months. He got protective and even more lovey than before. He loves playing with other dogs.
The ONLY thing that helped his energy is getting another dog. Our shephard had so much energy and paced all the time even after hours of playing. We got a goldendoodle and it changed everything :) so if you want a shephard, get another one or get another dog :)
Value For Money
Best Dog Ever!
We got a GSD as a family dog when I was about 15. My dad trained her, with no prior experience. I thought he did a great job! She learned to never bark, unless a stranger came into the home (we never discouraged this), she never jumped up and never overly licked people. After reading many reviews, maybe he just did an OK job, because she was so intelligent and easy and eager to train. She used to pull on the leash when she was a pup, but before long, she was heeling nicely. She got along with my cat, which we got AFTER we acquired her. She even used to herd my cat, if she escaped the house. It was amazing to see how naturally she herded. Ahhhhh what can I say. I miss her to bits! Never thought I'd get another, but again, after reading reviews on how remarkable this breed is, I think we are going to get another. I still get watery eyed remembering having to put her down, so young. She ended up with stomach cancer at only 10 and would have terrible seizures (tearing up as I write). But honestly, with love, guidance, leadership and good training, these dogs are phenomenal.
Value For Money
My Bodyguard "misty"
When I was about 8 yrs. old my family were moving into a house my dad had built for us, construction was just barely or almost complete. I was in a part of the house with one of the laborers and our German Shepherd "Misty", out of sight of anyone else.
The worker approached me and put his hand up my shirt. I knew this was wrong and slapped his hand away, the instant I did that Misty lunged at the worker biting him right around his belly button. With a surprised look on his face the worker jumped back and checked his injury. Misty stood still between him and I staring directly at him, I'll never forget that. I'd like to think she was telling him "You want to try that again buddy?" From that day on Misty would not allow any adult male near me without her close personal supervision.
I kept quiet about this for about 35 years or so, I don't know why, I guess I appreciate this breed a lot more than I care what anybody thinks.
Value For Money
the dogs are amazing i had germandshepards all my lifea dn they are the cutest things and they are very intelligent and my old dog acuually used to open my door
A "GSP" is the abbreviation for The German shorthaired pointer. The abbreviation for the German Shepherd Dog is GSD. If you have had GSD's all your life, you would think you would know how to spell their breed name correctly.
Value For Money
My German Shepherd Has Been Amazing
Ive never really liked animals because of the chewing house breaking etc. I bought my Gsd with my husband and as soon as he was old enough we brought him home. He literally always went outside never in his cage. Couple accidents inside but he whined to go just we were busy. Great with my 4 year old he loves him they always play together. He is a puppy still about 15 weeks and does snap playing around but not bad. He's Definetly a big part of our family. Just like another big baby. German shepherds are a fantastic choice.
I got my son a Gsd for xmas he is 5 and my friends son is 11 she is now 13wks old and like yours a few messes now just takes herself out to the toilet. She is gentle with the boys unless they are rarking her up lol, Im finding her very stand ofish to strangers, a lady tryed to pat her today and she went nuts. Im waiting on her 3rd shot to go to dog parks im shocked at how protective she is when strangers get to close to the car and hope this dosent mean she will bite them.MMMMMM
For More German Shephards http://puppies-innocent.blogspot.com/2012/07/large-breed-german-shepherds.html
Value For Money
Great Breed
Very intelligent and loving breed. great with my kids and after i had shoulder surgery he would come to check on me and it was amazing how careful he was around my shoulder. he would actually heard my other dog away from my shoulder when he thought he got to close. this breed like all breeds will step up and get aggressive with strangers if he or she isn't confident that you are capable of protecting the family. if he/she does have confidence in you then your GSD will relax and only step up when needed. mine answers the door with me but goes off my cues. most breeds are capable of picking up the role as guard dog, GSD's just seem to be better than most at it. Be a confident and loving owner and you will not be disappointed.
For More German Shephards http://puppies-innocent.blogspot.com/2012/07/large-breed-german-shepherds.html
Value For Money
My Dog Isn't A Full German Shepard She Is A Cross
my dog isn't a full German Shepard she is a cross bread (with collie we think) she was a bundle of joy since the day we got her we got her at 1 and a half ish from our local dogs home and she is great only downside is she pulls and jumps up on people although that might be cause her previous owners didn't train her from a pup. most of the reviews don't match word for word because its because all dogs (even same breed) are different in there own unique way based on parents, training, socialization and well being so if your looking for a general view of the dog then most are great but i would suggest getting to meet the dog before buying. :)
For More German Shephards http://puppies-innocent.blogspot.com/2012/07/large-breed-german-shepherds.html
Value For Money
Every Dog Lover Will Say That Their Dog(s) Are The
Every dog lover will say that their dog(s) are the best that anyone could ever wish to have and I'm no different!
I owned three GSD's, 1 male & 2 females from 1971 to 1984 and I can say with hand on heart that they were the most dedicated of dogs to their owner.
They were so easy to train and were alert at all times. I still remember with a big grin on my face, the time when my male dog pinned a burglar to the outhouse wall while the other two barked & growled at their quarry when this toe-rag made the mistake of making an unexpected visit. It must have been the easiest collar (no pun intended) the police made during that time.
However, during the early 80's, GSD's were being given an unjustified bad reputation in the media & press just as the various bull terriers breeds are now. I debated whether it would be worthwhile getting another GSD because of this reason. Instead, I ended up re-homing my late brother's 4 year old Border Collie that I had for a further 14 years. Since then I've re-homed unwanted dogs only and as I stated earlier, they have all been the best of dogs!
For More German Shephards http://puppies-innocent.blogspot.com/2012/07/large-breed-german-shepherds.html
I completely agree that they are easy to train and very alert. My 3 yr old male is also completely obedient and loyal, not to mention very loving to my children. I read a different review that said they were vicious and unpredictable. I couldn't help but laugh, because the only time I have ever seen this is when they were abused or owned by a very timid or fearful owner.the former is tragic and the latter would happen with any bread, because the dog feels it needs to step up and protect a weak pack. This is because it doesn't feel confident that the owner is capable of doing the job. Be a confident/mentally strong owner and your GSD will be exactly what it should be, a faithful and loving companion that will be there for you if things get hairy (pun intended).
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