Quinny Buzz Jogger Stroller
Value For Money
Quinny Buzz Jogger Stroller

User Reviews
Value For Money
Buzz 3 Is A Good Buy
We did our research on prams. We read reviews. We read which? and we went up to Kiddicare in Peterborough to test drive.
I was set on a Bill&Ted until we got there and whilst testing buggies (travel systems) we fell in love with the Quinny (4 at the time).
It was only as we were about buy it that we actually tried the Buzz 3. Wow, it cornered like it was on rails - perfect for our badly designed Tesco's (with it's pillars in the middle of the milk aisle).
We've now had it 3 years and it is still great. The tires are worn and the fabric has taken a beating, but I still think it's great (even when I compare it to the iCandy's and Buggaboo's our friends have).
It's been taken up and down the country and collapses very well in our car (take off the wheels and it's almost flat!).
Yes, I recommend it to friends and they recommend it to themselves when they test drive it. All in all a great buy!
Value For Money
It Is A Waste Of Time The Weels Stick Making It Mo
It is a waste of time the weels stick making it move in the wrong direction. The straps are not long enough and whenever my son sleeps in it he wakes up sweating because of the stupid materail and the seat is not big enough and the brakes have a mind of there own it was good at first but after the first few months it just broke i suppose starting to squeak i would not recomend it to anyone it is a waste of money and time. If i new how bad it was i would have definitely NOT have bought it
Value For Money
Please Don't Buy This Pushchair! Dorel/quinny Rely
PLEASE don't buy this pushchair! Dorel/Quinny rely on first time parents who don't look into the awful reviews this system has!
Endless problems with it- chassis tends to bend to the side, seats are difficult to get on and off, really heavy to push, springy chassis, veers to one side all the time, pushchair seat is strange shape so when reclined fully the childs feet are up in the air!!
I'm currently trying to take ToysR Us to the small claims court as its been returned twice and still useless.
First timers: forget how cool the Quinny looks, get something thats practical and well made. The Buzz is entirely form over function! Who cares how good it looks when you struggle with the damn thing everyday afterall??!
I found this review very helpful because... I agree, the pushchair looks better than its behaving.
Value For Money
Quinny Buzz 4 - Parents Of Other Half Bought This
QUINNY BUZZ 4 - Parents of other half bought this for us as a gift for our first baby. They told us they had one for their youngest and they were a good make. I wasn't sold on it straight away as it was effectively a 3-wheeler (even though it has 4 wheel, to at the front at close together) and I don't trust 3 wheelers. This is AWFUL! Too expensive for a pram that it not easy to use at all! If you need to get on public transport then forget it, this is way too big. Also if you need to flatten the pram to get onto a bus - if you have a young child not old enough to walk or more importantly: stand still - You can't! You need two hands to put this pram down and even then it is extremely stiff! Want to change the cover to the spare seat you got with the pram? No problem, give you're self half a day and be prepared to swear a lot as this is no picnic! After no more than 2 months the brakes loosened and eventually broke, the front wheels stiffened and refused to swivel, the rain cover lasted about 6 months before being replaced AND you're child gets soaked before you even have a chance to put it on in sudden weather changes - only thing annoying good about this pram is that I found is very sturdy - why annoying? Well it means I can't just push it down a flight of stairs (child not included in that scenario) and claim I need a new one because it's completely totalled.
Value For Money
Quinny Buzz 4. Do Not Buy This Product. Why? Ok -
Quinny Buzz 4. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT. Why? OK - let's cut to the chase. You buy a pram in order to transport your child from A-B. A key feature must therefore be it's ability to move from A-B. Buy a Quinny Buzz 4 and you will be sorely disappointed. Why? PUNCTURES. Plural. Double plural. We have had this woeful piece of equipment for 6 months now, and I do not exagerate when I say that we are on our third set of puncture repair blisters (packs of 10 min.), second set of inner tubes - both wheels - and shortly, in despair, I intend to purchase two spares to keep with the useless piece of scrap as permanent spares. For Pete's sake - it's a pram not an F1 car - why does it need pneumatic tyres? Let me tell you - it does not, or if it does, then perhaps Quinny should provide a pit-crew as I am frankly bored witless with taking the wheels off myself. You have been warned........
Value For Money
I Was Bought The Quinny Buzz 3 Pram Just Over A Ye
I was bought the Quinny Buzz 3 pram just over a year ago along with the Dreami, the Maxi Cosi car seat and all the hidden extras that go with It. At first I absolutely loved it! The travel system was fantastic and everyone commented on how lovely it was. It is incredibly comfy and sturdy and it is so easy to manouver around shops etc. It folds up easily yet remains pretty bulky! I am now shopping for a new stroller as my son is just too heavy to push around in it. Not to mention my tyre literally BLEW up, I had to go into a bike shop and beg them to fix it. Had to walk home with a foam tyre on, my retailer wants 28 pound for a new tyre which will take 28 days. So now I have no pram. Am quite disappointed as it was ridiculously expensive and Quinny are meant to represent quality. There are hundreds of them on eBay going for pennies.
Value For Money
Terrible, Terrible Buggy. The Seat Doesn't Recline
Terrible, terrible buggy. The seat doesn't recline, it simply tips back, so the sleeping child's legs are in the air! Very uncomfortable. The wheels are so wide as well that its very difficult to get in and our of door ways. The whole thing bounces too, which might be soothing to a small baby but definitely not for an older baby trying to drink some juice! The whole thing is hateful, its really just a fashion statement and I think they are more about vanity than the child's comfort to be honest.
Value For Money
I Brought He Quinny Buzz After Much Consideration
I brought he quinny buzz after much consideration in Dec 2009,its now Aptril 2010 and its already going back to be repaired!! the chassis has started to collapse when being pushed,disgracefull for a pushchair costing a small fortune.I also brought the maxi cosi car seat and dremi cosi,which are both fine although you need to be a octopus to remove the car seat from the frame,and the rain cover is tricky to put on the dremi in a hurry.I also purchased the iso fix base for the car seat which i love,makes getting the seat in and out really easy no fiddling around with seat belts and once the indicators go green you know its fitted correctly.The folding mechanism is quite tricky to master especially if you've had a casarean like me and storage is terrible,I purchased the shopping basket extra to give a little more space as the buzz box is useless,mine is stored in the box I don't even use it! The quinny is lovely to push but the front wheels seem to have a mind of their own and the back wheels are wide and quite often won't fit through small isles in shops.My quinny fits in the boot of my toyota yaris so thats not a problem,i have heard the brakes can also be a problem but i've not encountered this..I have spoken to customer services at dorell who weren't particularly helpfull concerning my pushchair and just told me to return it to the shop where it was purchased to be sent back for repair,not even an apology!So i would definatly recommend buying from a reputable shop or you may encounter further problems. I have recieved alot of compliments about my quinny and i agree it looks fab but all in all very disapointed and won't be purchasing another quinny in the future!!!
Value For Money
I Love My Quinny Buzz. Had Been Very Undecided Bec
I love my Quinny Buzz. Had been very undecided because of the general bad reviews on it, so decided to go for a second hand to prevent from big money loss. I got a 2007 model, with a 8 mo. girl: the regular seat is just fine: she may be too tight at 18 months though, and the straps yes are short with winter clothes on, but these are easily solvable problems.
I fit it in my peugeot 107: yes the smallest car on earth! by leaving the seat on, street facing, wheels off: it stays nicely in front of the front seat, thus having the boot free. It can stay in the boot also, wheels off.
The net underneath is big enough to carry my 5yo rollers with the full set of protections; I use the Buzz box for the raincover and some diaper change. Then I have my usual shoulder bag and can take my 5yo by the hand.
Baby loves it: she sleeps in it, and at restaurants I do not have to worry about taking another seat for her since in the Buzz she's very close to table height. I got the outdoor front wheels and will enjoy these first days of spring jogging with my baby in the open air.
I found this review very helpful because...I too am looking at purchasing a 2007 Buzz 3, used for $125. My son is almost 6 months old weighing in at 24 pounds. I only wonder if he will outgrow too soon. I love the look of the Quinny....I really would like the Henrik model. To only dream! Thanks for all the info and advice. This really helped me decide to purchase it.
Value For Money
I Brought The Quinny Buzz Complete Travel System 8
i brought the quinny buzz complete travel system 8 mnths ago and hate it with a passion !! it was handy whislst my son was in the carseat but otherwise a complete and utter pain ! Pushcahir was fantastic up to 4mnths old then constant problems occured after this ! puschair has a tendancy to ulock, squeek, steer in the wrong direct,brakes stick and frames sometimes does unfold. wha t a waste of, money a very bad choice in my eyes. i would never buy another or recommend this product ! its repaired more than its used
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