Britax Verve Buggy

Britax Verve Buggy

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Value For Money

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Britax Verve Buggy

Britax Verve Buggy
2.07 31 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

I'm Happy With This Stroller

We bought this stroller to keep at Nanna's house to use when my daughter stayes over, its light but feels substantial when pushing, its easy to fold and fits into a small car. I have read most of the negative reviews on this stroller and can honestly say I haven't experienced any problems. We always make sure baby is strapped in correctly, we don't put extra weight on the handle i.e. shopping ect, and always take care when mounting and dismounting pavements ect, no pram is totally safe if its missed used! I would recommend this stroller.


Value For Money

Britax Verve.

Hi guys, i've got one of these for my 2 year old daughter and honestly I do think it is a good pushchair! Yeah alot of you have said it tips forward with the slightest bump in the pavement. Well the pavements are all crap! The pram has a small front wheel, being a little cautious when pushing it on a crappy path or a bumpy road should come second nature! I've had it happen once but the pram just stopped. I wasn't rushing. I was walking at my normal pace when i'm pushing a pram - which is apparently fast i'm told. It just stopped suddenly, back wheels lifted abit but that was all. As for the child trying to turn around or face you on their knees. Clearly you haven't had the straps on properly. That's your fault. Not the prams.

I agree it should recline abit more, and maybe the hood should be abit higher for bigger older children. However older children fall asleep upright in carseats, and they nap alot less during the day when they get to about 2 my daughter's abit tall for her age.

The basket may be small, but that's why you have a baby bag?

I've never had the pram tip backwards.

Its a very light pram, which makes life blot easier, it folds to a very small size, and it is lovely to push because it seems to just glide smoothly.

Its all in all a very good pram. I'd recommend it.

I've had a luna, a skate, a silver cross 3D, an obaby atlas buggy, a mothercare pink buggy, a koochi buggy and a beat buggy. All of those have stupid problems. But nothing major.


Value For Money

Do Not Buy This Stroller!! It Is Dangerous!!


I too wish I had read the reviews first rather than listen to a friend as I have nothing but grave concerns since owning it regarding how on earth this pram passed any safety tests. It is not only top heavy, but if any weight is put on the rear it will tip back also, even if your child decides to turn around to speak to you getting up onto their knees it will tip. If my son leans to the left or right whilst sat strapped in i have to struggle to keep it upright and stop it from tipping over to the side he is leaning! This is not the worst fault though believe it or not - if there is the slightest of dips in the pavement, or walking on cobbles or even just a small stone you pass over it the whole buggy will tip forward putting your beloved child flat on their face if you havent managed to save them! I have looked a complete idiot walking through town and nearly walking straight over the top of the pram as the rubbish front wheel digs in! Seriously if you want to injure your child buy this pram if not stay well clear - a death trap!! If I could have given a 0 out of 5 I would have!!!


Value For Money

I Really Wish I Read The Reviews On The Britax Ver

i really wish i read the reviews on the britax verve before i bought 1, this pram is dangerous, and should never have passed all the tests 2 make it legal, it discusting, i wouldnt recommend this 2 anyone, it may look convinient but a hospital trip wouldnt be so convinient! my poor baby, i wont even put her in this buggy again!! 4 all those commenting sayin its safe, because u should be carefull pushin it, 4 kids later, im safe, the buggy is not, and i am more than capeable of being able 2 push a pram correctly!! this buggy should be taken off the shelves......... NOW!!


Value For Money

I Have Recently Swopped My Buggy For A Britax Verv

I have recently swopped my buggy for a BRITAX VERVE. He is almost 2. My initial reason was tha was trying to find a buggy that would fit in the boot of an old mini and this actually does :)

The 1st time i used it it took me by surprise going down a curb to the slightly bumpy road it tipped alomost strait over which was very scary. Not having a 3 wheeler b4 i wasnt expecting that so now am more careful and must admit i warn whoever takes it out to be careful cos potentially this could result in a nasty accident.

Its very light and nippy round the town. Almost pointless basket. And the hood is so low i wish they had made it higher up on the bar as thieans my son will outgrow it i guess within the next 6 months. But by then he should be walking more anyway.

Havent had it through the winter yet or had to use it with raincover.

I think as a 2nd buggy or summer buggy this is great


Value For Money

I Bought The Verve As I Like The Look Of The Quinn

I bought the Verve as I like the look of the Quinny Zapp but wanted a slight recline.The stroller is great as an umbrella stroller/shopping/errand one only.It's not a stroller for walks in the neghborhood.There is only as much to expect from a lightweight stroller! never had issues with tipping/being unsteady,even with bag hanging at the handle.My daughter is comfortable and loves the bar to hold on to.Reclines enough to let her relax while i shop.Basket holds bottles,snacks and wipes which is enough for short outings.Great manueverability in stores,small footprint.Great as a second stroller for a smaller child, a big toddler will not be comfortable but stroller is good for ages 9 months-2years.


Value For Money

I Have To Say Ive Just Brought The Britax Verve An

i have to say ive just brought the britax verve and yes it can be a little unsteady going up curbs but if your careful(which you should be with any pushchair) its fine. As for going out in the snow with it well its fab ive had two kids and 5 pushchairs and i love this one the most and so does my 2 year old, of course the fact i got it for £39.99 brand new, helps!!!!!


Value For Money

I Have A Britax Verve And Hate It!! I Sold My Quin

i have a britax verve and hate it!! i sold my quinny zapp because it didnt recline but the verve hardly reclines at all. the hood is so low on the buggy a bigger child will have a neck ache! the verve tips over everytime i use it on the smallest bump or hole in the ground, complete waste of money. DO NOT BUY THIS BUGGY!!!


Value For Money

Do Not Buy This Buggy............... This Buggy Is

DO NOT BUY THIS BUGGY............... this buggy is so dangerous every time i stroll over a slighty uneven path the buggy tips forward with my daughter face about an inch from the pavement and myself nearly on top of her, i am in dispute with britax now and too be honest they dont even care. sooo now i have no buggy and have to carry my baby every where.


Value For Money

I Bought This Britax Verve Buggy Then Read Alot Of

I bought this Britax Verve Buggy then read alot of bad reviews about it. I was gutted convinced it would have to go back but i have to say i havent had any problems with it tipping or been unsteady as yet. I only paid 49.99 for it which i think is excellent value for money! but i will say my son is 20 months old and i think his weight has something to do with it being steady, it may feel abit unsteady with a young 5 month old baby in im not sure. It definitely looks the part its light and feels lovely to push, very smooth good suspension.

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