Katy Coope, How to Draw Manga: A Step-by-Step Guide
Value For Money
Katy Coope, How to Draw Manga: A Step-by-Step Guide

User Reviews
Value For Money
Review On How To Draw Manga
this is a realy good book and i would love it if she has done one on anime because it is just awesome if she isnt already she could be a graphics designer, i would also recomend this to anyone who can read, the only thing i did not like was the fact she did not show us how to draw the hair on its own that was a real let down for me. Other than that the drawings were perfect and the fact that she drew all that is just amazing (and im still on the basic face) before i found this book i was realy up myself about my drawing, i could draw manga faces and i designed my own bodies but when i found this book i realised there is alot more to it than putting pencil to paper and creating something you have to plan what you wanted it to look like than find the right pencil and the right type of paper and allsorts. to make a long story short I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE it
thank you katy
(if anyone wants to get back to me E-mail me @ [email protected]
oh and check out my kool website @ mamgames.net & place domain in the top bar not google)
Value For Money
Just, Horrible, Really, Dont Buy This Book.
Okay, first, she writes somewhere in her book that she's drawing an ANIME figure! come on people, that's a huge fail. Because you can't draw anime, because anime is a tv programm based on a novel or manga book, but I cant remeber that you can put an ANIME in a book? impossible. You draw MANGA, manga is the art, not anime. so that was her first mistake.
second, the anatomy isn't what you call, based on reality or based on age. she makes Adults witch chibi proportions. so you'll get adults with Huge eyes. But huge eyes are the symbol for youth, and you only use them for kids/young teenagers, to make them look innocent and cute.
tho, i must say, i follow her on Deviantart.com, and she improved, and I'll give my compliments. Because she started to draw manga digital, wich is way better for her.
for people who are intrested in her deviantart http://ktcoope.deviantart.com/
here it is.
Value For Money
This Book Is Seriously Lacking In Any And All Area
This book is seriously lacking in any and all areas where one would expect quality.
The art is mediocre and honestly teaching yourself off this book will only cripple your drawing potential until some 8 year old kid is drawing circles around you.
You could find much better guides on Deviant Art that look 100 times better, for free, from professionals, who will make this book look like the child's play that it is.
Do yourself a favor and buy another book with a better art style so you at least learn in a way that's worthwhile even if it costs you a little more.
Value For Money
It Is Really Good I Got This When I Was Ten Now In
it is really good i got this when i was ten now in a porfessinal manga drawer this book set my career of so i would really recomend this amazing book includin her other books e3specilly the chibi in her books are amazing and i dont know why you are all saying katy coope is bad because she is amazing trust me if u buy this book you could be an proffesinol artist in a couple of weeks the only thing hard in here is the whole body its just quite complacatied but her book with how to make a manga comic in i9s awsommmmmeeeeeee o and this book is amazing for starting a careare off and i think this book shold be more expensive and you pick the drawing up in a cople if weeks
Value For Money
I Picked Her Second Book Up Infact A Few Years Bac
I picked her second book up infact a few years back at the age of about 13 or 14. It was going cheap at a discount book shop and as I was finding out about this cool manga stuff I thought it'd be useful at the time.
Although about five years on at the age of 18 I've moved on from Manga style art (I didn't do it for long) I found this book useful at the time.
Sure it's priobabaly not the best book around, but please bare in mind the artist herself was about 16 when she made this and is now 25 (and yes I've found her recent work and it is very much improved).
So not the best, has some good basics in there for the beginner, this book infact made me realise how to put people together by showing me the 'stick man'trick.
So although the art isn't that good, I did gain some usefulness from it back in the day so it's not too bad.
Value For Money
I Stumbled Across This Book When I Was 10. Even Th
I stumbled across this book when I was 10. Even then, I knew I drew better than this rubbish that is Katy Coope's book.
Drawing is not "easy", and Katy Coope's and many other people's, surely, idea that there's a shortcut is stupid. If you just want to be able to impress your 8 year old friends, go ahead, learn from this; otherwise, don't bother.
Here's the sad truth: if you draw like Katy Coope, no one will ever hire you to draw them a "manga".
Yes I Think How To Draw Manga: A Step-by-step Guid
Yes I think How to Draw Manga: A Step-by-Step Guide is awesome
Value For Money
I Have To Wonder Who Is Writing All These Positive
I have to wonder who is writing all these positive reviews about How to Draw Manga: A Step-by-Step Guide. As far as I'm concerned, this book deserves a 0.Why?Because;a) everything in this book has been written/taught in another book and probably with better results, or at least decent references for the beginner artist.b) the author herself obviously cannot grasp the idea of human anatomy... or common sense. Ask yourself this; when you can't even tell that your character has two left hands, should you really be telling other people how to draw?c) KAWAII DESHO DESHO?! Fact; blushing does not make your character cuter, nor should it be applied to ALL your characters.Have any of you ever READ any of the animanga that is mentioned on the back of the book? None of them draw in this abysmal style. Suffice to say, please refrain from getting this book for your young aspiring manga artist.
Value For Money
This Helped Me Devlope Good Manga Drawings. For Ad
This helped me devlope good manga drawings. For adults, not just for kids, any age this book could apply and help you.
Value For Money
Overall, This Is An Excellent Book For Beginners A
Overall, this is an excellent book for beginners and veteran-artists who are looking for ideas or have "doodler's block". The setup is very simple, and even I could learn it (I'm not good with how-to books)!
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