Coutts Bank
Customer Service
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Value For Money
Coutts Bank
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User Reviews
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
Rude Private Banker
Avoid this female private banker at Coutts she is extremely rude n only cares about hitting her targets n earning commissions she will push all the responsibility away once your investment is not earning profits
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
Bad, Bad, Bad.
There service is shocking! Never again. Hard to get hold of and speak down to you. I've given up on their services, I've been warned about them previously too.
Is Coutts The Right Wealth Manager For Me?
Is Coutts the right wealth manager for me?
Apparently Coutts services are only accessible for clients who share Coutts political views.
Whatever you think of NF, his cancelling is a pure form of discrimination based on political ideas.
As a high net worth individual you should ask yourself: may I be next to be refused services? Is this really the right wealth manager for me?
There are many great wealth managers out there who provide an objective service..
And yes, Coutts used to be a distinguished name, but lets be fair...it is just NatWest...
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
A V O I D At All Costs
As a long term customer I struggle to find anything positive to say about the bank, I have not been contacted by a private banker in 6 years, if you want some information they direct you to their website. It is a joke and they should be ashamed to call themselves a private bank, think NatWest with none of the charm. I will be moving despite the inconvenience and suggest anyone considering Coutts look elsewhere. I won’t bore you with my detailed reasons but suffice to say there is no relationship even when you hold substantial assets with them. They trade on reputation but that is not enough. The quality of their private bankers has gone from friendly and approachable to invisible and indolent.
This is exactly my experience! Awful.
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
Not Great
Coutts are not interested in providing banking services, they want you to place money with them to manage, unless you use them for discretionary management, they have no interest. As private bankers you would be better off with a high street retail bank. I have been with Coutts for many years and find them somewhere between incompetent and useless. I would not recommend them. One strong point is their banking software that is the best I have used, quite intuitive to use but no return on cash deposits and minimum balances make them an expensive luxury buy. If the personal banking relationship were nythong more than a named adviser, it could be interesting but sadly they are of no use, they also change regularly.
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
Managed Decline
My twentieth and last year with Coutts.Since its takeover by RBS it has become one of the worst service providers in the wealth management space.The rotating door of private bankers have no interest in anything other than commission income.The moment a large deposit hits your account you receive pressure to invest with them-the self same people that cost a Manchester businessman a 60m fortune one reads! Their call centre is now first point of call for all those who do not invest with them-so no"private banker" It feels like a government organization of the seventies-slow,error strewn and not interested in its run of he mill retail usersLets hope the Royal Household actually reviews it's service providers-the "Queens Bank" is a promotion it doesn't deserve.It sure is tough to love a banker or bank these days!Defections galore to Hoares I gather.At least it's online platform has improved-thankful for small mercies I suppose for my fees of over 2k last year
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
Managed Decline
My twentieth and last year with Coutts.Since its takeover by RBS it has become one of the worst service providers in the wealth management space.The rotating door of private bankers have no interest in anything other than commission income.The moment a large deposit hits your account you receive pressure to invest with them-the self same people that cost a Manchester businessman a 60m fortune one reads! Their call centre is now first point of call for all those who do not invest with them-so no"private banker" It feels like a government organization of the seventies-slow,error strewn and not interested in its run of he mill retail usersLets hope the Royal Household actually reviews it's service providers-the "Queens Bank" is a promotion it doesn't deserve.It sure is tough to love a banker or bank these days!Defections galore to Hoares I gather.At least it's online platform has improved-thankful for small mercies I suppose for my fees of over 2k last year
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
Coutts - Not What Is Used To Be
I have been banking with Coutts for 9 years; recommended to move from NatWest after I sold my business. The investment advice I received in 2007 was shocking, the Private Banker was nothing more than a greedy slime ball; only interested in earning commission.
As soon as I come across a bank with a similar online banking platform, which is easy to use, I’m off. Coutts charge £50.00 per month unless you have investments or borrowings over £250.000.
It is evident to me and several other Coutts customers who I know, that they are only interested in keeping clients who invest with them. If you don't like me, they don't want to know.
Customer service used to be excellent, but its changed for the worst.
Personally i have experienced of this bank,service of this bank was good!
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money
The Slippery Slope
I've been banking with Coutts for about fifteen years and have recommended couuntless people to them for the quality of their service and the manner in which they dealt with their clients.
About five years some mega-star from RBS was brought in to "revitalise" the bank and they immediately got rid of most of the managers' PAs turning to a call-centre to handle calls when managers were out doing their jobs visiting clients. This caused huge upset and did little to promote personal relationships so six months later another reorganisation brought back the PAs. All was stable again until last year when another muppet comes along and reorganises everything (including the IT).
The Coutts service was always a very personal service based on the realtionship between the client and an experienced manager. I beleive that each manager handled around 150 clients and spoke to them regularly to build relationships and aid service.
Under the latest changes I understand that most of the experienced longer serving (and probably expensive) managers have gone and have been replaced by a new breed of inexperienced junior staff who are never easy to contact (I have no idea what the manager/client ratio now is) and never make general contact calls. Indeed the service for answering incoming calls has also fallen off a cliff with frequent long holding times and less professional operatives. My "manager" of 10 months or so returned my call the other day and introduced himself by his first and last names telling me that he was my personal account manager - if he had built any sort of relationship he wouldn't have needed to tell me who he worked for!
I've not experienced the service of other banks for many years but in comparison to what went before Couuts have become distinctly shabby in my experience.
Very sad really - what was once a great bank with wonderful service is now, at best, indifferent. A once highly respected private bank has now been reduced to being just another "brand" in the RBS stable with one or two marketing gismos designed to attract the gullible!
Ease of Use
Customer Service
I've Been Banking With Coutts Now For Just Over A
I've been banking with Coutts now for just over a year and I have to say Im very, very impressed.
All the other banks I've banked with have been a real pain in the backside when it came to customer service. No interest in keeping your customer, dire levels of customer service and generally the type of businesses you want to dissasociate yourself with as soon as possible.
Coutts are a little more expensive than the standard highstreet bank, but you really do get what you pay for here. The customer service is excellent - they really seem to care about their customer service levels.
Their online banking is good too - its based on Natwest's bankline, so if you're familiar with that its pretty easy to navigate your way round.
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