Nissan Almera 1.5 S
Nissan Almera 1.5 S

User Reviews
Excellent Workhorse
2001 1.5 petrol.
I bought mine 4 years ago and have used it every day for the daily commute which is a 150 mile round trip. It now has 155k on the clock and still going strong.
Had to replace the gearbox at 70k but ever since then have only had to replace the front wheel bearings which is outstanding reliability. Still on the original clutch and brake pads/shoes which maybe reflects my driving style but again very impressive. Change the oil every 9k else you risk accelerated wear in the timing chain and the issues that go with it.
Not the sexiest looking car, or the swiftest but competent and a true workhorse.
Value For Money
Won't Beat A Ford
Bought new in 2001 & scrapped in May 2013 when I drove through a swollen ford and got water in the engine. In between however it did 203k with minimal servicing minimal care and attention and with the original clutch. Only thing that got changed was the drive belt relatively early in its life. Good family car, reliable. Could push it on motorways. To me a car isn't a trophy its a work horse. Dropping the back seats gave plenty of space and even with a tow bar and trailor good power for a 1500cc. Bought to replace a micra which my wife now has (163k same clutch) I wouldn't have a bad word to say against Nissan.
Value For Money
Nissan Almera 2003 1.5 S
My Almera is a 2003, 1.5 S and is well built and very reliable. I am the second owner with 80k miles. I have read many reviews about problems with other owner's cars but have had none of these. The engine has been run on fully synthetic 05-30w changed every 9k miles. One critical aspect owners overlook is changing the gear box oil. Nissan don't specify a service schedule for this, but Toyota recommend changing at 72k. (Gearbox oil wears down it's viscosity over time and accelerated high-wear occurs in the bearing housing, leading to failure). I recommend the g/box oil changed at 80k. The 10mm g/box filler plug seizes if not removed frequently. (Tip: Heat the plug carefully with a hot-air-gun to loosen it: re-fitting torque to 35nm with a smear of copper grease on the thread.) The engine should be good for 300k miles or more if well maintained. Where many owners go wrong is lack of maintenance.
My hat is off to your atstue command over this topic-bravo!
Value For Money
It's The Worst Car I Ever Owned. Even Worse Than
It's the worst car I ever owned. Even worse than my first rusty Ford Sierra.
It has a faulty timing chain which makes the car very jittery and eventually won't start at all.
Fixing the timing chain would cost £1800 (May2011). Replacing the timing chain is no gurantee the chain won't strech again.
I replaced mine last year, I'm having the same problem again.
I thought I was unlucky but when I googled it I found many Nissan owners are having the same problem.
I can't believe Nissan is getting away with this.
Hi is it possible u can tell me when u got timing change problem what things car was doing
Actually I have an Almera 1.5 2005 sinse 4 weeks I have a problem my car starts ok and drives also but when I press full or half pad of gas it doesn't take and if I press lightly it's running may I it's better to say it don't have power like before when I press full gas it doesn't run fast and when I press light gas it run better been to 4 different Macanics but no one can understand what's wrong with it and taking money from me to spend there time on it any one can help thanks
Timing chain replaced 20 months ago , stretched again . Will not hesitate in advertising poor after sales service from Nissan . Would not have another Nissan for free , trouble , trouble.
Please report your problem to BBC watch dog. Write about it everywhere: forums\facebook\twitter. If enough people speak out Nissan will be forced to fix their own problem.
I personally vowed never to buy a Nissan again.
Same here 2003 model. Spoke to Nissan customer services who admitted there was a problem but had gone away. I explained mine has just begun. Timing chain revs going crazy no power. They eventually told me to go away in a polite way . Not impressed. Havent got the money for a new engine so its back on the buses. Thank you nissan from me and my kids.
Couldn't agree more with your comment. Dont touch with barge pole, the timing chain fault is apparently as common as dirt.
Value For Money
Bought Almera 1.5 In 2006. At Around 40,000 Miles
Bought almera 1.5 in 2006. At around 40,000 miles the timing chain had stretched and needed replacing,very costly.After about another 24,000 miles we have the same problem .Nissan refuse to admit there is a problem although there are countless people complaining of the same problem along with so many other faults.I have reported this problem to watchdog and would strongly advise other people to do the same.Maybe then something will finally be done.Why should these big name manufacturers be aloud to get away with obvious faults with there products!
same problem at nearly exact same mileage .
Have you repoted your problem to vosa?
I'll give watchdog a call.
It's appauling how Nissan dealt with the timing chain issue.
I'll keep away form Nissan from now on.
Value For Money
Not The Quickest Or Most Exciting Car,but Ive Now
Not the quickest or most exciting car,but ive now done 96000 miles,the engine is great and its been pretty reliable,however the gearbox seems to be its achilles heal,i had to have it reconditioned after about 80k miles.Its making funny noises again,this may be due to the muppet that rebuilt it !.
Other than that its been pretty good.I like the look of the car,but im in a minority there!
Value For Money
I Bought It Because It Was A Nissan But I Was Real
I bought it because it was a Nissan but I was really disappointed.
The exterior is ok but I liked the interior.
The timing chain got stretched and it was very expensive to repair.
After one year, I'm having the same problem and Nissan quoted me £15000-£17000 to repair.
I called Nissan customer services but they said I was the first to report it. I guess they say that to everyone who reports the same problem.
I'll keep clear of Nissan cars next time.
Value For Money
I Purchased This Car With Only A Few Thousand Mile
I purchased this car with only a few thousand miles on it and now reads 60k and other than tyres and an annual service has been very cheap and reliable to own.This model is much improved over earlier models of the almera.It is also eco on fuel,insurance and other running costs are very reasonable.Thoroughly recommmend to anyone.
Value For Money
I Have Had My Almera 1.5s From New And Have Had No
I have had my Almera 1.5s from new and have had no problems at all.
Nissan have always been good and reliable that all my family own them.
The size of the car is great for the family and luggage space is good.
Value For Money
Got An Almera 2 Years Ago With 45,000 On Clock Tim
got an almera 2 years ago with 45,000 on clock timing chain went at 53,000 got it fixed it cost £1,000 pounds and it has just gone again 70,000 on clock is this common? i would not recomend this car to anybody its the worse car ive had
I agree, I think I m having the same problems with my Almera 1.5 I really hope its only the spark plugs
I found this review very helpful because...its so true of Nissan
I found this review very helpful because it mentioned a common problem with the Nissan Almera model which is the Timing Chain.
I agree totally with the review and I wouldn't recommend this model to anyone.
Can I swap the front seats around?
What is the best oil to use in my car please?