West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier

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Value For Money

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West Highland White Terrier

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West Highland White Terrier
4.74 21 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Wonderful Waggy Wests

I have recently lost my 12 year old westie girl Molly Mop I also have a 9 year old Boy McLeod. I find the westies, loving, loyal funny and rather naughty, which I love. They are wonderful companions, great travelling buddys with a real zest for life even into their twilight years. However their diet is of utmost importance, as they can suffer with numerous allergies, and skin conditions, one of mine did, the other is clear. They are very trainable, and accept house training quite easily. As we lost our girl, we have bought a scottie now to keep McLeod happy, they are great together, the very best of buddys, the fire of the scottie, sits great with the laid back approach of my westie. Highly recommended.


I never had a dog but I want one so can you please tell my mom why it good to have a westie


A Loyal Companion

We have recently lost one of our cherished westies. Although the pain we are feeling at the moment is almost unbearable we take comfort in the fact that we did have 14 wonderful years with her. West HIghland Terriers make fantastic pets. They are full of character and yes, can be a little stubborn.


Hard Work But Worth It!

We have had our 10 week old Westie pup, Mabel, for one week now, and she is a little terror! She is so stubborn and cheeky and everyday she has a mad 10 minutes where she runs riot but she also loves to be cuddled on our lap and have her tummy tickled! When she nips or gets into trouble she responds well to a firm 'no' and several sharp claps. She only cries in her crate for the first five minutes then she gets bored and goes to sleep. We take her out at 11:30 - 12:00 every night for business then usually she sleeps until 5:00. Mabel is our first dog, and now we see why people were shocked when we said that a Westie was our first!


Value For Money

I Have Owned Two Westies, My First Past Away Aged

I have owned two Westies, my first past away aged 14 which left me heart broken. However a couple of months later, I got another aged 8 weeks and, 8 years later, I am still a happy Westie owner. I have found that Westies make very good house dogs, they are loyal and very docile. I would recommend this breed to anyone looking for a dog and who has young children. One thing I have noticed however is their stubborness. They are generally very head strong and if they see something that interests them, they will go after it despite all earthly attempts to call them back!

Regardless, I would not have it any other way. Both the

West Highland White Terriers I have owned have given me great joy.


Value For Money

I Have Just Lost My Adorable West Highland White T

I have just lost my adorable West Highland White Terrier Katie after 15 years. She was the most loving dog I have ever owned. She never chewed anything she shouldn't, she loved going in the car and never showed any aggression to any one or anything. She was a joy in my life and I am going to miss her so much.


Value For Money

I Have Three White West Highland White Terriers An

I have three white West Highland White Terriers and love them to pieces. They are the humour and joy to my entire family. They each have their own personalities and each one requires personal alone time. They enjoy each other and love to chase lizzards. They enjoy sunbathing by the pool. They are a little put out when they have to come in from their leisure time. I would suggest this breed to anyone with children. My children play with them constantly.


Value For Money

Our World Revolves Around Our Little Westie Girl.

Our world revolves around our little Westie girl. She is the sunshine in our life! She is beautiful, smart, funny, VERY energetic and a bit sassy. She wants to be right in the center of whatever we're doing. Westies refuse to be ignored. She is the perfect size. Her pure white coat is very easy to care for. She only needs a bath about once every 2 months or so. It's a good thing because she DOES NOT like baths. We've only had her for about 9 months, but we can't imagine life without her. We can see a little Westie brother for her in the near future.


Value For Money

My Westie Is A Breath Of Fresh Air To Our Home, He

My westie is a breath of fresh air to our home, He's absolutely beautiful,cheeky, don't get a westie if he is going to be alone all day, They need to know someone is around

He loves the park where i take him at 5.30 every morning before work and 8pm when i finish, my hubby works nights so sleeps with him all day

Hes my baby


Value For Money

I Have Had A West Highland White Terrier For About

I have had a West Highland White Terrier for about four years now and she is the love of my life. I don't know where people say they like to bark as she rarely barks sure she does occasionally but not yappy by any means she is wonderful and i am considering getting another one. Best dog I've ever had very loyal and loving. One thing to be aware of is that they are sensitive when it comes to skin allergies.


I Have A West Highland White Terrier And He Is Gre

I have a west highland white terrier and he is great with children and his a big softy.

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