Belfast International Airport

Belfast International Airport

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Belfast International Airport

Belfast International Airport
2.54 13 user reviews

Customer Service


Overall cleanliness


Value For Money

User Reviews


Customer Service


Overall cleanliness


Value For Money


I had hoped that with the new scanners the questions security would be very quick . No chance

30 min in the line .

Why was there only 2 of the 6 scanners manned .at what must be the busiest time of the morning,.

Management need to review their staffing levels

As a regular flyer was the WORST experience

I’ve had in a long time


Very Rude Ryanair Member Of Staff!

I was returning to Stansted from Belfast airport by Ryanair . I had just attended my father’s funeral and was bringing back some fragile keepsakes from my father. I was obviously feeling rather emotional and I explained this to the member of staff but she insisted on me pushing my suit case into the measuring box. Even though I was crying she still made be squeeze my case in. It did fit and we were fine but this member of staff had no people skills at all and was in my opinion very rude and had no understanding of how to speak to me. After what was a very difficult day for me this just added to my upset, I am crying as I am writing this.


Value For Money

Terrible, No Place To Sit, Horrible Security Staff

After passing through the shoutiest security staff in any airport I have ever encountered, I get past the hell that is security to find they have removed a whole seciton of seats next to Terminal 18, and ther ewas no-where to stand. People were just sitting on the floor and standing, a horrific way to spend your time at an airport.

They have extended the cafe area so that they are trying to force you to pay for a drink jus tto sit down. Shocking. I am furious and want to avoid this airport whenever I can in future as this is an appauling way to treat your customers.


Customer Service


Overall cleanliness


Value For Money

Recent Experiences Very Disappointing!....

Belfast international use to be a lovely airport travel experience but i have recently traveled there 5 times last year and had a terrible experience both times all because of there security staff.

The airport itself is okay but has changed and seems a bit smaller that it use to be. The security system how ever is appalling found it to be a horrible experience. Airport security is suppose to be a hassle free experience but my experiences recently of security here has been rubbish. the staff make you self conscious and the way they stand about chatting to each other laughing and starring around at passengers you can only imagine what you would feel like.

Ive found myself losing my temper at how poor the professionalism is at the security area and i have complained to the security department and received a 2 page word document just waffling on about certain security members and how long they have worked there and how much praise they get, basically kissing there backsides. They did say they would upgrade customer service training packs but in all honesty from someone who works in the travel and tourism industry in customer service they need a training course rather than a pack.

very disappointed with my recent experiences at international and have now started to fly into Belfast city which is a more pleasant experience. Needs improving big time!


Fully agree with this security staff and management

Are a appalling at best and over the top with their powers

Have been through alot of airports And security here is

The worst I have ever seen I have seen them make fathers drink

Breast milk baby's being searched Disabled pensioners

Searched embarrassingly in front of people they have a unique

Quality of making people so angry


Customer Service


Overall cleanliness


the boarding for wheel chair users is the worst i have ever seen .they get pushed through the wind and rain uncovered in all weather .down long cold corridor swhich are disgraceful and cheerless .up and down lifts by the time they get to the main building they are really cold and miserable . happy landing .i dont think so


Customer Service


Overall cleanliness


Value For Money

Avoid If You Can

BFS has gone from being a reasonable airport to a form of torture. Queues so long you need to leave extra time, inadequate and uncomfortable seating, unreasonable and unhelpful security personnel, and they want to squeeze every penny out of you! An experience which can ruin a holiday so avoid if you can.


Customer Service


Value For Money


Overall cleanliness

Belfast International Airport Is A Large Airport A

Belfast international airport is a large airport a bit out of Belfast. The terminal building has been upgraded many times over the past few years. The size of the building makes it never really feel busy. Parking is easy and close to the terminal and there are lots of cities in the UK, Europe and a few in North America served. There are however few shops.


Customer Service


Value For Money


Overall cleanliness

I Travelled To Belfast International Airport From

I travelled to Belfast International airport from Gatwick at the beginning of September 2008 and my opinion of the airport is really quite good.


Customer Service


Value For Money


Overall cleanliness

Belfast International Airport Is Ok Because It Is

Belfast International airport Is ok because it is clean it has fast moving security and has good flights. The airport does need more shops!


Customer Service


Value For Money


Overall cleanliness

Airport Should Be Putting Pressure On Government F

Airport should be putting pressure on Government for rail loop.

It is very hard to complain at the Airport .... is this to suppress the level of dissatisfaction with your service? Why does the Pre-Booking cost so much less that Turn up and Pay and why can't you prebook on the day of your travel?

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