ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB Graphic Card

ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB Graphic Card

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ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB Graphic Card

ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB Graphic Card
3.25 9 user reviews

Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality


Value For Money

User Reviews


Graphics Quality


Ease of Set Up


Value For Money

9200se-my Very First Graphics Card

This was my very first graphics card, I had a P4 2.4, 512mb of RAM , 40 GB HDD and a 17' monitor, it served me well for over 5 years. I played Fifa 05,06,07 and 08 at full settings, all NFS'S upto Mostwanted then it started becoming sluggish, it was quiet and all you had to do was to plug it in your AGP and you were good to go.. it was relatively quiet I Later upgraded to a radeon 1550 and only noticed a small improvement in performance.

I want to play fifa 12 and the new NFS title, will be getting a HD 5750 coupled with a C2D E7500 2.93 and 4GB of ram , which should last me another 5 years hopefully.


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

I Knew Nothing About Gaming Or Video Cards So On T

I knew nothing about gaming or video cards so on the advice of pc world asked before we bought if railworks train simulator would play on my computer , showed them spec sheet and they said yes but could be a little juddery on video. WRONG it will not play at all as message comes up GRAPHIC CARD DOES NOT SUPPORT PIXEL SHADER 2.0 so I guess we will probably have wasted our £20 unless I can get a refund from them.


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

Well A Back In 2003 I Got My First Ever Pc, With T

Well a back in 2003 i got my first ever Pc, with this card in, so back then i knew nothing, but as time has passed i know a great wealth about pc.

This card is very old, but that said upto about 2007 with the birth of games like Crysis and Bioshock ect the cards uses was over, but still working fine (And is to this day, after 7 years albeit performance drops but that because of other components within this ancient Pc)iv only just ordered a new pc to be able to handle today games without a problem after 7 years! manly thanks to this card

If you play older game mainly form 2003 and 2005, this card can max those game, after and you may struggle.

Overall not a bad card, don't really buy it now though, better cards are on the market but back then this card was a beast, stick to you're HD5000 series or 4000 series

The cards main strong type of games are RTS's and RPG's, i found those less action but slightly more detailed games (E.g. Star wars Knight of the old Republic II and Rise of nations games run almost flawlessly on it)

Not sure how much this card goes for nowerdays, but if you're compelled to buy it and dont do much 2007 and on gaming you should be fine.

(Last word, i have only 512mb on my pc, this really chokes the card, so get at least a 2GB duo core, and 1GB to 2GB RAM)

Hope this review helps anyone, happy day all


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

Well This Videocard Is Perfect For Older Games Lik

Well this videocard is perfect for older games like gta san andreas(plays perfectly)or nfs carbon or any other older games.

The only problem is with the pixelshader 1.4,newer games like prostreet requires pixelshader 2.0.

Overall ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB is a very good graphics card.


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

The Ati Radeon 9200 Se 128 Mb Graphic Card Is Ok F

The ATI Radeon 9200 SE 128 MB Graphic Card is ok for simple non online games and simple office tasks. Its too laggy for most games. Cant blame it. Bought my computer 6 years ago. Its very old.. I can't believe this graphics card is worse than Intel GMA 950, and thats a laptop!! I could play some games with that :) and i did not experience any lag what so ever. But when I tried the ATI card, its so laggy, i cant even do anything., like playing Wolfteam.. It crashes itself!


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

I Am Using This Card Since 1 Years And It Has Disa

I am using this card since 1 years and it has disappointed me for the first time with its Pixel shader. Reason of disappointment is that it cant run NFS ProStreet. I Played Need For Speed whole series throughout but now I cant play PROSTREET. I bought the CD but its useless yet because of error message at the start PIXEL SHADER 2.0 not found.

Nevermind, This card has good performance uptil now. Still Most of the games can be played with it.


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

Continuous Graphics Flow, However Bad Corners With

Continuous graphics flow, however bad corners with the ATI Radeon 9200 SE in my experience. Power full device in accord with its price as far as I am concerned. I still recommend this video ati graphics card.


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up


Graphics Quality

This Card Can Play All Sort Of Games Except The Ne

This card can play all sort of games except the new entries like call of duty 4 and pro-street... But all other games run perfectly on this system. I got AMD 2400+ with 1ET gb ram and this card... Its perfect for me at least... but if you are a gamer... then get a a better card. I will suggest go over 512 mb card, other wise if you cant afford it like me then ATI radon 9600 or 9800 is better.. Go over it...


Value For Money

After Spending 3 Years With And Old Ve I Decided T

After spending 3 years with and old VE I decided to go ahead and buy a new graphics card. I was not expecting THIS much difference! From barely GTA3 at 640x480 16bit on my athlon 1600xp to 1024x768 32bit with now slowdown whatsoever! The image quality is excelent even tho is is DX8.1. If like me you cant afford a 9800XT then have a look at this card! It will transform your gameing experience!


I hope it isn't DOOM3 -hehehe-. I've used Radeon9200SE and I can tell you that it's a good card even though it's not a high-end model. You paid less than 80$ for it so you shouldn't expect the performance of 200+$ cards, I mean guys come on, get serious. In the end it's a really good card for this kind of money, you didn't waste your cash.


I have a question for you gmdublin2004.

I just bought the same graphics card from EBay although I haven't recieved it yet. For the same reason you did! My wife bought me Thief Dark Shadows, which requires pixel shader 4.1 among other senseless requirements. Now I wonder if I just wasted $62.00 for the card and still wont be able to play the game (which cost $45.00)

Which game did your wife buy you and were you ever able to get the card to work?


i dissagree. i to bought this piece of hardware so as i could play a game which my wife bought me for christmas. boy was i livid. the card was completley useless. it aloud the games to load and play for a minute or so then could not keep up with the play hence crashing.

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