Unable to sell home due to solar panel insurance issues

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A Shade Greener - www.ashadegreener.co.uk
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TriLia's review of A Shade Greener - www.ashadegreener.co.uk

“Unable to sell home due to solar panel insurance issues”


written by TriLia on 16/04/2021

This company has to be one of the most unethical companies I've ever come across and appears to have no accountability to any governing body. My house has leased solar panels installed by the previous owner and owned by A Shade Greener. Unfortunately the solicitor engaged when I bought the house four years ago failed to point out or warn me about any potential problems with leased solar panels. I'm a pensioner on a fixed income in remission from cancer and now need to downsize for both health and financial reasons. However, I find myself unable to sell my house (as I have a legal obligation to inform any prospective purchaser of the problem we encountered when I found a buyer last year) and there are still 17 years left on the lease.

All the usual problems with mortgages were sorted out but on seeing the lease itself my buyer requested clarification on a few points, one of which was "does the solar panel company's insurance policy cover damage to the property if it's caused by their system". He was concerned about the possibility of legal disputes arising should the solar panel system cause damage to the property/contents. There's a clause in the lease saying the Tenant (ASG (F7)) must supply the Landlord (homeowner) with details of their insurance so we requested that from them. They sent summary sheets showing Public Liability and Employers Liability insurance in the name of another ASG company, ASG Maintenance, and despite repeated requests from my solicitor and from myself to provide more information to answer my buyer's question they steadfastly refused to do so.

They also refused to make a simple written statement stating whether or not they held insurance that would cover damage to the property if it was caused by “the system” or to do anything to help the situation despite knowing that the house sale was about to collapse because of this issue.

For that sole reason my buyer then withdrew from the house purchase on his solicitor's advice because of possible future legal disputes concerning insurance liability despite loving the house and waiting six months for the sale to go through.

A Shade Greener are listed as members of the RECC (Renewable Energy Consumer Code) so I contacted them in the hopes of resolving the problem via their dispute resolution team. However, it turns out that there are over 60 different ASG companies and none of them involved with my lease are registered with the RECC so they have no requirement to follow any code of conduct.

It appears that ASG don't hold insurance to cover any damage to my home and/or contents if caused by their solar panel system and my homeowners insurance doesn't cover it either as the panels are not owned by me. Their best advice was to take out as much insurance as possible including legal expenses and basically hope for the best and be prepared for a possible legal dispute. I have since heard that this scenario did actually happen to someone and they couldn't make any claim for their loss. So I'm faced with the prospect of spending the next 17 years living in a house that I can't afford to run that's potentially uninsured anyway.

This really shouldn't be happening in 21st century Britain.

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Rcccc's Response to TriLia's Review

Written on: 10/01/2022


Have you made any progress with ASG? Have you managed to sell the house? I an in exactly the same position.

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Trilia's reply to Rcccc's Comment

Written on: 10/01/2022


Bad news first .. no progress with ASG themselves as they remained stubbornly uncooperative despite my solicitor confirming they'd broken the terms of the lease and demanding they provide insurance details. They basically just aid "take us to court" which would obviously be very costly.

However .. there's a Facebook group called A Shade Greener Complaints that I belonged to and someone there posted a link to a template letter drawn up by the Council of Mortgage Lenders and the Building Society Assoc which runs alongside the lease and a mortgage and requires ASG (or any solar panel owners) to agree that they're liable for any damage that their system might cause to the property.

So my solution was to sell my property to someone who required a mortgage, inform them of the situation and then let them have the information about the letter so that they could get ASG to confirm that they would cover the insurance liability.

Good luck!

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Suediy53's Response to TriLia's Review

Written on: 23/12/2023

Asg's underwriter is AVIVA, that's who they use to cover their panels, but the cover does not ! cover the landlords roof for damage caused by the panels to the roof. If you go to the a shade greener complaints facebook page , you will find some help there . Just ask for help .

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Shazzey555's Response to TriLia's Review

Written on: 17/02/2022


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Shazzey555's Response to TriLia's Review

Written on: 17/02/2022

It does state in the contract if you fail to sell your home twice then they would remove the panels but would want proof of the sale falling through Also states they will buy your house at full price. I had no idea they didnt have insurance for their pannels. Their is a facebook page A shade Greener-Issues and complaints join the group.

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Shazzey555's Response to TriLia's Review

Written on: 17/02/2022

It states in the lease that if you fail to sell your home twice them=n they will tyake the pannels off but they want proof the sale fell through because of the panels.

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Trilia's reply to Shazzey555's Comment

Written on: 17/02/2022

Hi Shazzey555

I'm pleased to hear that your lease states that if you can provide proof that a house sale falls through twice due to the panels then they'll remove them.

Two thoughts: firstly, it didn't say that on my lease so it wasn't an option for me and secondly, I would expect that it would prove extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get ASG to remove the panels without resorting to long and costly legal action. They just don't seem to care if they break the terms of the lease whilst they're raking in the feed-in tariff profits. They know that very few people would be prepared to launch legal action mostly due to the cost.

They broke the terms of my lease but when challenged they just basically said "take us to court".

One thing ASG are very good at is writing leases that are watertight and advantageous for them and but disadvantage the home owner.

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Shazzey555's reply to Trilia's Comment

Written on: 17/02/2022

Then go to the odbudsman and see what they say.

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