Diamondback Demon
Value For Money
Diamondback Demon

User Reviews
Value For Money
2 Words Seriously Rubbish. I Would Recomend To All
2 words seriously rubbish. i would recomend to all of you PLEASE DONT BUY THIS BIKE IT SUUUUCKS.brakes are terrible sprocket is giant sooooo heavy the only good part is getting off seriously it is terrible save youre money and get a good bike like a ruption thrust is not the lightest but is awesome for doing tricks sprockets big but is easy to replace and is cheaper. bottom line do not buy this bike its $h£%.
ED thompson
Value For Money
Good Bike Really Nice To Ride For The £20 I
Good Bike Really Nice To Ride For The £20 I Bought It Of A Mate For I Have To Say Its Great Especcially For Just Riding Round With Your Mates ;)
Value For Money
I'm 13 And When I Bought This Bike (out Of My Own
I'm 13 and when i bought this bike (out of my own raised money), i was appalled. The front brake was in a really odd position, and when you turn, it locks up. So i tried changing it but I found it's the forks. Then after a weeks worth of mild use, the back brake started to bend. The wheels aren't strong at all, one clean 180 and they buckle. The sprocket is to big to do anything decent at the skatepark, and the cranks come loose really easily. The grips WILL cut your hands up, and the frame is too long. A bad buy, an odd excuse for a bmx. Waste of money. After riding a stock built one in the shop, it felt good, but when mine came from delivery, fully set up by a 'professional', the stem was on backwards. Halfords, Diamonback. Never again.
Value For Money
I Love Dimondback Bmx Its The First Bmx Ive Ever H
i love dimondback bmx its the first bmx ive ever had but i can do many things on them at the sk8 park they are not a waste of anything i can 36O and flaire spine on a dimond back safe bmx and more :)
Value For Money
The Diamondback Demon Is An Excellent Bike. Nippy
The Diamondback Demon is an excellent bike. nippy as hell
Value For Money
The Diamondback Demon Is A Sweet Bike To Ride. Eas
The Diamondback Demon is a sweet bike to ride. easy bike to bunnyhop and do tricks just a tad heavy
Value For Money
This Diamondback Demon Bike Is A Great Bike For Be
this Diamondback Demon bike is a great bike for beginner and intermediate stages, this bike is heavy but only because of the strong material it is made of! plastic pedal's should be replace as they are not very strong.
All in all i used it for dirt jumping and street/skate-park (perfect)
Value For Money
Get This Bike Or Ur Loosing Out In A Big One. The
Get this bike or ur loosing out in a big one. The Diamondback demon is a really good mountain bike because it is light. It is an ideal racing bike and it has a gd frame. If u dont get this bike u will be loosing out!
Value For Money
I Have Owned My Demon For A Year. I Think That It
I have owned my demon for a year. I think that it is a great BMX because it is VERY VERY fast and easy to jump. Also it is very light. I really recommend it.
Value For Money
It Was A Good Ride, And I Would Recommend It. The
It was a good ride, and i would recommend it. The Diamondback Demon BMX is very steady and light. I did think that the steering was slightly dodgy but looking at the BMX as a whole you have to say this is a really great bike.
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