Roger Black Gold Treadmill
Value For Money
Roger Black Gold Treadmill

User Reviews
Good Value For Money
I bought a RB Platinum treadmill approx. 4 years ago and both my wife and I have been using it extensively and still doing so steadily. I bought an added 3 years extended guarantee as it has been running very well I never need to contact Argos or their services Dept.
Only recently we come to realize that it has been noisier than in previous years but as there is no point to contact Argos about it. Last Saturday, I slowly opened up the front panel, took load of photos just incase I would ever needed them and relaxed the belt from the motor. I also removed the 2 rear caps and took out the rear roller.
I did load of checks and tests and came to believe that the ball bearings of the rear roller needed to be replaced. Those for the front roller and the motor were fine. I did a lot of search on internet and it seemed easy enough to change them. I wrote down the number ref on the ball bearing and ordered 2 from Simple Bearings on the Internet for lest than a tenner (including VAT and postage). I will replace them next weekend and hopefully it will be fine for a couple more years.
Value For Money
Good Until It Broke Down
Have the treadmill for 2 years and it is used almost every evening during the winter for a 5 k run. So it has done a reasonable amount of work, and was very happy with it. Now however it has stopped working and there is ABSOLUTELY NO AFTER SALES HELP ONLINE to either identify or fix the problem. I cant even find out what the error code refers to, nor does there appear to be any fixing service available. So essentially it has cost €700, run for two years and will now have to be scrapped. Not happy at all and WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER, (indeed I would be a total mug if I was fooled twice!!).
Value For Money
Do Not Buy
Bought new from Argos and had to have it replaced after seven days due to the motor packing in . Got a new one and now having to have the motor
replaced after only light use less than 300 kilometers . Cheap and nasty please don't waste your money .
Value For Money
Had Mine For Years And Love It.
Bought mine 2nd hand from ebay. Had not had much use. I was suspicoius about the treadmill being as good as a proper gym one, but it is just as good IMO in build quality. I have only done about 20 miles on it, but had it for years. It seems sound so far. But the support for the treadmill is dreadful - I tried to get a basic manual for it. No chance. Not on the internet anywhere.
I really love it - After some horrible dental problems giving me repeat infections for many years, meaning I could not exercise, I am doing the 'brad pitt workout' now to make up for it.
Since a lot of the program is aerobic weight loss the treadmill is just fantastic in the deep winter months.
Best to give it a go with music plugged in. You cannot compare the calorie burn from a treadmill with anything else. 600kCals is not unusual per 40min session.
One thing I am disappointed with : I had to move the treadmill a few times so had to unwire the bottom deck, unscrew a pile of screws and remember where all the wires go. I could then fit it in the back of my car and move it. It took about 2 hrs to disassemble and a day to reassemble though.
If the Roger Gold Treadmill had a simple slot in junction box which costs about 20p users could unplug the deck and move it at will!
The engine on my treadmill is 1.75HP and when I run on a incline its certainly good enough. I have bought some proper silicon lube for it.
Roger Black Compact Treadmill Spares
I have been very pleased with this model even though it is quite old but the front roller bearings are now breaking down and very noisey but i cannot find anyone who supplies spare, and yes Argos customer service were very apologetic but offered no help and waved goodbye with a smile as i sank to the bottom of the sea!!
Can anyone HELP?
Replies please to [email protected]
Value For Money
Parts Not Available For Older Roger Black Treadmills!
I would recommend not buying a Roger Black Gold Treadmill from Argos. They seem to struggle getting parts for them when they break down and then never call you back when they say they are supposed to.
They don't even stock spare parts for the old version of the Roger Black Gold Treadmills, even though they are available from another company, they don't advise their customers of this so the customer is left with a treadmill they can no longer use.
The way the treat customers after they already have their money is just appalling! I'd never buy anything from them ever again after my experiences.
So, I would stay very clear of Roger Black Treadmills if I were you!
Value For Money
Roger Black Treadmills Parts Not Available From Argos Ltd
I would recommend not buying a Roger Black Gold Treadmill from Argos. They seem to struggle getting parts for them when they break down and then never call you back when they say they are supposed to.
They don't even stock spare parts for the old version of the Roger Black Gold Treadmills, even though they are available from another company, they don't advise their customers of this so the customer is left with a treadmill they can no longer use.
The way the treat customers after they already have their money is just appalling! I'd never buy anything from them ever again after my experiences.
So, I would stay very clear of Roger Black Treadmills if I were you!
Value For Money
Made In China Buy Else Where
Me and my girlfriend were after a treadmill to improve fitness during the bad weather. We seen a Reebok one that looked great but was a out of our price range at £900, we looked at the Roger Black gold treadmill but this was £700 in Argos a little expensive, I seen one secondhand on eBay for £350 and made an offer at the same time Argos put them on sale half price at £350 we ordered one and waited for delivery. When it got here we set it up one problem was that the instructions were badly written with spelling and grammar mistakes, this maybe because they had been translated from Chinese to English directly. The console also has bad grammar on it. The build quality is poor to average even though it is fairly heavy the it feels a touch rickety. The £350 we paid is all it is worth for Argos trying to sell it at £700 is a rip off. The pulse rate is junk it reads 66 beats per minute every time I use it and if you hold it for about 5 minutes it increases slowly to what might be the right amount but by then it does not matter, if it does not work it should not be fitted then they could take some money off the price. The calorie counter is also totally junk you can run for 10 kilometers for less than 200 cal, it is common knowledge that an average sized human uses 100 calories per mile. The problem comes from the fact that lots of our products are made in China and are badly made then brought to the UK and sold at the same price as quality made goods from Japan, Germany and the UK China only used to make poor quality goods that were cheap and inevitably failed. It is up to us the consumer to take a stand against the garbage that is being sold at sky high prices. If you see something you like ask one question was it made in China if the answer is yes then walk away. As for this treadmill look around and if I was you buy a secondhand reconditioned industrial treadmill these treadmills are designed for hard work and with small amount of work load a single/couple person will put on it should last for decades.
Value For Money
I Had Been Looking At The Gold Treadmill For A Whi
I had been looking at the gold treadmill for a while in argos but as it was a little out of my price range i didn't buy it. That was until a friend told me about a company that were selling them for less than half price. The website was www.fitness-and-leisure.co.uk
I also purchased a roger black cross trainer and to be honest you cant fault either piece of equipment, especially for the price i paid. I would definatly recommend :)
Value For Money
Bought My Rb Gold Treadmill For Half-price £
Bought my RB Gold treadmill for half-price £350.00 2 years ago. I still overpaid. The build quality is poor but the electric motor is just not powerful enough and overheats with prolonged use. I have taken the top cover off to aid cooling and use high grade silcone lubricant every week to prevent the motor from burning out completely. My recommendation is to buy a commercial grade treadmill with at least a 2-4hp electric motor. It may cost more in the short term but in the long term you will be saving money.
My machine was working fine until i moved it. Now computer board will not lightup and so i can't use it. What have I done?
My treadmill has stopped and error E06 is coming up on the screen. I do not see this error in the manual. Can you tell me what is wrong?
Hi im gettg an error message on the treadmill JX-286, it says E02 what does that mean, please if you can advise? Thanks.