Dunlop Loco

Dunlop Loco

User reviews

Value For Money

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Dunlop Loco

Dunlop Loco
3.33 4 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Great Ball, Straight And Long.

I find these balls Dunlop Loco crazy long, great ball, give nice straight distance with driver. ita a long hitting forgiving ball.

its shame i cant find then anymore on the shops..


Value For Money

Last Week, As Part Of Our Annual Mckeg Tour, We Pl

Last week, as part of our annual McKeg tour, we played Lytham St Anne's.

Prior to leaving on the trip, I put a supply of new golf balls in my bag, including 3 Dunlop locos. On the 3rd tee, having hit the ball on the sweet spot of the driver, imagine my horror to see two pieces of the ball go in different directions.My partners laughed, saying dunlop locos are just plain bad balls.I played on with another ball, as I did on another course the following day.

This morning, when playing the weekend competition on my home course, Baltinglass, the first ball to come out of the bag was another Dunlop Loco. I thought lightning would not strike twice. Lo and behold, on my second shot on the 13th, the ball again split in two.

I have discarded the remaining Dunlop Loco & will not use this brand again.


You're the one with the brnais here. I'm watching for your posts.


Value For Money

Dunlop Loco Are Great For The High Handicapper Lik

Dunlop Loco are great for the high handicapper like myself. Good price, less spin.


Value For Money

The Dunlop Loco Golf Balls Have Good Distance And

The Dunlop Loco golf balls have good distance and feel in the same ball! I've used other balls for a few years now, then last summer I turned up for an early morning game with no balls. My mate had one of these LOCO's in his bag that he'd found so I started using it. I wasn't expecting much so was pleasantly surprised when it performed the same as my NXT's. After the game I checked the price and was amazed to discover I could get twice the amount of balls per box (24) for less than half the money! It's like switching brands but getting the same ball and it's not as painful when I occasionally plop one into the lake!


I found this review very helpful because it confirmed my own experience. The balls spring off the club, go the distance, and give good putting feel and control. They also seem to have more personality than the boring, po-faced balls I have previously used, though whether this influenced my sudden ability to get out of bunkers yesterday I couldn't say. I bought my first loco balls in a bargain offer. I am now completely loco.

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