Value For Money

User Reviews
Value For Money
They Are Light And Oh So Smooth When You Ride Alon
they are light and oh so smooth when you ride along the street ,actually so light that i could pick up my skateboard with 2 fingers!(how insane is that?!?:)
Value For Money
I Love Um I Got The Purple Ones And They Slide Nic
i love um i got the purple ones and they slide nice on ledges and rails and i love the hexs key boult and the trucks over all are great so go out and buy a pair right now and i mean now! and one other thing i would skate this all day they ride so nice and the truck boult never comes lose its great i love them alot and ive been skateing for about 9 years and this is the best truck i ever road on my board i have a black label with the tri lite trucks on it with the rush abc 7 yeti bearingswith mob grip trust me buy them today!!!!!!
Value For Money
The Titan Ti-lite Is The Lightest Truck Ever And T
The Titan TI-LITE is the lightest truck ever and the best
Titan Ti-lite Look Pretty Damn Cool And Rode Well
Titan TI-LITE look pretty damn cool and rode well the 1st 3 days but the pivot cups started stripping. The little pivot cups stripped the 3rd day i was riding, and now they wiggle out of control, obviously worst trucks ever had get furys
Value For Money
Very Bad, Within Two Weeks They Were Destroyed And
Very bad, within two weeks they were destroyed and made a serious pull, when i pushed it it would practically come back to me
I Have A Set Of Ti Lites And The First Day The Piv
I have a set of ti lites and the first day the pivit bushings were shot...you will not find them.
Value For Money
These Trucks Are Ok. When I Bought This Item My Pi
These trucks are ok. When i bought this item my pivot bushings were dry rotted. The colour of the bearings are great and they have made my ride smoother and much sweeter.
Value For Money
I Like It
i like it
Value For Money
Titan Ti Lites
Titan Ti Lites
Yes Titan Ti-lite Are Light And Cheap, But Most O
Yes Titan TI-LITE are light and cheap, but most of you already know that you can't even look at them without them breaking, it would be cheaper to freeze butter into the mould of a truck. Don't buy them.
yah ive sk8ted them for 2 weeks n now they are shot
I have a set of Titan Ti-Lites. I need the rubber inserts that fit in the base where the hangers attach. I've never seen any included in hardware kits. Can anyone help?
Thank You