Anti-Aging & Vitality Centers www.AntiAgingandvitality.com
Value For Money
Anti-Aging & Vitality Centers www.AntiAgingandvitality.com

User Reviews
Value For Money
The Anti-aging And Vitality Center Of Atlanta Is T
The Anti-Aging and Vitality Center of Atlanta is the best!! The staff and physicians treated me with respect but most importantly they listened to my problems and got me started on a treatment plan that has changed my life. I referred my husband and now the two of us are active and enjoying life again.
Value For Money
After Suffering For Years With Vertigo And Being T
After suffering for years with vertigo and being told that I had to adjust my life to live with it, this fantastic physician, in the Cleveland Anti-Aging & Vitality Center, pin-pointed a severe nutritional deficiency that had gone unchecked for years. The physician prescribed a medical grade supplement which I have taken without fail and I have not had any recurrent episodes of vertigo. I was fortunate. Had the deficiency gone untreated, it may have resulted in irreparable neurological damage like Dementia. Sometimes it's what you don't know that can hurt you most.
Value For Money
If You Have Not Had The Time To Check Out A New We
If you have not had the time to check out a new web site for boomers go to Anti Aging and Vitality.com. Good information on how to look at the aging process and what to do about it. I enjoyed taking the survey on my own medical history and they quickly responded with some good info.
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