Halo Combat Evolved
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Halo Combat Evolved

User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo Combat Evolved Is An Absolutely Amazing Game.
Halo Combat Evolved is an absolutely amazing game. It has the best graphics when it was released, and it still upholds that title. I bought Halo. Combat Evolved about 3 years ago and I still haven't got tired of it. If you are looking for a great science fiction shooting game, then this is the game for you. There are so many good points about the game, for example, the levels are so big and there is constantly battles to be fought, meaning you are always kept on your feet. The plot revolves around a character called Spartan 117 (aka Master Chief). Basically, the story is set in the future, where the human race discovers a Halo. This Halo is capable of destroying planets and the Covenant (evil aliens) want to use it to destroy the humans. Master Chiefs job, is to destroy the Ring.All in all this is an amazing game, with lots of hooting and killing of alien freaks (no offense meant).
Hope that this review has helped you, and I hope that when you get the game you will enjoy it.!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
What Can I Say That Has Not Already Been Said. Thi
What can I say that has not already been said. This game has been the mark of excellence to which other FPS games aspire to be. Many claim, few deliver the action and story that the original HALO lays out.
For the first 2-3 years of the XBOX consoles' life, HALO was the reason to own XBOX.
In my opinion, Halo still has grip on me now that it had when it was new.
A must own for any gamer!!!!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo Combat Evolved Is Probably The Best Shooting
Halo Combat Evolved is probably the best shooting game for any console EVER made. The gameplay is just amazing with the level maps being massive and so much for you to do shoot, steal and have fun with.
If you haven't already bought this game, I don't know why. Please do yourself a favour and get this game which turns the gaming industry upside down!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Never Really Played Shoot Em Ups But My Friend G
I never really played shoot em ups but my friend got me a deal on Halo Combat Evolved when I first brought my X box. I saved this game till last out of my bunch but when I started to play it I couldn't put it down. This is a must have game if you want an X box or have one. The graphics are quality the multiplayer is very competitive, you get to use all sorts of weapons alien weapons included. The story is great makes me wanna shoot some of those aliens myself. I have Halo 2 and I still prefer 1. A bit of advice though dnt play Halo anything less than normal because normal and above just make the game even more fun to play. Oh and do your homework first this game is addictive I just keep playing it.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo Is A Brilliant Game - Even Better Than The Se
Halo is a brilliant game - even better than the sequel. The plot is clear and the guns are look awesome and how you whack them as well. I think Halo is an inspiration to Sci-Fi shoot-em-up games and will be archived as best SCI-FI shoot game for years and yars to come
Value For Money
Addiction Level
The Only Reason I Purchased An Xbox Was For The Ha
The only reason I purchased an Xbox was for the Halo Combat Evolved game, and it was the first game I played and completed.
The graphics are stunning. The game play is smooth and it kept me interested right to the end.
If you want a reason to buy an XBox, Halo is that reason!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo Is The Most Phenomenal Game For The Xbox Gami
Halo is the most phenomenal game for the Xbox gaming system. Being one of the first games ever created for the Xbox, it remains to be the best shooter available for any console. Wonderful graphics make this game a joy to play. The Halo Combat Evolved game has 2 different sides to it - multiplayer and campaign. The campaign mode is amazing the first time through. It is long and intriguing to see the unique worlds and enemies. However, this game should truly be bought for its multiplayer. Xbox's can be system linked together to play with up to 15 other people.
This game is the most addictive shooter, and it deserves to be game of the year from now until forever.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
The Halo Combat Evolved Xbox Game Is Like The Holy
The Halo Combat Evolved Xbox game is like the Holy Grail to all gamers!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I'm Not One For X-box Games, No Offence, But When
I'm not one for X-box games, no offence, but when I played Halo, it was awesome. It is a very good game. Halo 2 was also good, but I liked Halo 1 a little bit better.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo Combat Evolved Made Me Get An Xbox, And I Hav
Halo Combat Evolved made me get an Xbox, and I have had the box and this game since it popped its head up in the UK gaming world, I have bought more games since obviously, but I will never sell or swap Halo, even after the Xbox dies and go to heaven, hopefully this will never happen!!
(Use phat speakers).
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